TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • If you're looking for mobile assets, chibi like, try the RPGMaker assets, they are free if you have a valid license and for commercial use you can pay an extra tax and use it with C2.

    RPG Maker have thousand of assets, characters and effects.

  • Gimp, Paint tool SAI, Adobe Fireworks, ShoeBOX and so on. I avoid Adobe because they are expensive and with more than necessary features.

    If you want high resolution animations, try use the manga studio, also known by Clip Paint Studio, it's cheap, powerful and have everything you need to make animations using vectors, pixels and more.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • TELLES0808


    > Spawning sprites with Fade behavior and aligned to the moving direction.


    Close! It's actually two layers of sprites. Larger ones in back with one color and smaller ones in front with another color. That way you get the outline without it overlapping the previous piece of tunnel.

    And no animations or anything, I just set the sprite's scale based on it's own alpha value and let the fade behavior do the rest.

    And nice water!

    Thank you, by the way, your work is amazing and your game behaviors are clever and innovative, I'm fan of your workb

  • That's true =]

    But lerp have some tricks: ... delta-time

    And you can't reverse time using lerp =D ... r-to-braid

  • I need to avoid you about the efficience of this method:

    • It's not efficient;
    • Will consume a lot of CPU usage dealing with each object and ordering it;
    • The easiest way to do it is using family

    Now, answering your doubt:

    Try use it only on start of layout and when spawning the trees. Don't spawn trees over the entire layout, it will use precious resources for nothing. Limit it to the visualization area.

    Sort it by its Y position and place the tree origin point on the top instead of the bottom, use another image point on the bottom if you want manipulate the trunk by there.

    Sort the trees and branch by using "For each ordered" and select the trees, ordering by its Y position. The action should be "Place on the top", that's it.

  • In addition to the answers, I want share something: ... pick-13549

    In this example with sample CAPX you'll be able to learn how to deal with UID and how to pick it, also, how to filter conditions using it and achieve anything you want to manipulate the desired object.

    For example, you want the player picking the right car? Simple, on collision with this car (trigger, not a permanent checking) set it's UID to the Global variable.

    Now you're able to pick this car by filtering it in the condition.

    Condition: Pick by Evaluate -> Car with Car.UID = GlobalVariableCar

    So, you want its X and Y to update the player position inside the car? Improve with.

    Condition: Pick by Evaluate -> Car with Car.UID = GlobalVariableCar

    Action: Pin Player to Car;

    (it will pin the player to the car, better than using resource with updating every tick, who will consume your CPU more than pin, also, pin have priority over updating position)


    Action: Set Player Position to Car.X,Car.Y;

    (Don't worry, when you filtered the car UID, it's dealing only with him, but avoid update something everytick, use pin instead, it's more efficient)

    That's it.

  • If you're using jump-thru platforms, just check if the player is overlapping it with a vertical offset, so, you'll make him go upper and he will simple fall over the platform with the platform behavior. Make sure to check the climbing events are not triggering when the player is out of the ladder, rope, etc.

  • Set its gravity to 0 while climbing and reset it when pressing side keys.

  • the wait action is not working? store the player position into an array and it will order and run them when the time end.

    I did a little sample for you: ... ower-13553

    You can exchange it with the player rotation and more by add a Y row in the array and updating its row with the variable you want stored.

  • Congrats, the game is amazing.

  • As far as I know, you can't change the container in runtime, once setuped, always the items inside them will be the same and created with the main object, destroyed with the main objects and affected by it in every way.

    Containers are used, for example, in a tower of a Tank, where the tank will always have a tower, but if you want upgrade this tank, you'll need to spawn the upgrade, set it's position and pin it.

    But to know where it is and for who it belongs, you should use a instance variable or an array to store the information.

  • No problem. I was working in a sample to update my tutorial and place here a link. ... pick-13549

  • 99Instances2Go, I'm talking about the first question and how to pick something spawned whenever you want and not just when creating a new object using containers, because it will not work for everything here need...

    He want pick a sprite when desired after spawning it and check the variables inside it, and how to do it is exactly what I have written.

    I need to pick the "part"s after I just created them. It seams, however that they can't be picked. I don't understand that, since I can pick another sprite also just created. The reason I have a hard time working around this is because my spawning system consists of multiple functions that are called in succession and something like a hundred or so variables for everything.

    (Individual part size, how connectors are spawned and positioned, animations, and angle for them, several armor, shield and health values, total enemies spawned, and in what formation, their angle and movements, variables to determines behavior for those, weapon position, sizes, numbers, angles, cool-downs, etc. And other stupidly complicated **** for someone like me.)

  • > Been working on a platformer inspired by a weird combination of Dig Dug and Ecco the Dolphin. I don't have a title yet.




    wow, looks great. love the art and use of particles. how are you creating the tunnel as she digs it? is it an overlay mask thing?

    Spawning sprites with Fade behavior and aligned to the moving direction.

    I'm working on a water behavior =]