tarek2's Forum Posts

  • simstratic

    Thanks for all the tips and for taking the time but I already did all that and as I explained once you start tweaking the second part it will mess up the first part so I cannot have both balanced as I need at least on my case. But is not the first time that I have problems with the collision that the bullet has when I tried to use it with different games so is not only this Game that we need to focus, I'm talking more generally.


    Looks like is the way to go creating your own systems

  • Thanks a lot Rojoh

    I changed the events to the one you described but I still can get the balls to move after another Ball collides with it

    It looks like the "Impact Value to Push the other Balls" Which depends on the Force of impact is still not taking into account or I may be doing the events wrongly

    Here is an example what I was trying do :

    This is what I got so far:


  • Woow!!

    "Rohjo" you are a lifesaver this is absolutely beautiful )))

    I was almost gonna give up this mini-project that I wanted to finish quickly as it was getting too ridiculous complicated I haven't slept in a week and again you save me always in the critical moments.

    I'm so glad that you are still around to give us all those cool stuff.

    I'm just having a bit of issue trying to integrate it with the Bullet behaviour which is the one I choose for the Balls movements which you recommended in another thread by using this equation:


    And acceleration = -200

    As I found it the simplest and I like the results better than the physics

    The mechanic that I'm looking to do is like "8 ball Billar" like the second capx I posted above.

    So you shoot a ball and if hits another ball the impact will make them move the distance depends on how hard was hit by the other ball until they stop, so I guess I will need to calculate starting from the speed of the first ball? and not sure how this can be done.

    Also I'm not sure how to feed the results into the bullet,

    I tried:

    Set bullet Speed To : Self.Bullet.Speed + distance( Self.X, Self.Y, self.X+self.vx*dt,self.y+self.vy*dt)

    Set Bullet Angle of Motion To = a

    And I placed on the sub-events that are marked as "Bounce" and still didn't work I must be doing everything wrong.

    But is not a must that I should use the bullet if this method works the same. As I see there is the dumping ready to use so that could be the same as bullet deceleration that's very clever.

    Probably because I'm tired so I still don't see it clearly how I should approach this, I will sleep and I will try again when I wake up fresh.

    This is what I tried so far


    Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it

  • simstratic

    Hoh, by referring to the physics I meant just as an example of what I would like to have as a smooth collision using bullet, it can be basic too as long as it doesn't behave doing the teleporting and stuff but didn't mean to replicate the whole physics collisions.

    you want collisions to have full physics simulated responses, in which case why wouldn't you just use the physics behavior?

    Yeah that's the first thing I did I spend over a week now trying to balance the Physics settings so I can use just that which would have been perfect but it wasn't possible to make the balance I needed


    The balance between (Collisions against objects and Speed To Move objects)

    -Whenever I make the "Speed To Move objects" at the right speed that I need then it will break the "Collisions against objects"

    -And whenever I make the "Collisions against objects" right then it brakes the "Speed To Move objects" so I couldn't have the right valance.

    I could have had everything working on the same day if I could just have more control over the balance.

    The problems you are describing with 'bounce out of solid' etc. happen in every engine I have used that provide similar functionality - most engines don't provide any automatic collision handling outside their physics engine.

    I see, good to know as I haven't used any other engine yet, is there anything that they do other engines to make it better that we could do here?

  • An idea to add circle collision mask was first suggested 3 years ago, still no comments from Scirra...


    Thanks for pointing it out I haven't seen it before, and also I saw that it been merged three times which suggest that people having problems swell and they are looking forward for solutions.

    Three years is a long time for something that basic that it should be there already. Although not sure if just adding the circle Mask will solve all the problems I think it will need a bit more work than that but that is a start.

  • It's been many years that we have the same basic collision system and I think with the new C3 RunTime it could have an Upgrade, as its one of the core behaviours that we use in almost all the Games.

    The issues:

    All these years every time that I try to use the collision for specific cases I never succeed and you ended up spending a lot of time of the development looking for ideas and alternatives for no reason where it could be simply integrated into Construct.


    A lot of times I tried to use the bullet behaviour because that was perfect for my needs and simple, but the collisions "bounce out of solid" it never worked properly causing the objects behave abnormally sliding between each other and teleporting instead of bouncing naturally as it would happen if you will use the Physics behaviour which it works smoothly.

    Here is an example:

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6cpi1lr61i4rfy2/Collisions%20Problems.capx?dl=0

    Another case is maybe you just need to use the "Move At Angle" Expression but you have no way to do the collisions swell

    I mostly never succeed with the collision when I do a game that is not a platform.

    I propose:

    To have a separate "Collision Behaviour" that works as smooth as the physics and that you could change settings like (Mass, linear Damping, maybe Angular Dumping, etc....) so whenever you add this behaviour to an object then it will calculate the collisions and will adjust automatically the Behaviour that you currently use to move that object.


    1-If you are using bullet behaviour, then when the object collides it will automatically change the object (Angle, speed, acceleration, etc....) for you as you have added the New "collision behaviour" to the object

    2-Something similar to help the "Move At Angle"

    3-Also alow to make a perfect round collision bounding box automatically or add a feature like the physics which let you choose a "Circle Collision Mask"

    It's a very needed improvement I hope you take it into consideration as most of my projects weren't platformer and this has been a huge problem for me in almost every project.

