Tackla's Forum Posts

  • Any Ideas on this guys?

  • Hi.

    I need some help to undertand how to code a Non-consumable purchase for an IOS mobile game.

    I want to be able to unlock levels within the game.

    once they've unlocked the level they do not have to purchase it again, it stays unlocked.

    I've read through the mobile IAP tutorial but i found it a little confusing, it didn't explain step by step what i need to do, or i'm just to much of an amature to understand it.

    It didn't explain me how to do the specific way i need.

    But like i said i want to be able to unlock levels,

    example, when i enter the game, i have a manu with levels that are "locked" when i press on the locked level a popup appears and gives me the choice to unlock the level, once i unlock the level it stays unlocked no matter if i exit the game.

    how can i make this work, how can i code this?

    i am registrered on ITunes Connect and i kind of know how to get ID's, i think.

    But if there are kind people out there that are willing to take their time and explain step by step what to do, please let me know, i'd really appreciate that.

    if i haven't explained well enough, please let me know so that i can be more exact.

    Remember that I am new to this so please keep it as simple as you can.

    I'm using C3

    thanks a lot.

  • Thank you guys!!!

  • Thanks A lot!

    It works just the way i want!


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  • Hi.

    Is there any way to get the rotate behavior to rotate colckwise and counter-clockwise?

  • I've got it to rotate at the angle i wish but it snaps to position, it goes to fast, i'd like it to rotate slowly.

    any ideas please guys?

    I am a begginer so keep it simple please.

  • Hi.

    I wonder if it is possible to rotate my object towards angle example to 90 degrees on command?

    and if it is possible to make the 90 degree motion to be smooth,

    I don't want it to snap over to 90 degrees stright away i want the object to slowly rotate to 90 degrees.

    is this possible without animation?

    Please some ideas.

    Using C3.


  • I've been saving my Projects with the help of "Download a copy", I opend my "dowloaded files" file in my computer and it was there, Everything has been working amazingly nice and smooth, Till like half an hour ago, now all of a sudden, I download the project just like before nice and calm with "Download a Copy" expecting the project to pop up in my downloaded files just like it used to, and the got damn project is gone, it is nowhere to be found!! nowhere in my whole computer!!!

    i've been going through every single file over and over again!! it's gone!!!

    and i've tried it over and over again with different projects, but they are no where to be found!!! no where!!!

    Guys please some ideas!!

    what the H*ll is happening

  • I got it!!

    problem solved!

    works fine.

    thank you guys for taking your time!

    Thanks a lot!

    Take care

  • hey guys!

    it seems to work ok, it bounces back up as i'm clicking on the ball,

    the only problem is that no matter where on the ball i click it goes stright back up towards one specific angle, it doesn't bounce off to the right or left, and the ball is not rotating as it would in real life,

    does that have to do with the physics behavior?

    what have i missed?

    thank you.

    Yeah no worries i figured it out with the /100 impulse thing.

    it's allright.

  • Thanks a lot guys, such fast reply, amazing!!!

    I'll try it out!


  • Hi guys!

    I'd like to try and make a game which its purpose is to keep a ball in the air by clicking on it, gravity being working as in real life.

    for every click i get one point.

    if it touches the ground the game is over.

    i'd like the ball to behave realistically, and with that i mean, if i click on the ball to far out on the right side of the ball its natural reaction is to fly of towards the lest side.

    any ideas guys?

    keep it simple, i am a beginner.

    I'd also like to inform you guys that I've tried to use the physics behavior with no success!

    Thanks you.

  • hello.

    Can anyone please explain how to get the Game Center leaderboard to work.

    I do not have any achievements in my game, i just need to authenticate, and use the leaderboard.

    And how do i get a leaderboard ID?

    I've read the manual about the Game Center plug in, and how to program it, but it seems impossible,

    i don't really understand what they mean.

    please, any help out there?


  • Anyone?

  • Hi.

    I've got a highscore working perfectly on my computer.

    it stores itself in localstorage and it is working fine.

    but when I am openig the game on my phone the score is working but the highscore says NaN.

    what have a done wrong?

    Any ides guys?