Taurian's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    My game makes use of SocketIO for multiplayer support. Is it possible to still have it hosted on the Arcade?

    If not, is it possible to have it hosted on my own website but use an IFrame/Canvas like solution on the arcade? Like a facebook app?


  • hhhhhhhhhhh

    <img src="http://barefootfts.com/assets/images/userPics/1300211280_5641.jpg" border="0" />

  • Is this correct?

    By Scale Option, do you mean Fullscreen in Browser: Scale (Highlighted Below)

    <img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/s0v9e8.png" border="0" />

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  • I searched and came across this. Is there a way to add vector graphics? I have a map as well but when I zoom in, the texture is just terrible.

  • iPad 2 and earlier: 768x1024

    iPad 3+: 1536x2048

    If we design our sprites for the iPad3, does that mean they will automatically look terrible on an iPad2?

    Or should we focus on the common denominator instead? (iPad2)

  • The plugin tends to act up when you change to a different layout.

    It's almost like the entire app just freezes.

    Have you encountered an issue like this and know of a remedy?

  • Ashley was not suggesting adding solid behavior to your airplane sprite, but that you turn it off on the wall that the plane is colliding with if you don't want it to bounce at that time.

    In my example the ball goes through the walls when you left click (which turns off bounce off walls) only because the ball was placed in the layout before the walls. If you want it to go over the walls, just move the walls to the bottom of the z order. (Or you could put the ball on a layer above the wall layer.)

    I updated the project so that it has the walls at the bottom. The ball flies right over the walls when you left click, and bounces off the walls when you right click.

    Note that any changes you make to one bullet behavior you should make to the other bullet behavior. That is why I copied the angle of motion from one to the other when switching behaviors. That would also apply to speed.

    Both objects aren't bullets, and we can't allow other objects but the plane pass so this wouldn't work.

    The easiest solution is to adjust that parameter for the bullet behavior on the plane using the event sheet. You can adjust others, but not this one parameter unless I'm just missing it...

  • Just click where it says "Yes", in the "Bounce off Solids" parameter and select "No".

    How do you do this as an action?

  • You can also create two bullet behaviors on your sprite -- one with bounce enabled and one disabled as in the following capx.


    Left click to disable bounce, right click to enable. Try to reach the key.

    The problem, is that I use the bullet behavior to move the object. It's a plane, so I want it to "Fly" over solid objects essentially.

  • You could try disabling the solid behavior on the solid objects.

    The object originally didn't have the "solid" behavior, it had the bullet behavior.

    So I added the solid behavior and at the right time fired off the action "Set Solid Disabled"

    But no luck, it still runs into solids.

    It's the bullet behavior and it's "Bounce off Solids" parameter.

    How do I turn that one off?

  • I'm having this same problem. I add the combobox and when the layout starts, add values. But I can't Click the box, or select it or anything.


  • Hello,

    I'm trying to turn off the "Bounce off Solids" parameter via an event. It's like it's missing that option. I can set everything else, like gravity, and speed, but not this option.

    Or maybe i'm missing it somewhere.

    Can you help?

  • <img src="http://images.fungopher.com/C/s/T/CsTjTzofb/Funny-Animals-I-give-up-I-m-too-tired-to-argue.jpg" border="0" />

    Post a .capx

  • hah - Success

    24 Points, i'm not sure at what point this would be a problem for an iPad... and when there are over 30 objects on screen.

    Well one problem at a time.

    <img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/fau0cg.jpg" border="0" />

  • SocketIO doesn't connect via http, try using a ip address instead.

    I also think the default port is 8099 and not 80(http).

    When you get the black screen of death fixed, post a capx.