tarik00555's Forum Posts

  • You can set the layout size to anything, It won't cause any performance issues. If you meant the resolution of the game screen it's worth checking out this link:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/73/sup ... reen-sizes

  • In your project options check if you have pixel rounding set to off. Setting it to on will probably fix your problem.

  • Yup! Simply rounding the values fixed the problem. Thanks a lot!

  • I saw someone recreate Gauntlet in Javascript earlier today and I decided to try to do the same. I started about 20 minutes ago, and I ran into this strange problem with the animations. The way they are set up is that instead of responding to user input I check for 8 Direction's VectorX and VectorY variables so I can reuse the same animation code for the player and for other stuff. Anyways, it didn't work... Thankfully, I've gotten into a habit of opening my project in debug mode first and I noticed that when I press the up arrow VectorY is set to 100, and the Player object's X variable is changing correctly, however I also noticed that VectorX variable was set to like -6.32482347( ) or something but it's not applying to the player position. I just want to know if I somehow screwed something up, or my Construct 2 version is just wierd(I haven't updated in a while). I'll try update to the newest version to see if it fixes my issue...

    Update: I've downloaded the latest version, and it didn't fix the problem. These 'fantom numbers' are added when I go down, left or up.

    I also forgot to upload to .capx file...

  • *bump

  • You're right, you can use global variables for that, and I think that you don't want to sync those variables since they are supposed to be different for everybody. Not everything is supposed to be synced too(imagine the host syncing everybody's scrollx and scrolly variables, everyone's camera woulb be looking at the same thing).

  • I was trying to learn multiplayer and I got through the second tutorial fin. I understood the concepts. I tried to implement my own version and I made it so the host is seperated from the client. The host sees controls like kick and stuff and the clients chat. The thing is I was testing this by clicking preview several times, and it worked perfectly. Once the client connects it is supposed to say "Welcome to medieval Bosnia, <peer_alias>." Today I decided to try this out with my friend and he gets the message, but we can't chat, the host never recieves his chat message... Up until now, I tought I understood everything perfectly...

    Thanks in advance,


  • in your condition "left mouse button is down" you can add another condition "every X seconds" and just input the amount of seconds you want to pass before the event fires.


  • The Game: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/267089024/World%20of%20Tylia/index.html

    I started this small project as a test to see how does the pathfinding behaviour work, since I usually build platformer styled games. Soon I added a main menu(it had a nice tunnel effect, but I removed it because it made all of the sprites to render incorrectly*), next I added a functional character creation system.

    The most interesting thing(atleast, to me) is the interaction system with the NPC's. Over the past few months there's been a lot to do for school, so I used Construct 2 mainly to test animations of random sprites I find on the internet and such. So, it's been a long time since I created anything that is even remotely complicated. It's very easily extendable. Basicaly, you add an event sheet for an NPC and then the only thing you need to do is:

    <NPC_name> is interacting <do_this>
    <else> <do_that>[/code:30zrnds3] 
    You can add all the other stuff in the NPC's event sheet, like random movement or approach the player. 
    There is also a day and night system. Everything is tinted with black from 18:00 to 06:00. It also gradually increases the opacity to make a nice transition effect.
    Some screenshots:
    [i]After clicking on an NPC we first move to it's location.[/i]
    [i]On arriving we start interacting. The signpost's code tells it to show it's info above itself, but we could've made it explode or anything else.[/i]
    [i]We march bravely to the next signpost.[/i]
    [i]The signpost tells the player how to pan the camera.[/i]
    I'm also posting the .capx file. If I update the game with anything major, I'll post it here, and you are free to do whatever you want with it. As I mentioned before I'm still in school and I create games purely for my own enjoyment and,  regardless of that, I have a lot of essays and tests to do in the coming weeks so I doubt I'll do much with it. It's better if I post it here, so someone can find some use in it then keeping it on my hardrive... alone... forgotten...    
    Here's the .capx:
    [attachment=0:30zrnds3][/attachment:30zrnds3] (Please note that I'm using Lofi's sprites and they aren't royalty free)
    *The 3D Tunnel Effect: [url]http://gameswarp.com/studio/category/shader-effects/page/2/[/url] (There are many other neat effects here too)
    I'll be glad to hear what you guys think.
    P.S: I forgot to mention that the options menu is disfunctional. Sorry.
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  • I started this little project simply out of boredom and curiosity. It's a small "level editor"(there isn't a game, so it's really only an imitation). I thought that it worked nicely and that, maybe, I could use it for my main project sometimes later.

    Anyway, the problem is that when placing blocks, the ones below it don't get destroyed. I've placed a block counter in the layout, and since the block placing event triggers every 0.01s it places 6 blocks if you place only once. This problem didn'y really become evident until I implemented the basic radius function thingy. Thousands upon thousands of blocks would be placed in a matter of seconds. My laptop doesn't like it that much, and I'm sure other people's pc's would't like either.

    I've tried doing:

    If block is overlapping another block destroy block[/code:3755xmmm]
    I'm not entirely sure if this piece of code destroys the block that is above or below, since in my case it does neither.
    Of course, the capx: (sorry for the messy code, as I mentioned before, I did this purely out of boredom and curiosity)
    [url=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/267089024/Editor.capx]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/267 ... ditor.capx[/url]
    In short, I would like to know how to destroy all instances of an object that are below another instance of the same object upon creation.
  • Thanks a lot for such a detailed reply. I heard of tilemaps, but I never looked into them, but I will now.

  • Well, I made a terrain generator in C++(I already posted this in a similiar topic). It is a very simple method. I used pseudo cursor(an integer) which is placed half way down the screen and adds a random number to it(like from 5 to 16), then it places the 'block', increases the number by 1, places another block and so on until it reaches the bottom of the screen. Then we add one to the X coordinate and repeats the same process again, and again until it reaches the far right of the screen.

    I tried this in Construct 2 and the first thing I got was just a black screen, then I made it so that, instead of placing the blocks all over the screen, it repeats the actions 80 times and I get 18 FPS. So I want to know why is this so CPU-intensive.

    Also, in my other game I place clouds that are bigger sprites, apply movement and collision detection and the game runs just fine(60 FPS) and it loads in 0.0001 seconds, too.


    For the C++ terrain generator:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    The other game(Invasion of planet Zork): http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2670 ... index.html

    EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to put the example!

    Here it is:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/267 ... cency.capx

  • First of all here's a link to my game:


    If you attack the jugs most of the time more than one number will appear even if you only attack one jug. The first thing I thought was the problem is that I made a invisible hitbox for the sword that will appear twice: once when the sword is diagonal, and then again when it is horizontal(as soon as I wrote this I made it so the first hit box destroys before the second one appears and it didn't work).

    Here's the project download so you can look at the events yourself:

    Capx Download

    Thanks for all the help in advance. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    EDIT: The controls for the game are WASD and K for attacking!

    EDIT 2: SOLVED! I made the event check for collisions every 0.1 seconds instead of it automaticaly checking the event every tick.

  • bumping once again...