TD Bauer's Forum Posts

  • Pretty confident I fixed the animation issue with the player character stepping off of ladders. Uploaded a new game version with the fix. Play tested it all the way through the game and never had the bug show up... so I think it is squashed.

    Again, thanks for the feedback everybody.

    I made this game as a test for myself to get familiar with Construct 2 and the Programming Flow... also as a first game I plan to put in the game bundle I am giving away to the little kids in my family this coming Christmas. Will probably make a harder version with the health bar and powerups in the months to come for the older kids. Will post that updated version when I get to it. As for now, been working on a top down shooter blasting Nazis.

  • Thanks for taking a look and the feedback. Looking into fixing the bug a few have reported at the top of the ladders. Spent an hour on that today but wasn't able to isolate the issue. More time to tackle it tomorrow.

  • FYI - added sound to picking up items.....not sure if I like it though.

  • HAHAHA.... I like it. I probably would have been better at it about ten to fifteen years ago when my hand eye coordination was better than it is now. Sucks getting old.

  • Thanks Tesla! It was a fun learning experiment. Thanks for looking!

    I did originally have the jump command on the up arrow. Just turned off the jump command when the character was overlapping a ladder and then they could still use the up arrow to climb up as well, but then I discovered that if the character was overlapping a ladder and there was a need to jump to dodge a dart they wouldn't be able to jump and would get hit. So I switched it back to the way it is now.

    I toiled with the idea of a life bar too. I figured the little kids in my family who I made it the game for might struggle a bit with getting killed, so I made the game for 'point loss' only where they could compete against each other for a high score - I should add a top ten high score page where players can enter their names. As of right now when ported to Windows the game only remembers the single best high score. It's also only 5 levels, not very long. I think I will go back and make a bigger version and a little harder for older players with the life bar.

    My new project I am in the middle has been sucking up a lot of my spare time, top down shooter... maze runner... shotgun armed player... Nazi scum to deal with.

  • It is my first build. Used it as a learning tool to get familiar with using Construct 2.

    Free on the arcade:

    for people with keyboards...

    Hoping it doesn't suck too much for a first attempt. No programming experience, just an old gamer kid from the 80s who misses his C64 and Amiga 500.

  • Okay...after ten more hours of painful struggling, I think I have it figured out.

    I created group events for each object family type I wanted to utilize the progress search bar for. Then I simply activated/deactivated the group events depending on which object type the character was overlapping to perform the 'search' on.

    Seems to be working as I need it to... sooo....I guess I am good to go.

    Just wanted to leave an update so people wouldn't jump into something and waste time on my solved issue.


  • Still working on this. I tried creating search bar functions for each of the object families separate from each family, but not good. It still only works just fine for the family group that is supposed to reveal access keys (which is the last event entries). So somehow the events for searching objects with 'access keys' is taking precedent over the events for the object that would reveal a negative search.

    My programming knowledge is limited to some BASIC back in the C64 days. But is seems like I need a GOTO or ELSE statement...just not sure what I am doing wrong.

  • Hi All,

    Only a month into using Construct 2 and hit a small snag on my second game build. CAPX link below:

    I am making a top down shooter that requires the player to search objects on the layout in order to find a "access key" to access a door that advances to the next layout. There are a variety of object, all similar in appearance to the player, some that will turn up no results when searched, and others that will. I have the object that will not result in success linked as a family. When I tested the layout they all worked as required; a search bar timer would display and after three seconds the search result would turn up empty. As I said everything worked hunt fine. BUT THEN I created the events for the objects that would result in finding an access key when searched. This also worked as I intended, but once these new events were in place and working, the previous family events for the 'empty' objects stopped working.

    Been wracking my brain for a couple days, searching the manual, trying different things to make both object types work, but no good. I am thinking it must be an easy fix, but I just am lost after a dozen hours of trying to figure it out.

    CAPX below... any advice would be greatly welcome.

    When starting the CAPX the objects directly to the right of the character are supposed to be able to searched and found 'empty' (used to work, now doesn't).

    While the objects just below those (they look the same) are searchable and result in finding an access key... which works, but now the other objects above don't.



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  • Hi Everybody,

    Been messing around with Construct 2 for about a month or better now. Made a couple platform games for my grand-kids and have been having a great time in the process. I grew up in my teen with a C64 and later an Amiga 500, and like the idea of making some retro looking games for some of my old gamer pals.

    TD Bauer

  • Great tileset - thanks for creating it! Been having a blast the last couple days messing around and getting a feel for it. Looking forward to putting it to some good use making an adventure platformer for my step-grandkids. I really like the retro look...

  • Old gamer here, forty-two years and counting. Just looking to recapture some of my youth from the glory days of the C64 and Amiga years. Loved playing those old school RPGs like Legacy of the Ancients as well as the platformers like Shadow of the Beast trilogy.

    Messed around back in the day with some game making on the C64, but never took it serious. Thought it might be fun to try my hand at making some of my own platformers on Construct 2 and giving them away to the step-grandkids for Christmas this coming year. Hopefully I can pick this up quick. Watched several tutorials on You Tube and followed along with the online tutorials as well. So far so good.

    Just saying hi...

    TD Bauer