stevenworks's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    html5 to ios/android works good for simple games, but if you want to produce a high professional ios/android games for the market you have to develop native apps.

  • Hi,

    if you want to develop a game for iOS you have to use Xcode and eventually an Objective-C based framework like, for example, Cocos2d.

    I'm very sorry to say this, but I think it's not the right way to use a technology for a specified target (html5) to develop a game for another and totally different system (iOS). For a lot of time I used "hybrid" tools to devolp with one shot for different platforms and every time I found problems. The only time my work goes OK is when I use the specified tool for that platform. Remember: while you spend time to convert and readapt something to something else, others reach the target using the correct tools...

  • Hi,

    I don't understand what's the problem in the audio usage.

    I've used it on my own without problems and also without reading the manual because it's use for me has been very easy and untuitive.

    If you ask for an help maybe your problem could be resolved.

    However, the free edition doesn't have any particular limit on audio...

  • Hello,

    I'm Steven and I'm the owner and developer in a little italian software house. I mainly develop scientific software like, for example, tools for efficient buildings analysis and certification. In the last years we're focusing in game development with various platforms and for html5 we're using Construct 2.

  • Hi,

    I've taken a look to the regional communities page...

    Well, obviously (as one might imagine) the italian community is the only one listed that hasn't a forum, has nothing to discuss, zero articles, just a copy/paste tutorial translated in a discutible italian language... and a lot of advertisement (to make money) in home page...

    Sorry, this is the typical italian way to do this things... exploting the name of others <img src="smileys/smiley24.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi Geo,

    just for info in Italy the learning of english language is obligatory in the schools (even in the elementary school), in the italian Universities there is an english language exam in every field of study and it's a very important requisite if you want to find job. Then, the english language is easier than italian (many italians don't speak very well their language <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

  • Hi Ashley,

    I didn't know that the translation feature was for an international distribution. Well, in this case is important to implement this...

    Yes, there is a few of confusion between stable and beta releases. It's not very intuitive at the first glance... Maybe it's better to have the stable release as official download and let the beta in a kind of "expert developer" website session...

    I know that be the one developer in a software project is difficult because for some years I worked in a very big software alone, For this reason, I know also that it's very complicated to develop an high level software alone, even if you are the bigger developer in the planet. Maybe, you would consider some strategy to find help without investing a lot of money. For example, selecting some developers and pay them only for the contribution or with a little percentage of the selling. I think there will be some good developer that will help you for not many money (I don't know for free :) ).

  • Hello,

    I don't want to critic Ashley. I think he is a big developer and I've only to learn from him...

    My critic is only because I'm very satisfied to use C2 in our Company and sometime I'm sorry to see in a new C2 version features that could be released, in my opinion, in a second time when, always in my opinion, the development part of C2 should need some improvement.

  • Hi Mivo,

    yes, localization of App/Games IS A VERY important thing... but this features actually there isn't in C2!

    In the new release the localization in referred to C2 software, the possibility of translating Construct 2 software in other languages, not the App/Game produced by C2. :)

  • Hello to all (and Ashley),

    I start by sayin that I love C2 and I consider it a professional tool, but...

    The latest releases have left me a few perplexed.

    The R81 with an annoying bug in exporting. A small bug correctable with just one line of code and, for this reason, a bug that would not be there. Maybe, you should do more beta testing before releasing a version, even if it's declared "beta".

    The R82 offers various fixes (good!) and a new entry: the language localization of the C2 Software (not the produced games!). I guess it needed some work to integrate this function. But: was it really necessary, at this moment, spend time to this function when there are more important things (IMHO)?

    The English language is widespread, especially in information technology. I am Italian and I rarely use software in Italian. I think that a game developer has not the urgency of a development environment translated into own language (then, the Italian language is complicated and often the software is poorly translated).

    In the forum there are a number of features requests for C2. Many concern lacks and other minor improvements which would be a huge help during development. For this reason, I would have preferred to see these things done first, then to think about the translation.

    Please, C2 is a great product with great potential, I understand that behind there is a single developer (and this is, in my opinion, a very big problem), but try to understand what are the priorities. My personal opinion is that, at this moment, would be better to focus on bugs and incorporate features that improve the development and leave after embellishment and utility features.


  • Hi Khaz,

    this is not a complete game, just a physic test.

    Obviously there are some bugs, because the project is just the base for this kind of game and uncompleted.

    For a fully functional game, the project has to be completed with all necessary controls.


  • Hello,

    sometimes it happens to me. I start the game in my Android device and only a white screen appears.

    To me, this happens when I've made something in a wrong mode.

    First of all, be sure to export your game using the PhoneGap option and not the HTML5 option. Sometimes for mistake I use HTML5 export and even if PhoneGap produces the app, it doens't work.

    Be sure to use correct layout size, for example 800x480 pixels if this is your device display resolution. Sometimes I use 640x960 (the iPhone res.) and it works (with the fullscreen mode on), but sometimes some other resolutions give problems (I don't know why).

    Try to change fullscreenmode, webgl and other system settings, maybe one in particular gets error with your device.

    This is my experience, but here in the forum there are more professional users.



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  • Hello Arima,

    if there will be the possibility to do what I've requested I could think to make the android exporter real (in my previous post it was a fake, sorry).


  • Ok,

    I try with a concrete example.

    I have created a software that convert a C2 project in an Android App ready to be tested in any Android device, without use PhoneGap, AppMobi or the C2 exporters.

    Now, I would like to have a new button in the C2 menu that launch my software. When my software starts it detects that in C2 there is an opened project, named "MyGame" and that all files are in "c:\c2projects\MyGame\". So my software can automatically takes the necessary files from "c:\c2projects\MyGame\" and prepare the test Android App. All this directly from C2.

    EXAMPLE (menu customization)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    EXAMPLE (the launched software)

    <img src="" border="0" />


  • Hello,

    maybe I did not explain well, sorry for my English ...

    "Image or sound editor," "exporters", etc.., were just the first examples that came to my mind, but I did not mean that I need an image editor or an exporter.

    I asked if I could put a custom button in the C2 menu to launch an external program created by me, that can access to simple C2 infos like, for example, the opened project. So if I need a tool that in C2 is not there and there never will be, I can create it independently.
