Tekniko's Forum Posts

  • It doesn't matter what behaviors your sprite has be it Pathfinding, 8 Direction, or something else. Double click on your sprite to open the image editor. On the right hand side you will see an Animation Window. I would go into more detail but this link will answer all of your questions.

    https://www.scirra.com/manual/48/image- ... ons-editor

  • Although Google Play Services is not supported outside of a browser, you could still use the multiplayer plugin and just store the information on your own server.

  • CocoonJS was terribad! I am happy that I won't have to answer any more support questions for CJS.

  • I can relate to the Fade-to-black aspect. I hate that I have to add in that full-screen image just so I can have a simple effect.

  • Create an image the same size at the viewport. Paint the edges the colour you want and leave the middle transparent. Then place that image on a new layer, above all other layers, and set the Paralax of said layer to 0, 0.

  • Not made is C2? That's disappointing.

  • 1. How is the game running? (Does it run fast? is it slow, or does it lagg?)

    Seems to run at full speed on my PC. Some things in the game are slow by default. For example, waiting to go to the next level is boring. I wanna click and go!

    2. Is any of the levels to hard to complete?

    Seemed easy to me.

    3. Any other bugs? (Facebook login, payments, or invites?)

    The game will continually try to fill up the entire screen. I understand why but the height of the window is ignored, which ***** for us widescreen users.

    4. What you think we could make better in the game!

    Background music.

  • First thing that pops into my head; power ups. Like PAC man when he eats a cherry. You could get bonus points for eating the fly traps. So the challenge is still there and there's an incentive to switch up your play style while not changing the mechanics.

  • You are never too old to do anything. Being 30 I already notice an invisible wall between myself and many others in the indie community. But that doesn't stop me. I've just gotten used to working on my own.

    As for a saturated market, I disagree. Everyday millions of people try video games for the first time and everyday more games come off the shelf making room for new technologies, art design, and mechanics. I sometimes ask my self, has this game been made? Nope? Keep working on I then.

    Being original is the only thing you need to worry about. When you start making Flappy Bird clones then you are just setting yourself up for failure.

    Hope I made some sense, I'm super tired.

  • Wow, cool game. Simple and fun, reminds me of Flappy Bird but not annoying. Keep up the good work.

  • New tutorial up!

    Functions to control a Pause Menu

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Export for HTML5 and upload it to your website, or Kongregate or the Arcade. Depends where you want it to be hosted.

  • Your layout size can be anything you want. Your Window size, if uploading it to the Scirra Arcade, cannot exceed 800 pixels wide.

    As for a "recommended" window size, you need to figure out your target device. If it's a mobile game you may want to keep it smaller like, 800x480 or 400x240. If you are targeting PCs you may want to start with a common 16:9 resolution. I think 1280x1024 is the new most commonly used resolution.

  • Two people above me are correct but I would like to add that you need to narrow your question down. Controlling the fire rate of weapons and their damage amounts is already a very big answer and will take an extended amount of time to explain to someone... "new".

  • If you are using the Intel XDK, go look in your project settings. Under Cordova Plugins click Plugins and Permissions. Click Third Party Plugins. Then click the link "Explore the Apache Cordova Plugins Registry".

    You'll find the AdMob plugin here.

    http://plugins.cordova.io/#/package/com ... n.ad.admob