tarek2's Forum Posts

  • I just noticed that the Line of sight detects objects that are solids but it never worked like this before.

    I traced Releases back to r157 its when the changed was made till the last Beta r196.2


    I would say this is a bug but not sure if it been intentionally changed as its been many releases like this

  • What Mikal says it's my number one suspicion also,

    I have the feeling that maybe C3 Picks the wrong IP to use when it detects more than one IP.

    I have this issue also with the "Browsersync" that we use when I start the server it detects two IP addresses, one is the good one and the other one is the one that is reserved for the VM when it's in use but for me is not a problem because I open the URL with the correct one using the right IP manually I don't use the one that "Browsersync" gives me.


    Browsersync shows me on the Command Prompt that my external IP is so the URL is like this

    But that is the wrong IP because it's for the VM, so I have to adjust it manually with my right IP like this 196.467.1.2

    If c3 Remote Preview chooses automatically our IP that could be one of the problems.

    It could be easily checked if this is the case if we had on C3 Settings the option to add our IP manually to be used for C3 Remote Preview as we do on C2.

  • Thanks Ashley! I will also keep looking to see if I can see errors or configuration changes on my dev environment when the non LAN C3 Remote connection appears again for me (I know for others it happens all the time.) Looking at the details of the C3 remote scheme, it's very clever and definitely has good value when it's working (e.g. video preview, stats, host update status, etc.)

    In the meantime, the native quick export of html to a local folder would be very helpful. The one request there is to have the UI save the folder used, so that it will be quick to export another version once the correct folder is targeted. Also whatever behavior you think is best in terms of removing the original files or overwriting the existing files.


    Also for the best results if it can export the HTML Unzipped that will lessen the job we have to do after the export

    Not sure if it was already gonna do that but I will mention it just in case


  • One potential workaround is if a HTTP server really is much faster, you can host your own local HTTP server using tools like nginx, caddy, python or node. It requires a bit of technical set up, but then you have a folder you can do a HTML5 export to which you can load on your phone from your PC's local HTTP server. (Edit: I realise that the original post pretty much does exactly this! So you're ahead of me on that one.) Then to make that work more smoothly we could explore a feature like "quick export" which just does a default settings HTML5 export to a local folder (which we can directly write to with the new native file system API in Chrome). This is the kind of thing which despite not being ideal and still taking some work to put together, is still far less work than coming up with an entire "Remote Preview 2" type feature.

    That sounds like a really good idea, it's exactly what we did but using browsersync.io to create the Server but it will be nice if a similar thing can be integrated native from c3 as you say, plus adding the quick export HTML that will be Awesome!

    Thanks very much for looking into this issue

  • Thank you Rory for your feedback I appreciate it )))


    That sounds good to me as long the solution it can be found I don't mind either to fix the existing Remote Preview or to add a second alternative, I normally been requesting the Local preview like the Mikal and I did because that is the most secure as it guarantees that the connections are stabilised and Fast always, but I wouldn't mind either if the current Remote Preview gets fixed. I can offer myself for helping on to diagnostic whats is the problem with the current Remote preview if you need help.

  • As I've said before, remote preview should be very fast so long as it can establish a LAN connection. I just tried Space Blaster over remote preview and it loaded in 3 seconds for me.

    It looks like it doesn't work the same for everyone, I and some other users reported that we have this problem for a long time, I don't know what could be the problem but I been tree years+ trying to resolve it but I couldn't.

    One thing I know for sure its that the Local Preview it never fails, for example, you mention "Space Blaster" that it takes you 3 seconds but here is my test on an iPhone6

    "Space Blaster" is 5mb only after exported to HTML

    C3 Remote Preview: 1.20 minutes https://www.dropbox.com/s/q7p0ruqom4dirjr/space%20blaster%20remote%20preview.mp4?dl=0

    C3 Local Preview: 4 seconds



    "Demonoire" is 7mb only after exported to HTML

    C3 Remote Preview: 2 minutes


    C3 Local Preview: 6 seconds



    There is a big difference between (Remote Preview & Local Preview) not sure why it will work for some fast and some not

  • Hi,

    Mikal and me we have been working on a "C3 Local Preview" like we use to have on C2 >>>Preview over wifi.

    This is especially for users that have a problem with the "C3 Remote Preview" loading super slow when you preview on Mobiles or Testing Multiplayer etc........

    Will be nice to have something native integrated on C3 but 3 years passed already and there is no sign that will be implemented any time soon, so here is an alternative, works pretty good and it's easy to install.