    If anyone has more ideas to improve the Collisions please share it here

    And if anyone wants to vote for the Collision Upgrade please vote here:


    Thanks for reading

  • Mmm, Why they don't allow us anymore to replay or post if its two years old thread? that post was for some nice mechanics nothing old lol

    I'm referring to this Post:



    Thanks R0J0hound for sharing, the third one works great!

    I have been trying for a week to replicate the Physics (collisions and Movement) as I couldn't find the right balance for what I needed.

    For the Movement I found one of your examples to use instead but I'm still looking for how to do the collisions using bullet without using the bullet bounce out of solids because it behaves strangely.

    So I tried to integrate it with your example number three using bullet and it's nearly there but it fail many times if I add the extra object Balls

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vwdachxzbncq30f/collisions%20test.capx?dl=0

    Do you know if it's possible to make a good solid collision without the physics?

    Also will be great if it could count with the ( Linear Damping, Mas, Angular dump) exactly as the physics behaviour does.

    Exactly like this:

    here is an example that prepared and adjusted the settings.

    As you can see when the ball collides with the other one, the impact stops the first one that collides and pushes the next ones as it takes into account ( Linear Damping & Mas) so it looks natural, and the same for all the balls that collide, plus also counting the Solid walls.

    Needed: dropbox.com/s/u5wpudsv3xpt0o2/collisions%20needed.capx

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  • Is someone looking into this issue? as its so bad the state for Saving at the moment, I couldn't work yesterday it was all mess:

    1-The save to a folder half of the time shows an error that it cannot save but you click again and it saves

    2-And the save on the cloud it's completely broken


  • Hi everyone.

    The Splashscreen feature (Storyboard), now works well now in Construct 3, on the latest update.

    The Adaptive Icons (Foreground + Background) was working all this time, at first it looked broken to me since it somewhat didn't scale like Android Studio.

    To make it scale in Construct 3, you need to match the size of both Foreground and Background. And, most especially, include the transparent areas to avoid it stretching.

    It doesn't have Android Studio icon tools, but I think this is already enough for most apps, and adds simplicity.

    Thanks for sharing , very useful info

  • I would love to assist you

    You can contact me at gamedevolop(at)Gmail .com

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  • I had got the impression this problem occurred on all mobile devices, not just iOS, since the thread didn't specify it only happened on iOS (or did I miss that?)

    If it only happened on iOS, and that fixes it, then that's great! I guess mDNS helps establish local connections. Generally those experimental options eventually graduate to enabled-by-default, so hopefully that will just work out of the box in future.


    I think it been a misunderstanding, what was fix it's that if you don't activate that feature "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" then C3 Remote Preview it will never work as it happened with my iPhone6 for over three years it was OFF.

    But Activating "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" doesn't mean that C3 Remote Preview is gonna load fast all the Time because my other Phones all them had the "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" =On all the time

    So there are still some problems to resolve for C3 Remote Preview to load fast all the Time, we believe wen Chrome makes the connections it chooses the wrong "Candidates" making C3 load slow and this happens even when "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" it's ON, it's like 50/50, fifty fast and fifty slow, it depends on the day.

    Also, the thread is not only about iOS as we don't know what the other users which pones they have that reported slow Preview loadings, but I also don't believe we all have iOS if I'm not mistaking.

    But you see only iOS mentioned on this thread because it's only me and Mikal making debugging and reporting back and he uses iOS for testing and I'm using iOS too, so maybe that's why you see all the time speak about iOS.

    Will be nice if anyone that have problems with other phones like Android could report here so we can find a solution once for all, They where many that reported slow loading and voted for C3 local preview also but not sure which phones they have Android? iPhone?

    If they could share their experiences will be grate.

  • Wow Thanks to Mikal yesterday we finally know the mystery of the iPhone6 why was super slow loading even when it was using Chrome 80.

    An important note is that the iPhone 6 it never loaded anything ever quick and its been like this since c3 come out three years ago, so for the first time, it loaded fast even testing a project of 32mb which normally would take me 7 to 9 min. I can't believe that it was just one setting to turn it on all this time.

    So it wasn't the iOS problem like I thought on this thread


    And here is the prove:

    By just activating one feature "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" the drastic loading Time is huge.

    I record both tests on the same video with the same C3 project 32mb.

    "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" = ON >>>>>> 17 seconds

    "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" = OFF >>>>>> 6 minutes

    C3 Project that I tested: is the same that I been posting


    Here is the video:



    Now the question is why it keeps happening some times on Phones that already have that "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" = ON like my iPhone 7, 8, Xs Max etc...

    We have been looking yesterday Mikal and I at safari debug iPhone 6 and it looks like the similar thing happen as when you have "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" = OFF

    Which it Picks the Wrong Candidate that's why it ends on slow loadings as you see on the video when the "webRTC mDNS ICE candidates" = its OFF

  • Its been like this on c2 at least for the last 2 years+ at least because I made some logic Events around that and it made sense to me if something its Solid line of sight cannot go thru as its solid like a rock you cannot pass a laser or things like that.

    But at the same time is not like it has to be like that if they tell me that it works the opposite then it's fine for me also, I'm used to a lot by design things so one more doesn't make any difference, I just need to change events, the thing is that has been changed and didn't see any notes or something like that, or the bug has been forever there on C2 and no one reported.

    In any case, if its a bug I will open a bug if it's not then it's all good.

  • Solid obstacles are there to block the line of sight to another object not itself.

    On Construct 2 it never worked like this, it blocks the objects that are solids swell which makes sense as they are solid anyway

    You can test it here:

