Sushin's Forum Posts

  • So what if you have a bunch of enemies that you clone at the same time and they all have particles or something following them?

  • So when you create objects at runtime you need an example object to exist outside the screen right?

    So if you create a new one, and then do something like "every tick, do this" it seems to apply to both objects. If you reference it anywhere outside of the creation event that seems to be what happens.

    For a specific example, I would create new particle and set its position to another object in a different condition, and it would set the existing particles and the current particles to the position.

    What's a better way to do this?

  • Ah, from the screenshot it looked like you were doing on touch instead of on click...

    I am, but on touch has a mouse test feature.

  • I am doing that. Shenanigans.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    How does this not work?

    The keyboard does register, but the touch doesnt.

    BUT...I also put another variable to change on touch (only by touching) and it did. So it is registering the touch, but it isn't moving the character...How is this?


    Touch input registers.

    Platform movement registers (i did turn off default controls)

    Touch input does not register platform movement specifically.

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    I think it's still a bit too early for multiplayer, and it might be a difficult feature to use.

    To me modularity is the one part that falls behind in C2. I already talked about it, but making an RPG in C2 while having the possibility to make broad changes is still not easy.

    For instance I'd like to use C2 layout to create all the location you have in an RPG, but being able to make broad modfications on all my layouts like Modifying layers disposition/properties/content mostly.

    Things you can't really handle at runtime.

    So yeah, I think modularity will go toward this idea.

    I agree about the multiplayer. Most other sites barely support HTML games as it is. It would be great for Construct if they could do it but I would first rather see improvements to HTML game support and the construct 2 engine itself.

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    I'd really like to see tracing or printing in Construct 2 to track variables and such. It's a real pain to make a text box and link it to a variable when you can just trace something in other languages.

  • Well...I guess you could find a work around, like having a fade-in, or perhaps in your game later the weather changes and it starts snowing.

  • So it seems that Construct 2 uses fonts the same way web pages do (I think anyway) and if you don't have the font being used in the game on your web browser, it switches to a default font.

    Is there a way to embed fonts into the game to prevent this?

  • It would be easy just to do an animation like in number 1, and use bools to switch between "spear held" and "not spear held" states.

    2 is possible though. Just set an image point to his hand and every frame, if spear held is true, set the x and y to the image points x and y. You can also force the angle to be set at a certain way. Then once you throw it, set spear held to false so the spear is free, and then do your magic with the spear.

    An animation would still help though for throwing just to make it look snazzy.

  • If you need 0 gravity, you might want to set the global gravity to 0 and then just create your own gravity. Make a family called "gravity objects" or something and have them be affected by gravity every tick if a boolean is true.

  • Well I can't just type "if button 1 pressed, shoot turret family"

    All the turrets will shoot in that scenario.

  • So right now I have 4 different objects that use the same exact graphics and do the same exact thing but they are in different spots.

    I have to make them different, because the way I am doing it is like this

    "if button 1 is pressed, shoot turret 1"

    There are 4 buttons and 4 turrets, and basically im copying the code over 3 extra times.

    Is there a better way to do this?

  • I've had this problem too.

    I haven't tested it too much, but try putting a button on the screen that you can click, and then go out of focus again and try clicking that to put the game back in focus.

    Just an idea...duno if it will work.

    Edit: Nevermind. I tried it with your game and it didn't work.

  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    I know to do it that way, but it seems that the Pokemon games are seamless in terms on the game world. Besides going inside houses and dungeons.

    This is probably because all of the NPCs and such are loaded/unloaded once you reach a certain way point.

    I've noticed upon entering towns, there's a small half second lag. That's probably what I just mentioned happening.