    Download Zip:



    Here are some BenchMarks:

    same Capx tested on all of the BenchMarks: 32MB capx size tested on iPhone6

    C3 Remote Preview = 9 Minutes https://www.dropbox.com/s/3gec9ullndon4ot/C3%20Test3%20%28iPhone6%20iOS%2012.3.1%29.mp4?dl=0


    C2 Preview over wifi = 37 secs



    C3 Local Preview = 9 Secs


    9 secs for this C3 local Preview it's Awesome after tree years I never loaded less than 7 min in my iPhone 6 using C3 remote preview not even once.

    If you have any problems please let us know


    Instructions are inside

    If The C3 Local Preview works better for you consider to vote to have it Native here


    Enjoy having fun

  • NotionGames

    Looking Awesome mate, keep it Up

    you must be nearly finished I think you been for like 3 years now if I'm not mistaking

  • Thanks newt

    But I found a solution already from the Awesome Rex is a lifesaver

    I can run the preview in the background even if the window it's Minimized, I forgot to say this for inhouse and community use, not Comercial

    Here is the link for the plug if anyone is interested:


  • Sorry newt I got one more question if you don't mind or to anyone that can help:

    When the preview is Running and I minimize the Window the Scan for File if Exist stops running, I think it goes to Pause like an App if I'm not mistaking

    Is there any way that the preview can keep running even if the Window is Minimize?

  • No idea.

    I would guess that you need to give the Nwjs app admin permission.

    That's it, that was the problem

    Thanks a lot ))

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  • You'll need the app.


    Specifically the Remote Preview for Nwjs

    Hah Thank you newt I tested and it worked, so the browser version doesn't work with Nw.js I got it now.

    There is still one problem though:

    Nw.js can check if the file exists but it cannot write to a file, do you know if this is allowed?

    This is my Events:

  • Hi

    Does the NW.js Work when you preview from the browser?

    I create a text file on my Download folder with Name = A

    And I'm trying to read if the file exists with NWjs but is not working

    Someone suggested me to put double "\\" but it doesn't work either

    Project https://www.dropbox.com/s/ar2svkuvl5q2ec2/nwjs%20test.c3p?dl=0

  • Woow I'm not gonna lie to you at the end I was completely lost and my brain smashed into pieces on this one lol :))

    In your opening post, you talked about overlapping only but it looks like your problem it was the Z ordering of the objects if I understood right by looking in the pictures that Ashley posted.

    So the problem is if you talk about only overlapping the issue is that when two objects overlap doesn't matter which one is on the top or bottom both counts as overlap:


    (A is on Top of B)

    A overlaps B

    B overlaps A

    Both are correct as both overlapping each and doesn't matter who is on top or who is on the bottom at least this how C2 Events works, both conditions will be true if you test both conditions one by one separately.

    So that's why I was following your original question and how C2 Events works: and I just concentrate on overlaps in general (Collisions or which objects are touching) ignoring the Z-order.

    So if you wanted to make it more clear from the beginning you could just have talked about the Z ordering:


    Walls have to be at the top (Oberlaping Player & Dead zone)

    The player on the Middle (Overlapping dead Zone)

    The dead zone has to be at the bottom

    Position Z ordering Matters

    Now all made sense as you when you were referring (A overlaps B) in the true you meant (A is on top of the B) so if (B was on top of A) then for you doesn't count as overlap if I'm not mistaking.

    So there is it the whole confusion


    For you: if you looking (A Overlaps B) so if (B was on top of A) then for you doesn't count as overlap if I'm not mistaking.

    For a C2 User: (A Overlaps B) so if B was on top of A then for us it counts as overlap as is touching it.

    I'm glad Ashley made the problem clear as I don't think I would have figured out by just looking into "Overlapping" in general by C2 definitions, as it doesn't have the concept of who is on (Top or Bottom)

    Anyway, I'm glad you found a solution:)

    I will keep it in mind this whole overlap (Different Perspective View) thing just in case I end up on the same situation in the future Jeje

  • No lol.

    It was in my example (the picture) that:

    Walls over player: True

    Player over Dead angle: true

    Dead angle over walls: No true

    But I want Dead angle over walls to be true.

    I'm really lost, is it not that what I gave you on the capx? have you checked it?

    If you checked the example and is not what you need, can you explain what in my example is wrong?

    The only difference I don't make the dead zone as you because I don't know how you make the dead zone but I think the events to how you check overlap will be the same so that shouldn't be a problem

    On my example you got:

    If Walls overlap player: True

    AND Player overlaps Dead Zone: true

    Dead Zone overlaps walls the same that Player overlaped: true

    Action: Then set Player animation = red

    Will be easier if you could just post a small demo, you don't have to post your whole project just make a small demo enough to make the point, that it shouldn't take you long


    Also when you say "But I want Dead angle over walls to be true." what exactly you mean with that?