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  • Hmm, tried that and a few other possibilities and after experimenting with it a bit more I've come to the conclusion that apparently with the For Each loop I can solve the problem. However... for some reason it still happens from time to time that an enemy will play the shooting animation but not fire. Funnily enough they still do this even if I remove the For Each loop and Trigger Once condition, so I'm guessing the problem here isn't necessarily the coding but perhaps an engine limitation of some sort. Weird.

  • Sounds like you just need to adjust the Hotspot for the crouching animation. It's one of the buttons near the bottom on the left-hand side when you've got the sprite editor open. The hotspot is basically the point around which the sprite pivots, so you'll just need to align the hotspots in such a way that the sprite crouches down.

  • I think the way you have it arranged with the key released as a sub-event of the key pressed, the program is waiting for both conditions to be true, i.e. when down arrow is pressed and it is released at the same time, the sprite will switch to the Default animation. Try making the second event a completely separate one rather than a sub-event and see if it works properly.

  • Coming back from about a year's worth of no work with Construct, my Construct-fu seems to be a little rusty and I can't figure out what to do with the following coding dilemma.

    Basically I'm trying to get an enemy to shoot in bursts when the player is in range, thus the enemy has turret behavior and "On Shoot" plays its shooting animation. The animation repeats 3 times and with every repetition fires a shot. Problem is that unless I use the "Trigger once while true" condition, the system will make more than one bullet spawn when the animation hits the appropriate frame. However, simply using this condition of course causes problems when numerous enemies are shooting simultaneously because some of them won't fire since the condition being true for one enemy overrides another's shooting sequence.

    I tried sticking a "For Every Object" loop for the enemies and this seems to alleviate the problem somewhat, but the problem still crops up quite often. I've also tried playing around with the order of the conditions and tried using "Pick Object" commands but still can't seem to get it to work as intended. How would I go about coding something like this?

    Here is a picture of the events in their current state:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I love strategy games more than any other genre so it's good to see other people besides myself using Construct to make RTSs and such. Top-down 3D looks nice and the explosion is cool, I wish you luck in completing this project and I hope it turns out great.

    Are you planning to keep the background texture, though? I think it looks a little off, but maybe that's because the models aren't distinctly textured yet.

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  • That's going to be very interesting to play around with, thanks for that! It might not be tit for tat what I was looking for, but there's surely room to improvise.

  • This might be a very basic thing but if so I can't seem to figure out how to do it. Is there a way to combine the grid behavior and the RTS behavior to basically make grid-based pathfinding? I was thinking that this would be a good way to improve pathfinding both in the CPU-usage sense and performance of the objects in game. As of now I can't seem to make the object adhere to a grid when they've got RTS behavior.

  • Okay, for some reason now I can't recreate the problem... Maybe my computer was just tired yesterday night. I'll post the .cap if the problem persists, for now it seems to have resolved itself.

  • Strange graphics glitch I'm experiencing. I was play-testing a game I'm making, when all of a sudden sprites began to turn into blank white boxes. It was apparently affecting all active objects, and strangely it was affecting them intermittently, that is, some objects turned white for good, while others turned white for a number of frames and then reverted to normal sprites. Background objects and "static" objects whose animations were done playing didn't seem to be affected. Anyone know what might be happening? I can post screenshots if anyone's unsure what I'm talking about.

  • >

    > >

    > > The beginnings of an RTS, which will possibly be abandoned in light of Construct 2 and no backwards compatibility. Oh well...

    > >

    > I wouldn't despair, since Construct 2 probably won't be up to the level of functionality that .96 has for quite some time.


    exactly. v0.XX was in state of development for couple of years. i wouldnt expect C2 going any near equal to it in next 6months-1year. so what? going to wait all this time? when you could have a finished your game in meantime?

    I was thinking along the same lines, actually. And besides, practice never hurts

  • As far as I see the selection thing just needs a "For Each Ant" in the conditions of the event which controls selection. Some of the ants not moving seems to be caused by pathfinding problems because they're trying to find a way around each other but it's taking too long or they can't, so making them not solid would fix this, but then you also need to deal with the overlap.

    Bartosh, that's interesting, you've definitely given me some ideas to play around with. Cheers

  • I seem to have a fuzzy recollection of encountering similar problems when I was doodling with the RTS example, but I can't recall how exactly I coped... Maybe if you upload the file I'll take a look and try to solve it? You can use a site like filefront or mediafire or something, then post the link here.

    As for the bouncing part, unfortunately I haven't been able to come up with a decent solution myself. Making them solid seems to screw around with their pathfinding when they're on the move, so as far as I can tell the default system seems to be the best. But if anyone else can has some good suggestions I'm all ears

  • What are the chances that people will pledge money to make backwards compatibility?

  • <img src="">

    The beginnings of an RTS, which will possibly be abandoned in light of Construct 2 and no backwards compatibility. Oh well...

  • Well, I was playing around with color tinting effects for objects and the main drawback I found was that the tinting effect was all or none. This got me to thinking whether Construct has a way to selectively color parts of an object to make a kind of "housecolor" effect as seen in strategy games and such. For example, if I have a soldier character with a blue uniform and red helmet, I can selective tint just the uniform to make it a different color, at the same time leaving the helmet red as before. This would allow me to more easily duplicate the same soldier sprite for several different teams, whereas right now it seems like the only way to do this would be for me to manually edit the sprites of the soldier every time for every team.

    tl;dr - Is there a way to use the tint effect on a color mask rather than the entire object?