Synkrown's Forum Posts

  • Hi all,

    I have made a wee example template of dynamically changing music. It would be useful for going from a less intense biome to a more intense one, going from roaming to being chased etc.

    Add more dynamics to your game to enhance the game play experience!

  • Here are my current projects. I am funding a yearly subscription for Construct 3 so I can continue my work without money being a speed bump!


  • Hi all,

    I have bundled all of my construct related projects and assets for people to utilize.

    There is a lot of useful programming logic in the projects for those looking to learn

  • I am wondering if it is possible to add touch controls on the black side bars as opposed to on top of the game view port?

    I can think of a way to do it with a canvas but will require a rewrite for my "is in screen" events. Is there any. Easier way? Or will I have to rewrite the game?

  • Thank you for your support friend. I hope something in it is comes of use to you whether it be game logic wise or asset wise!

  • Thank you for pointing that out! I had no idea that was an option but have discovered I need a stripe account to accept credit card payments on Itch. Am in the process of getting that going now.

    Appreciate your wanting to help me out!

    EDIT: I have set it all up, should be good for credit card transactions now

  • Here i have a great platformer template for Construct 3, and 2 pixel art packs to help people start their platform game desires.

    I am selling for $6.99 as a bundle as I am trying to help fund my construct 3 subscription so I can continue on with my game.


    Here's a tileset and 11 characters, a slime, a barnacle and a slime made as placeholders for a game I am working on. A video of the game showing off the tileset and a character from my new character template. The music available is not the music in the video.

    Both the tileset and character animation sheet sare transparent.

    There are 11 characters, a wolf, a barnacle like from half life and a slime, all animated.

    The dog animations are:






    Also has a shadow map for the solid tiles!

    The character animations are as follows:



    Walk Holding Hands Up


    Die/Fall Over

    Climb Ladder


    Climb Wall


    Wall Hang (most of them)


    I have made an awesome platformer template. It has many features for the player controller, a day and night, time and date and weather system and dynamic lighting!

    Also have been working on my pixel art abilities so there are a good set of tiles and animations there too!

    There is a playable web demo on the itch page so you can see how it runs!

  • Hi,

    I have made a space shooter template ready with everything needed to make one of those old school chip shop shooter games. There is a working HTML5 demo on the link so you can see what its like!

  • And yet again, I figure out the issue after asking for help. For anyone who runs in to this issue, dont use too many effects on bullet objects 🤣

  • Hi guys.

    So im working on a space shooter, and have it so when enemies are on the screen, if they have a bullet object set in a string variable, then it will create the bullet object.

    It is fine with 1 enemy creating bullets, but 2 or more starts getting laggy fast. Please tell me im doing something wrong, cause im sure construct can handle a heck of a lot more than this!

    When I toggle active the create object by name action, I have no issues

  • Ok I have figured it out. I set a local variable to hold one of the NPC family UID, and ran a for each loop to find that one, then performed destroy, and it seems to have worked a charm!

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  • My game has a feature that 2 NPCs can attack eachother. I have it set up so there's an "NPC" family and a "food" family. Certain NPCs can also come under the food category. NPC family can attack the food family, but as trying to reference both of the same family in the instance overlap condition, I am not sure about. So using 2 different families was my way around it if that makes sense?

    Anyway, if 1 NPC can attack, one cant and both are food, everything works as it should and the one that can attack destorys the one that cant. But if both NPCs can attack, then regardless of health and speed differences, they both get destroyed at once, which shouldn't be happening. I also have it dropping bones when the Food family member gets destroyed, and it only creates 1 bone instance suggesting that one of them got destroyed wrong.

    Just wondering if there's a way to reference the families separately between the 2 attacking?

  • I've been quietly working 9n a metroidvania engine to make it easier for people to build a game without worrying too much about the back end. Has many enemy types, uses families, can possess enemies and control them. Possibilities are endless