TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • blonduck

    Here it is, I hope it help you, also, I did two system, so, you can select one or other, and toggle disable on the old system.

    Also, if you want something better and improved, I need more information to meet the requirements =]

    EDITED: Avoid one thing!!! I edited the collision polygons of your "area" to meet the circle, because it was a square, and the mouse will check only the polygon area inside the image editor and not the sprite pixeled area.

  • No problem Whiteclaws, your logic maybe valid when using AS3 and flash, or C# or C++.

    I was worried because it had a huge impact on how I teach and use C2.

  • use the "trigger once while true" and put the objects what you want to test inside a family, or make one check for each object.

    You can use an instance variable ID to meet the exactly object you wanted check too. Ready these tutorials, it will help:

  • I'll be at home in +1 hour, so, I do the sample for you too, and you can have two references! that's great!!! =P

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I believe in all the behaviors, but, to make this kinda of game I usually use the platform behavior when the terrain is irregular and the custom movement when not.

    That's simple to use the platform behavior, bullet and sine behaviors, but I prefer the custom movement because it will use all their variables, while the platform will need a better AI.

    so, if your terrain is in line, go ahead and use the bullet behavior. Set the direction of movement (your sprite always start moving of left to right) and make the conditionals meet the collision events to change their sprites for a fight animations, while setup the speed to 0, easy like this!

  • Please, blonduck, provide me the CAPX and I will fill it with a sample code for you, because it's too much longer to write on a post, and there I can comment the code.

  • So, simple use the Vertical shoot example of Construct 2, the sample uses the Touch events and a custom movement system made by Ashley or

    If you look inside it, and on all other samples provided with the Construct, you'll learn a lot of how the events works =]

  • The "is overlapping" is a good conditional.

  • Tutorials > Beginner > Tips-and-Tricks > Offline games in Construct 2

    Thanks Ashley , very helpful Tut .

    I was sure I Posted this ? yesterday , but today can't find it , so here goes .

    Once I get a game running offline on my (win7) computer ,

    Could I just zip it up and provide the zip file to other (win7) users for their offline play ?

    I am looking for the simplest way to make a game available to others .


    The simplest way of doing it is share with the exporter in EXE, so, you can send the EXE zipped file to all your friends via pen-drive, CD, DVD or diskette, and if your friends have internet access, use the HTML5 and host it on Dropbox or google drive.

  • and reading the manual also helps:

  • Kiira

    I'm with troubles dealing with short time to make maps for Equilibrium and the game stuck on this step.

    Do you know the "Tiled" editor? I need help of a mapper to make maps using the Tiled (the tileset/mapset/mosaic I can provide).

    If you have interest in help, it would be great and very welcome!

  • and/or, put on the conditions the "run once while true", it's on the system sub selection menu.

  • Kyatric, excellent job on the university!

    I'm thinking about it and never occur something strange on creating and setting up an action where two or more objects are created and configured.

    But, it need a re-test with two objects of the same type (Example: two bullets) with different configuration from each other (example, an spaceship shooting two bullets, but one go 90? and the next one go 270?).

    So, the code could be (and was what I would make):


    On touch screen

    Actions > Create bullet on layer "Game";

    Set bullet angle of motion to 90;

    Create bullet on layer "Game";

    Set bullet angle of motion to 270;

    Later I say what happened...

  • ,

    For example:


    On Touch screen;

    Every 0.01 second;


    move sprite 1 pixel toward position to Touch object;

  • You can right click on the frame list, inside the animation editor, and select "Import Frames" and select them all by holding shift or CTRL (the last one is to individual multi selection)