stevenworks's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I know that the "to do" list of C2 is full and there are more important things, but I ask anyway...

    It would be great to have the opportunity to insert in the C2 menu a custom button that starts an external program (made by me). Then, the program can access to some simple C2 informations, for example what project is currently opened.

    In this way, I could realize small softwares to extend the C2 capabilities. For example, an image editor (like Photoshop), a particular exporter, etc.., that I can start directly in C2 and work directly with the opened project (edit its image or sound files, etc).

    It could be possible?



  • Hello,

    while in the release 80.2 exported games work, now with v.81 the same exported game doesn't work in any browser, in PhoneGap and AppMobi.

    It works only in preview.

    What's wrong?


    I've had re-installed v.80.2, opened the same game that with 81 doesn't work, Ive not modified anything, I've just launched exporter. All works ok. I think there is a real problem in v.81.



  • Cassiano, thanx for the replay, but sorry, what you say isn't the question I've proposed.

    I know how the folder works and how to activate the looping, infact I set properly the loop for the music, loaded in Music folder because I want that it's streamed and the effect in Sound folder for immediate availability.

    The game I created works perfectly in the browser: all sounds play, music is correctly in loop, all goes ok.

    The problem is only on Android Tablet, when I convert the game in an Android App with PhoneGap and with AppMobi, as I've explained...


  • Hello,

    I've create a simple game where there are 4 sounds:

    • background music (C2 music folder)
    • player jump effect (C2 sound folder)
    • shooting effect (idem)
    • explosion effect (idem)

    I've exported it for Android (v.2.3) in 2 version, one with PhoneGap and one with AppMobi, and played on SmartPad 810C res.800x480.

    The game runs ok, physics a little slow, but acceptable.

    I've noticed that the audio:

    • in PhoneGap is ok, all sounds are executed, but the music doesn't go in loop (in C2 I don't see an event like "sound is playing" that could help me to force looping);
    • in AppMobi sounds start only as soon as I do something (for example, I move the player) and the music stops after some seconds.

    Some opinions?



  • Hello,

    is it possible to have, in a future release of C2, a grid drawn in the layout? Obviuosly with the possibility to show/hide the grid, set the grid size, etc.

    This because often I need (and I hope someone needs too) to position objects to certain distances and it should be very useful to have a grid to put objects very quickly using grid lines as reference.

    Actually I have to do it by eye or using the "snap to grid" that, for me, isn't so efficient like it should be a grid.




    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hello,

    here you can download a C2 project I used to test physics. It contains a clone of "Angry Birds" (just the base game: lounch of the bird with the sling and hit of a builing with one enemy), that you can use to start with this kind of game, if you think it can be useful.



    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

  • Hello,

    thanx for the replys.

    I've tried Awesonium, but the .NET 1.7 version is in development (actually there is just a 1.7 alpha without .NET support). I will try when it will be ready...

    0plus1: it's strange to say, but there isn't source code. I've only dragged the webkit component on the window form and set its URL property to index.html so to load the game when the app starts. The definitive EXE with all files is just a ZIP in exe format that starts my app (extracting all in the temp folder) when you double-click the EXE.


  • Hello,

    I've tried to create a new wrapper using WebKit, following the suggestion of 0plus1. This the EXE:

    I've tested the EXE in a PC with a fresh installation of Windows 7, without any installed browser (except IE 8).


    1) the EXE works independently from the installed browser. It uses the dlls of the WebKit engine

    2) the game starts quickly respect the IE version of the wrapper

    3) the EXE file weight is greater than the IE version, because it contains about 11Mb of engine files

    I don't know if it's work in other Windows OS versions and with a more complex Construct 2 games.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello,

    the HTML5 wrapper I've proposed has a big limit (as Ashley says): it requires that IE9 is installed, with all the conseguences.

    0plus1 has said a right thing: I can try to use webkit/gecko/other engine (Firefox / Safari / Chrome, ecc.). In this case there are some things that need a test:

    • can the engine be used without the Browser installed?
    • can the engine be used directly without to ask the user to install something?
    • can the engine be used in any Windows OS version?
    • does the engine fully support HTML5 and, particularly, all the Construct 2 games features?

    The best thing is to execute a real export of the Construct project to EXE, a kind of compatibility between Construc2 project and Construct classic project, but obviously this isn't my competence...

    Thanx for the replies,


  • Hi all,

    there is'n any magic or extraordinary code behind the EXE

    <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    In Visual Studio I have simply created a window filled with a "Web Browser" component. This is a standard component in the Visual Studio tools and it's just integrated on any version of Windows OS (so you have no need to download / install something).

    The "Web Browser" component is an interface of Internet Explorer, so it's functionality depends from the installed version of Internet Explorer. For this reason, if you have IE 8, the EXE / the game will not work because version 8 doesn't support HTML5.

    The EXE I have distributed is a ZIP file containing:

    • the game files, exported from Construct with HTML5 exporter
    • the EXE I've created with Visual Studio that execute the game (it loads the index.html file)

    When you click the distributed EXE, all files are extracted in the temporary folder and automatically the "EXE launcher" is executed to start the game.

    It's just an experiment to see if it's possible to wrap a Construct HTML5 game for distributing it in EXE format. I've seen in other posts that someone wanted for it. I think actually this is the only way to "convert" an HTML5 game to EXE. A real conversion without a web component I don't know if it's possible or maybe a few complex, considering that the HTML5 guide lines are not definitive.



  • Hello,

    just for curiosity I've realize in Visual Studio a litte wrapper for the HTML5 game produced by Construct 2.

    It's a single .EXE file: launch it and the game starts.

    It's a wrapper, so it contains a Construct2 game (you have to move a cat jumping to evitate some obstacles) and the wrapper that loads the game inside a window (using the Internet Explorer engine).

    If you want to try it and leave me some impression, I thank you all.

    It's downloadable here:



    <img src="" border="0">

  • I have now the same problem with release 80.

    In my case this what happens:

    • Insert new object
    • Tiled background
    • cross mouse pointer to insert the object
    • after clicked, the "Edit image: Tiled background" opens
    • I do nothing, I simply click the [X] close button to exit, but the window stays opened and Construct is blocked.
    • If I repeat this procedure and I try to add an image, the image appears in the edit window, but the window can't be closed and sometimes Construct crashes.

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • Ehm, no Hellwalker, as Ashy says, I'm talking about Construct software, not about a project.

    The window of Construct has that problem, not a project created with Construct.

  • Hello,

    each time I start Construct application its window is automatically maximized/resized in full screen. OK, then I can resize manually the window, but isn't possible to let the application in a standard size so that the user decides if to go in fullscreen? Or better, when the user close Construct in a certain window size and position and then restart it, Construct is in that size and position.



  • Hello,

    I'm creating an italian web site dedicated to Construct. It's under development, but I've just uploaded the Home Page as a preview of the layout.

    All are welcome!