TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • I used your game on local preview, and it's working perfectly, and submitting the score as needed.

    What you want is implement the system to request the whole score table and show your position on it?

    Test and say if it worked.

  • I think on the runtime, every image will be treated as a bitmap, independent of his file type, and will occupy the same memory size. But, for download, it could save a lot of download!

    Did you tried use "Tiled" with its plugin?

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  • You're talking about the performance when the game is on preview or on the internet?

    I'm also interest in learn/know the solution too, because my next task is make a RPG game =\</p>

  • The manual is here: but without any CAPX We are unable to help you, because We have no code to analyse.

  • unclejunkie the game have potential! Do you have plans and road-maps or is doing the game by inspiration?

  • supajackle by the title I was thinking about the full screen and the game screen alignment inside it =]

    Why you don't design it at the top of the current screen position, instead of the bottom? CTRL + A and select all the things inside the canvas to move them to the top.

    Different of ramones solution, I had designed my vertical scrolling game on the canvas and everything on top of it, BUT, the canvas camera is static and what move is the scenario, going down by the math:

    every tick: Scenario.Y = Scenario.Y+(Variable)

    But I could use: move Scenario toward angle 90 degrees by 1 pixel;

    Where Scenario is a Family, and I checked with code another thing:

    Scenario is outside layout and Scenario.Y > 0 = Destroy Scenario;

    So, I move everything inside the scenario family, and it contains the asteroids, clouds, obstacles and the backgrounds, I aligned all of them by the top and created them via canvas and/or events, so I don't populate my screen with thousand of sprites while not necessary, using them only when on purpose and destroying them when not.

  • I am making a dog simulation game. I had a lot of info about the problem written, but my computer turned off and all I wrote wasn't saved. So shortly:Why can't I use the "on collision with another object" and the "Keyboard: On Z pressed" conditions on the same event?

    fassFlash, because they are all triggers, you can't trigger something while is checking another trigger, or the player would play them at the same exactly, I said exactly, not simultaneous, time, what is very improbably, because the engine run at a ultra high speed comparing with Our hands.

    That make sense for you?

    Instead of using two trigger, use one check condition and one trigger, like:

    Keyboard: Key Z "IS DOWN" and them check the trigger condition, "ON" collision with another object.

  • newt , was you who has a dog gravatar? I'm missing it, was hilarious the dog face!

    brentcee23, like czar said, the easiest way is setup an sprite with all the frames you need and them place it on the canvas and set his first animation for what you want. It's a bit useless if you have a barrel with animation and want put more type of sprites inside it, but for static objects, it works great!

    Also, you can change them via code, using the action "set animation frame".

  • This was on CAPX or folder saved state?

  • > I'm with troubles dealing with short time to make maps for Equilibrium and the game stuck on this step.


    > Do you know the "Tiled" editor? I need help of a mapper to make maps using the Tiled (the tileset/mapset/mosaic I can provide).


    > If you have interest in help, it would be great and very welcome!

    TELLES0808 I've been fiddling with Tiled lately. Not a pro mapper but I can help you instead if you want.


    Sure, I want!

    I'll provide more information for you today on the evening.

  • Provide a CAPX to help us clarify what you said.

    Also, is a good practice make a text on the screen and setup it to refresh every tick with all the common and used variables, events, etc, also, I call it as "Debug".

    Always when I want follow the progress of something, I update my debug text box to meet what I want, like the time played, the variable count/toggle, etc.

  • Hello!

    I would like to know what WEBGL effect can be used to make that ghost animation, in other words, an clone of the object multiplied while the object is on movement. I'm wanting to use the effects because make it via code is not so elegant =P

    The intent is make the animation on the stage start, while the scenario speed is high, to give the impression of a high speed like the Star Trek movie.

    I was clear on the explanation?

    Feel free to test the game and watch where the animation will be placed when you hit "Start Game"

  • lol, this is a plugin missing a feature, why you don't ask the developer to make this action/condition for you?

  • You can simple modify the "repeat count" on the event sheet or configure it when inside the image editor, it will loop the number of times your configured inside the repeat count.

    also, don't forget to configure the event to "trigger once while true"...

  • skyhunter93 don't miss to give away from the gravity (it should be = 0)..