Synchronic's Forum Posts

  • Hi there

    I've just increased my layout size inorder to create a larger map area... but unfortunately for me it has created the spaced at the bottom for the layout rather than the top, I am just wondering if there is anyway of moving my already placed tiles from my tilemaps?

    Or any other way to create space at the top of my map rather than the bottom?


  • The "high speed" part would be the most questionable.

    Hi, when I say "high speed" I mean a car object at "400" speed, and being chased by a flying object above, at about the same speed... there will be other vehicles on the road as "bullet" objects, traveling at about 250/300 speed in a straight line.

  • Hi there

    I'm currently making an 2D open world SCI-FI RPG thriller game, absolutely loving Construct 2 for this project (I use CRYENGINE for 3D stuff).

    Currently I am using a layout of 40k x 40k (40,000 x 40,000) for the main city level, however there is a segment with a long chase scene at high speed...

    Originally I planned to have a transitional point placed where the player would be taken to another "level" that is essentially just a continuation of what they were already playing in/on... but since I haven't seen any draw backs at 40k x 40k pixels layout... and I hear that since Construct 2 only renders what is on screen at any one moment (ignoring logic and on-going processes), it should be ok to boost it up to say 100k x 100k without much/any drawbacks? (Apart from filling in and populating all that space! but don't worry about that, I'm doing well so far )

    Many thanks!

  • Thanks for the response

    Yeah maybe I will just go about making each shadow for each building seperately, then just attaching the small images to them (probably about 128x512 or so for each shadow map), or maybe I will just do it for each "block"/area of 1000 pixels or so... do you happen to know what sort of image size in pixels is where construct 2 may start to take a performance hit? 1024x1024 png file? 2048x2048 etc..?

  • Hi there

    I'm making an open world game based in a futuristic city, I have an idea for easily creating shadows, so that say when the player is walking alongside a building, there is a slight darkening effect cast over them, same with vehicles etc...

    I would like to create/paint a large PNG file with transparency, and then overlay this over the entire map area.. my map size is currently 20,000x20,000 pixels. Would it be too performance intensive to use a single png file for this? IE: would it be a better idea to cut this shadow layer into say 40 pieces or more etc...?

    Also for a "real-time lighting" effect, I would like to apply a large overlaid colour image with the opacity set to change depending on the "time of day", and switching between a black overlay, blue overlay, yellow/orange overlay etc... to add the effect of dawn/noon/dusk/evening/night etc...

    I assume the best way to do this would be to apply it at only the size of the largest screen size expected, and have it attach to the player so that it is always covering just the screen?

    Many thanks for any tips about these things, cheers!

  • Great stuff man! Really like the look of this, can't wait to check out the finished product or demo

  • Adding the car behavior to an object causes that object to interact with solid objects. The only reason you would add the solid behavior to the car is if you want other objects with behaviors that react with solids to interact with it.

    Ah I see, thanks so much for letting me know! I'm currently away from home till Friday but I will try it out then and see if it does the job, which it sounds like it should. I will make sure to disable any other "solid" behaviors from my player etc... upon entering the vehicle as well.

    Thanks again! Take care

  • Disable the solid behavior on the car when the player gets inside. The car -- seeing itself as a solid -- seems to be colliding with itself.

    Hmm thanks Linkman, but won't this cause the car to be able to pass through other objects, or as long as they have collisions/solid assigned to themselves even a non-solid object will be stopped?

    Many thanks!

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  • Here's the .capx if anyone is willing to help.


  • What I can see - correct me if I'm wrong - is that only one of the Tilemaps has a behavior (Solid) attached.

    If so, then you could just use 2 Tilemaps - one for the general background and the other on a different Layer utilising the Solid behavior.

    It would make your life easier, and the C2 engine's task much simpler.

    NEW .CAPX - SORRY ABOUT THAT! ... sp=sharing

    Window Size was set to 9kx9k for a different reason, this would explain why it was using 98% CPU or so.

  • Thanks, none of the tile maps have a solid, but yes 1 tilemap (water) has a "bullet" behaviour added to emulate flowing water, which perhaps would be more CPU friendly to animate as a sprite, although it is very large, about 5000x2000 pixels area....

    Although the car's weird behavior and performance slowdown was not happening before I tweaked the event file quite a lot in an attempt to be able to get my player to leave the vehicle (before when I left the vehicle I would appear where I entered, IE: the player was not pinning to the car correctly upon entering).

    Do you think this is unrelated to the tilemap overload? Thanks (I will definitely consolidate my tilemaps into 1 or 2 larger ones as well!)

    EDIT: OOPS! Just realised the .capx file I uploaded has the window screen size to maximum so I could screenshot the idea map to make a separate shadow map layer, I will reupload with the window size at normal! Sorry about that!

  • Why have you got 10 Tilemaps on one Layer? The draw calls are using like 98% CPU - it's madness.

    Ah I see, do you think this could be contributing to the issue? Although the driving and performance was absolutely fine with the exact same amount of tilemaps, before I managed to get getting out of the car working properly.

    I searched in the past whether it was better to use 1 large tilemap or many small individual ones but couldn't find any answers or tips.

    Each of my background textures is a single tilemap (varying from 32x32 to 64x128 etc...)

    Would it be advised to compile them all into 1 large tilemap?

    Thanks for your reply, first I've gotten from anyone regarding this issue.

    EDIT: Also, part of the reason I used many small individual tilemaps instead of 1 large one was that when I first installed Construct 2, I attempted to used a single large .JPG images as my background (with basic stuff like the roads/pavements/grass etc..) but when I tried to run it there was nothing but a black screen, and I read that Construct 2 does not allow images over a certain size in pixels... (this was 9000x9000 pixels).

  • Hi guys...

    I've got a severe issue after finally getting getting into and out of a car working properly, but after this it had the consequence of causing all sorts of anomalies with the driving behaviour.. for instance some of the things that have started happening are.

    Stuttering movement

    Sometimes very very slow

    "Catches" invisible edges

    Poor smoothness which seems like low-FPS

    Previously the car driving mechanics felt very nice and smooth... now it is unplayable and unbroken.

    Here is a video of the issue -



    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Get in car Drive

    Observed Result

    Stuttering movement

    Sometimes very very slow

    "Catches" invisible edges

    Poor smoothness which seems like low-FPS

    Expected Result

    Normal smooth driving and framerate/performance

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64bit - Service Pack 1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    212.2 64bit

  • Finally got 300 rep...

    Heres the video of the bug

    Please help me if you can anyone... I'm still racking my brains trying to work this out to no avail!

  • Hey guys - Musician and Game Designer here, started using Construct 2 about 8 days ago and am really loving it, although I am running into a lot of glitches that I cannot seem to understand why/how they are occuring... and I can't seem to get any help in the "How Do I..." forum.

    If any kind experienced C2 users would be up for having a look at my friend I would be most appreciative.

    The glitch is related to car behaviour and collisions - but is also causing stuttering/laggyness for unexplainable reasons.
