StrangeyD's Forum Posts

  • oh ye now I get it, ill give that a try now thanks for the suggestion Littlestain

  • Thank you for your reply you helped me a lot with the flashing lights I will implement it now, as for the flicking action I need to try different things I guess to see if I can get it to work properly so far I have come up with bad results.

  • Is it possible to make the flashing lights?

    Regarding the object flick Im creating a game where the player needs to keep the layout clear so when they flick an object I need it to fly up off the layout.

    Any help?

  • I need to make lights flash to indicate when something needs to be done in game by the player, i.e- like a button needs to flash red to tell the player to start playing, or like a green button flash to say stop.

    I would also like to know how once I touch an object I can flick it like with a finger press up it would make the object fly upwards naturally like as if u flicked a ping pong ball in real life it would fly off in the direction you flicked it.

    I hope I explained it adequately any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Thank you!

  • how to do i get that is it in the forums?

  • Im currently using the newest free version which is 173 but I cant open your capx because it says it is 176? how can that be?

    I have been making a game and because I am limited to 100 events on the free version I have been using multiple projects then once I own the full version combine them to make the full game.

    I am hoping to have saved enough money to be able to buy the full license next week is there a different version for the license holders?

    if not how can I get hold of the 176?

  • Wow thanks for all the reply's, ill try these suggestions now much appreciated!

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  • Might be able to add the condition to only spawn if System: sprite.Count < 25

    I tried doing this but cant get it to work correctly, I don't think I did it right:

    I have System- Enemy on destroyed - create enemy at (x,y)

    System- Enemies < Enemy.count

    Enemies is the Variable and Enemy is the Sprite name, have I done this wrong?

  • Thanks for the quick replys! ye I think both answers will work thanks a lot!

  • I need to keep count of how many enemy's spawned on the layout and once it meets the limit it will stop spawning them in order for the level to be complete.

    Example: once an enemy is killed I am creating a new enemy at a random spot, but I want the spawning to stop once it reaches 25 enemy's.

    Any idea how I can make this happen, I already have the condition that once 25 enemys are killed it ends the level but I want there to be no enemy's on screen when the end of the level is reached.

    Any help would be appreciated!

  • ah both great suggestions, never thought about combining two sprites or the invisible object.

    Will implement now thanks for the reply's!

  • Any ideas?

    I have taken a look at the other tutorials but none of them cover the object moving when the path is first created.

  • I need to create a laser type line object which will only bounce off of 1 side of a sprite..

    Think of a mirror which if the laser hits the 3 sides which aren't reflective it wont reflect but if it hits the reflective side it will proceed to the next object.

    I think I know how to make the laser but not too sure about making the object it reflects off.

    Any help would be appreciated!

  • "Following the path immediately will be a problem because the bullet will have flown past the path start the next tick.."

    Yes I think this is the problem, this is a kind of example to which I can explain what I am looking for:

    Imagine a track with a car driving down the main straight then the car comes into view from the left side of layout with the bullet speed set to 35, the player then places their finger on the car to initiate the path drawing function and proceeds to draw a path for it to follow anywhere on the layout for it to follow.

    I hope that gives you a kind of better picture of what im trying to achieve.

    Again thank you for your patience and help with this, much appreciated.