SteveKane's Forum Posts

  • Wow, this game looks great, love the graphics.

    I've just played it and it's really good, it's quite hard at first but once you get into it and get used to the gameplay, it's really addictive.

    Good job!

  • MaorKeshet Thanks, i was looking for this too. Quick question, How do you change the default blue progress bar into a custom one? I know the tutorial mentions using Tiled backgrounds, but i don't know how to go about it and what to replace. Could i get some help with this?


  • Thanks, i'll keep an eye out on that. I guess its just me being really pedantic over this is suppose.

  • Judging by that reply i guess there isn't really a way to reduce the file size and i'll just have to deal with it in the long run.

    Thanks for the replies anyway.

  • I wouldn't have minded my game being 60mb if i felt my game should be taking up that much (due to high graphics etc). But my game is an Autorunner game with added graphics that total to 9mb on Construct. I've downloaded quite a few games around similar size to 20mb and even then, when they're installed they take up around 35mb.

    Compared to other games, my game taking up 60mb does seem high, for example i have Zombie Dash on my phone, which is pretty similar to my game in terms of gameplay and graphics, and its only a 20mb download but when installed it takes up 1.36mb. So there are games that can take up even less space when installed.

    The fact that with my game, it takes up more than twice the download size is the issue i have.

    Also i built the game with CocoonJS at first and with that same game totaled to 9mb download size, compared to the 20mb with Crosswalk. I don't want to use CocoonJS as i believe Crosswalk is better to use for Android games, so i'm a little bit frustrated with the file size on Crosswalk as a result.

  • Ashley Thanks for the reply. The file size is kind of a big deal as my game is for Android phones, and the fact that it takes up around 60mb after being installed, that is a quite a bit of space to take up on a number of phones.

    Downloading it isn't the issue, as it's around 22mb (even though its still an increase from 9mb in Construct 2), its just the fact it takes up more than twice the space on the phone after installing.

    After installing the game on different phones, 60mb seems quite extreme compared to most apps. There's not many apps that take up as much space as this.

    It's just a but frustrating have worked on the game on Construct 2 to make sure the download size is as small as possble, only to have it shoot up when building it.

    Is there anything i can do in Intel XDK settings to keep the file size down when building with Crosswalk? If not, any recommended alternatives?

  • I wanted to know if there is a difference between Android & Android with crosswalk on the build options on Intel SDK. I've built with Crosswalk but the problem is that the file size becomes huge compared to others. I've read that the file size is smaller if you build with Android without crosswalk but have yet to try it.

    What is the difference between the two? Crosswalk is fine but the file size really puts me off as it turns a 9mb apk into a 20+mb file, and this increases to around 60mb when installed. For this reason I'm looking at alternatives.

    I haven't come across anyone that has used 'Android' to build rather than Android with crosswalk so I'm curious as to what the difference is.

  • LittleStain Ashley I'm not looking for a 'magic button' to solve my issues, i'm just asking for any tips/advice on improving performance with Crosswalk. I'm still a beginner with this so i apologise if my questions are too vague, i'm just asking for help here.

    I have checked the performance tips link and it's helpful but i'm still getting framedrops.

    I appriciate that you can't check how my events are set up, i can't post it here as the file is too big. I have no problem in sending my capx via email if you're willing to take time out to have a look if thats OK.

  • Anyone help out with improving performance with Crosswalk?

  • HI matrixreal I think the reason your memory is high is because your sprites are too big in size. I reduced the sizes of my sprites first via Photoshop (you can use any image editor) and then added them to construct. Then I'd just increase the size of that sprite in the properties bar.

    If you're making a game for mobile, then don't worry if you sprite looks pixelated when you're testing on your PC browser, it will look a lot better once you try it on mobile as it's a smaller screen.

    Also, you can use the crop tool in construct image editor to remove any unnecessary space from your sprites that take up memory for no reason, this really helped me out.

    Hope that helps.

  • I was wondering if there are any ways in improving performance on my game with Crosswalk?

    I've managed to build my game and try it out on my phone, and although it is playable, there are framedrops which can have a slight effect on the gameplay.

    My game memory is only around 11mb and 7mb in size on construct so I don't think I can optimize anymore.

    Are they any tips to improve performance?

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  • Oh OK, I didn't know that. Thanks for the info

  • Thanks you guys for the replies, really helpful. Combining RandomOutput method with Naji works well but I went with eli0s method, it does what i need without using physics or every tick, which i also read can have an effect on performance if used too much (although i'm not using every tick, i'd prefer to only use it if its really necessary)

    Thanks again.

  • Naji Thanks for the reply. I've tried it and although it does scroll as it does with the Bullet behaviour, it doesn't have Infinity scrolling, so it doesn't loop when it gets to the end of the sprite/image.

    This seems like it could work but is there a way to make it have infinate scrolling/loop?

  • I've been reading on ways to improve performance on my game and read that having too many objects using physics (Bullet behaviour in my case) can cause slow downs/frame drops.

    I've got an endless runner game and i've got 7 seperate objects that use Bullet behaviour (4 or 5 of them are for backgrounds and the rest are for gameplay such as platform, obstacle & powerups). The bullet behaviour i'm using is from the auto runner template with just some tweaks to the bullet speed.

    So i was wondering if there is an alternate method, other than Bullet behaviour, that i can use for some of my objects (mainly the background ones) so that it still has infinitie scrolling (as i've got right now) and in turn hopefully improve performance?