Tackla's Forum Posts

  • I can't get it right.

    My menu layout contains a text and one play button.

    It is the first layout that will appear in the game.

    Nothing is moving, the screen is not scrolling, and that's the way i want it.

    Now, the problem is that when i switch on scale outer the text and the button is not in the center of the screen on all the devices,

    for example on the Iphone 6 the text and the button is in the center of the screen, but on the ipad it's all stuck on the left side of the screen.

    When i go back into construct 2 to place the text and the play button a little more to the right, to get the text and the button in the center of the ipad, the text and the button is suddenly out of screen on the Iphone 6 instead.

    When i switch on scale outer to check it out on the i phone 6 through the LAN it looks great, no black bars, the background and the game is full screen,

    but when i'm checking it on the ipad everything is stuck on the left side of the screen and i have just a giant piece of my background on the right side.

    i don't know, it seems to be impossible!

  • well sorry!

    I didn't know!

  • Hi.

    The scale outer or the scale inner is really not working!

    I've followed some advice for some of you but its not working.

    I'm making the background bigger as some of you say but the game is not in the center of the screen.

    I've tried a few more ways but with no success.

    i've manage to make it look good on one device, ipad for example, but when i open the game on an Iphone the game doesn't fit the screen.

    it's a portrait game, so on the ipad i have black bars along the sides and on the Iphone i have black bars on top and bottom.

    as i explained Before, making the background bigger does not work,.

    and it seems like it's impossible to center the game on all devices once i've chosen scale outer.

    basically all i want is my game to be fullscreen on all devices such as ipads and iphones.

    please folks help me out.


  • Wow!

    I don't really get it, that's way to complicated for me!

    Is there another way to understand it?

    Everything is working as it should on the computer, the high score saves itself even when i close everything down and restart the game!

    It work 100% as i want it to do.

    on the computer i can close down everything, open the game after an hour and the high score is where it should be.

    the problem is when I open the game on a mobile device, eveything is working perfectly, my high score is working as it should, it upgrades as i'm beating the high score, and it saves itself as i keep on playing, as long as I'm not closing down the game.

    when i close down the game completely on a moblie device and re enter an hour later the game restarts from 0, and my high score is back to 0.

    Any easy way to manage this?

  • Hey Folks!!!

    I've got a slight problem.

    I've managed to make my score and high score work properly using local storage, thanks to some of you guys out there,

    but I've got Another problem.

    when I refresh my ipad/game my high score is back to 0.

    Any ideas on how to fix that?

    please keep it simple I am a very beginner on this.


  • Wow!!!

    Thanks a lot oosyrag and plinkie!!!

    thanks oosyrag for the example, couldn't be more helpful!!

    cheers guys!! )))

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  • Yes thats what i want.

    i'll try it out.

    thanks a lot for your kindness.

    i may be back soon if i dont manage to make it work.


  • I forgot to mention that i want the speed to increase gradually meaning that the game will increase in difficulty.

    As the score gets higher and higher the game gets harder and harder.

  • Hi plinkie!

    The bubbles have the bullet behavior and they appear from the top and falls to the bottom in a speed of 300, I want to increase the speed by for example 50 every 20 bubbels destroyed/Score 20.

    the basic idea of the game is to make it harder as the score increases the speed of the bubbles increases automaticlly as well.

    I have made a working score that is Counting every destroyed bubble but i can't conect it with the bubble speed increase.

    i've tried with a timer as well, it didn't work ether.

  • Hi.

    I am trying to create a bubble game where the bubbels are increasing in speed.

    Example: I want the bubbles to increase speed vertically automaticly by 50 every 20 Points/Score 20.

    Sounds easy but it seams to be pure hell to get it done.

    I've read Everything in the Construct 2 manual, about delta time, time, timer, and even watched all the tutorials about all those things, 0 success folks, 0 success.

    i have tried to follow all your guys ideas and solutions about delta time and different ideas on solving this, but i really dont get it folks.

    i am a beginner, i have come a long way but now it seems like i've come to a dead end and i'm very frustrated.

    Construct 2 are marketing themselves as simple, well it seems like this is far from simple

    Please someone give me an exact explanation, step by step in detail what i have to do.

    please. i've tryed for a week now.

    i really need thing guys.


  • Hi!, i'm making a "Falling from the sky" bubble game and trying to figure out how to make the bubbles increase speed either by every x amount of clicks on them, or by every x amount of seconds.

    Have researched the forum and tried all the guidelines I can find on this topic without any success. I'm relatively new to the game programming thing so simple step by step explanations are heavily appreciated!