So let me review the experience I've had with my save file trouble.
[Session 1]So, a day or two ago I start a project and do a little work on it.
[Session 2]I open my project to find it basically empty, all the stuff I did in Session 1 gone. I chalked it up to a lapse in my normally good saving habits and just started rebuilding all stuff that had vanished.
[Session 3] Today, I open this file to find all the original stuff I did in Session 1, and ONLY that work. All the work I did in Session 2 is now gone.
These are not separate files and after losing session 1 and thinking I had not saved, I was extra careful about saving. I paid attention to make sure I was logged in to my google account and that the corner message confirmed that the save was successful.
Is anyone else experiencing oddities like this?