suntemple's Forum Posts

  • lucid, thanks Lucid. The GoogleAnalytics plugin 'survives' the minification. It has some global 'ga(...' calls but they are not optimizied. I tried to look into the issue and found out the problem is the cocoonjs export does not insert script dependencies into index.html. I have put the google analytics initialization into a dependency script ga_init.js and thus it wasn't executed in cocoonjs exported version. I'll try to integrate the initialization script into runtime.js directly instead.

  • , Sorry Mike, it doesn't. But it seems to be their Javasript VM limitation - can't load external scripts (I may be wrong but it seemed like that in the debugger).

  • alvarop, I got the ludei's plugin from github, replaced all .js files, including the *_prelude.js file outside of the plugin folder. I then compiled at ludei's using 2.0.2 with mopub enabled and configured. Also, the c2 version I used was 168.

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  • beufreecasse there is cocoonjs_prelude.js in github package which should go to some other construct 2 folder where the old cocoonjs_prelude.js is located.

  • Alright, I have checked the 2.0.2 iOS version with the fixed plugin and both banner and full screen ads show fine for me.

    You'll need a fresh ludei plugin from github:

    I've described the fix in one of the issues here:

    You'll need to find this line in runtime.js:

    preloadingFullscreen = false;[/code:1anhgjjk]
    And simply remove it.
    Also note that there are some files in the github distrib which should go to the folder other than plugin folder!
  • I noticed that for me, even removing the file:// checking script doesnt help with CHROMIUM browsers. But with Firefox, it works fine.

  • Coconjs recent c2 plugin from github has a "typo" bug which does runtime error when showing FS ads. After fixing the bug, ads worked fine for me on Android. I'll report back about iOS soon.

  • No offense, but I'm pretty sure that your graphics are the reason you don't get the attention you would like to get.

    I'd say graphics is more important when selling your game to publishers. As for the usual gamer, he can often prefer a game with crappy graphics but more entertaining gameplay.

  • Did you sign your first apk with one key, then signed one of the following apks with another key? The best thing would be to find and use that first key. Otherwise I think you'll need to create a new app ( I may be wrong )

  • chloroplastgames, you're welcome . If you have any suggestions/requests please let me know.

  • chloroplastgames, Strange, I checked all the links, they work fine for me. If you PM me your e-mail I can send it to you. Regards.

  • I use cocoonjs. It's buggy but gives the best performance currently IMHO

  • Dakiu, thanks. But what ad networks did you link to mopub?

  • Unless Chartboost provides a javascript SDK you will need access to native cocoonjs code to integrate Chartboost. Since they are closed source it's not possible I think.

  • kristsbee, Hi, I reviewed your game. Please review mine: Duckmageddon. Please do Android or iOS, whatever you prefer. Thanks!