TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • Yep! works much better now, thanks!

  • I just checked my taskmanager and discovered that it was invaded by 30+ instances of nw running and using memory.

    I'm guesing something is wrong but the question is what to do about it?

    Anyone else experiencing the sam thing?

  • Decided to put in some banner ads but they keep flashing on and off all the time. Have tested in developer app and in compiled apk.. same result. any thoughts on that.

    Oh yes by the way, have tested my sound and music buttons and now they work great so thanks for all the help with that!

  • yea you don't try to control the volume.. use the tag in your audio.. call it.. "music" for example.. then you use the pause command and refer it by that tag.. pause / resume respectively.

    Thanks! Got it working now so I can have seperate toggles for music and sound. I'll have to test it more tomorrow to make sure but now its 4:30 am here so I'm going to bed

  • Setting audio to silent have no effect on background music in cocoonIO, just the sound effects. Trying to make a toggle button for the music. Any thoughts?

  • In that case I think it's either or.. go to their site and ask them in their support chat, thats how I found out that it won't work with cocoonIO and they seem like a helpful bunch.

  • Thanks guys, was sketching on a game where something like this would be nice. Will make sure to try you suggestions when I start building it.

  • Like a beam that adjusts it self if something is put between the beam emitter and its target.

  • well I don't have any music in the game yet, it broke all audio and soon after the game crashed. This was while using the developer app though, later I will test with a compiled apk.

  • That depends on what wrapper (cocoonIO or Intel XDK) you will be using since appodeal doesn't work with CocoonIO.

  • Have anyone experienced in game audio being broken after dismissing an video ad using cocoonIO ?

  • I don't see how I could optimize "when button is pressed -> play sound" xdk or cocoon is irrelevant, xdk has less sound lag.

  • I just tested one of my smaller projects with and the result is not very good. The sound lags by about 0.3 seconds and just moving one small sprite makes the fps drop through the floor! Intel XDK has much better performance until ads are implemented, then the audio breaks completely. So as of right now there are no usable ways for exporting to mobile. The need for native mobile exporters is getting more urgent every day!

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  • Yep that was way easier, now my headache is gone Thanks!

  • This video shows what I need to do:

    Just can't figure out how to do it