TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • Well after uninstalling and reinstalling it the problem seems to be gone

  • It's been a while since I did anything in C2 and today when I start using it my keyboard gets messed up and stops working, forcing me to reboot my pc. Anyone else having these problems?

  • Those are some great ideas! thanks, I'll continue trying them out.

  • Hello!

    I'm trying to make a game for iOS/android but it seems that touch events in Construct 2 are too slow to have a game where you are supposed to tap moving objects (unless they are moving really slow) to destroy them. I have tested on multiple devices using both cocoonjs and intelXDK.

    Is anyone else having the same issues?

  • So far it has not done anything to generate downloads.. the idea is that you get credits for showing ads for other games/apps in their network and those credits are spent when your game is advertised by the others, and those credits go FAST so the initial problem remains: getting downloads.. I´ll give it a few more weeks but if there is no improvement I'll just go back to showing regular ads from Admob.

    edit: credits are spent on impressions and clicks regardless if they lead to downloads or not wich I think is the major problem.

  • Seems like the only way to get rid of sound and touch lag (yes the touch events lag quite a bit to) on android is to make actual native apps/games.

    edit: on the brighter side crosswalk has improved on these issues over time

  • I have decided to test the crosspromotion adnetwork TappX since I read about it here in the forums somewhere. It was very easy to setup using the admob plugin just make sure you export with cordova/IntelXDK Crosswalk. Yes they are new but I thought it couldn't hurt to give it a go and they were very helpful with any questions I had. Hopefully this will turn out to be a good option for someone like me who doesn't have alot of money to spend on promoting my games. I'll come back in a couple of weeks and give an update.


  • I moved my project over to crosswalk and got it working nicely. Everything you need to know is here:

  • I have setup adunits in admob, inserted the adunits id's into the plugin object in C2 then on start of layout I preload them and then try to display them in the game.

    Game was exported to IntelXDK and there made into apk with "signed" unchecked. After that I have signed and aligned the apk and then I install it directly to my android devices but when I test it no ads appear. Everything else works fine like achievements, leaderboard etc.

    From what I have read about the admob plugin no manual adding of it is needed in the buildsetting in XDK right?

    Please help if you can



    Got some help over at the Shatter-Box site, turns out I had select it in the "Featured plugins" section.

  • Have anyone done this before?

    I have added the admob plugin (removed the cocoonjs plugin) and inserted the adunit id from admob to it but when I export it with crosswalk, sign and align the apk and test it directly on my devices

    admob wont load the ads. Any thoughts?


  • Put any objects you want to destroy with taps into a family, then change your event to use that family instead of the sprites.

    Thanks again!

    This was a huge help for me

  • If they're the same object type, add "Pick top instance" from your sprite's conditions to the "On tap" event.

    Thank you very much!!!!!

    But what if they are not the same object type?

  • if two sprites are partially overlapping how can I make a tap event that only destroys the top one if that is the one that is tapped?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I am afraid there aren't any but try this link :

    Go through this link , its easy to follow. If you still don't get it , either way I was thinking to do a easy to understand tutorial on cocoonjs and google play services and I wlll do it within 2-3 days of you can wait.

    That would be so great! Until then I will check out the link you provided

  • Does anyone know of any good videotutorials that shows how to use Google play services (and facebook) with CocoonJS or IntelXDK? I´ve been trying to figure it out but always find myself in an endless loop. What do I do first? Must I have a finnished game published and then setup leaderboards and acheivements at google and them add them into the game and update it? Can I set them up while I´m creating the game? All very confusing.. to me anyway

    All the written tutorials I have found so far only explains the C2 side of it.

    Any help/advice on this would be most welcome
