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  • come on guys, any ideas???

    I have two more Projects that has the same highscore setup, one is working the other is not!

    so strange!

    I can't Believe it!

    Is there any chance that the 3 Projects has interrupted each other and somehow causes problems between them, for example the highscore?

    please folks!

    some help!

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  • Hey guys.

    I had a perfectly working highscore, i've been using localstorage, it was storing the highscore and even though i closed down the Project and opened it a while later the highscore was sill what it last was, and it was working perfectly fine for weeks, until today,,

    suddenly it says NaN.


    I haven't changed anything.

    why this is happening?

    I don't understad.

    Any ideas guys?

    Please some help.


  • Thank you Dop2000

    I'll try that too, cause i don't seem to be able to get it right so far.

    Thank you

  • Alright!!!

    I got it

    I forgot to write (angle) in the coading!

    Now it works fine!

    But I've noticed that the motion is very stiff.

    Do you know how to ge more Bounce in the ball?

    More gravity and when i press it to Bounce back upp.


  • i'm putting the code in where it says angle.

    this one, Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, Ball.X, Ball.Y

    i'm pressing done and it says expression appears to be wrong.

    i don't know why.

    i'm using c3 is that making a differance?

  • I don't know.

    Maybe i do it wrong.

    It doesn't seem to work.

    any other ideas?

  • Hey Kriand!

    first of all thank you for the answer.

    I've got the physics behavior on the ball.

    But I don't seem to understand exactly where to put in this code.

    -> Ball: Apply Physics force 500 at angle angle(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, Ball.X, Ball.Y) at image point 0

  • Hi.

    How can I make the ball behave realistically and by pressing/clicking on the ball keeping it in the air?

    and depending on where on the ball i click it Changes its path towards a realistic angle.

    I'd also like to get the ball behave like a ball in terms of rotation and so on.

    Can someone help me out with this?


  • Anyone???

  • I made it

    I had just done somehing wrong on the name of the Item in localstorage Check Item exists.

    It works perfectly!

    The score stores it self as i want it to.

    thank you very much for taking your time and helping me out.

    Thanks a lot

  • HI.

    I have expotred my game as a Xcode Project and Everything seems to work fine except that i can't get rid of a White flash that appears between my launch/splash screen and the construct 3 loading screen.

    and i've also noticed that my launch screen only appears for half a second,

    how can i delay the time to maybe 2-3 secods?

    If any of you knows about xcode please help me out.

    I am a beginner, so please keep it simle

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi again.

    It didn't seem to work for me. even though the example you send me work perfect.

    i don't understand what i'm doing wrong.

    i'm using global number. i saw you were using Local static number, but i don't know how to use that.

    maybe that is the peoblem.

    what do you think?

  • yes that's what i meant.

    it's for construct 3.

    thanks a lot!

    i opened it, and it looks almost like the one i've done.

    i'll try it out.

    do you think it'll work even if i want the highscore to appear on another layout?

    Thank you very much for your help

  • I'm not sure, I Believe so.

    have you got a capx or something to show me how to save the highscore, and then how to load highscore, on start of layout?

  • Hey!

    Thanks for your answer.

    I'm trying to upload a photo of exactly what I've done but I can't find a way to upload the image.

    But here is what it looks like coaded.

    + System: On start of layout

    -> LocalStorage: Check item "Highscore" exists

    + LocalStorage: On item " : " exists

    -> System: Set Highscore to LocalStorage.ItemValue

    + System: Score > Highscore

    -> System: Set Highscore to Score

    -> LocalStorage: Set item "Highscore" to ": "

    + System: Every tick

    -> Highscore: Set text to " : " & Highscore

    where have i gone wrong?

    This is what i use as a high score text if you wonder -- > ( " : " )

    Thanks in advance