SteveKane's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I've been searching the forum but haven't found what i'm looking for so i hope someone can help me out.

    I've got a sprite and i want it to follow around a track and have to option to switch between lanes by tapping.

    Like this -

    What i'm looking for is the sprite (redball) to follow along the path and when you tap, it switches between the inside and outside. I also am looking for it to get gradually faster as time goes.

    I've tried doing this by giving the sprite the car behaviour and have it steer when i reach a turn by using a marker to tell the sprite to turn. Unfortunately i couldn't get it to work properly as i found that it requires a lot of tinkering and even then, it's not perfect.

    I would appriciate any help on this please.

  • Thank you and thanks for the explaination, really helped out. Appriciate it.

  • I've got a sprite when i want to scroll infinitely but i've got an issue where there's a gap that appears when scrolling. I've tried but not been able to fix this so i was hoping someone else can help me.

    I'm sure its something really obvious that i'm missing but i can't seem to solve it.

  • tomhaiger I'm in the same boat as you, I've actually got this boost as well and don't know whats causing it. I did create a post asking if anyone knew of this and how to keep the performance while hiding the FPS counter but didn't get an answer.

    I'm guessing this is quite rare, would love to know what's up with this as this performance increase is pretty good.

  • I've got a slight issue regarding the performance.

    I've gotten a perfomance increase since the update, only after enabling --ignore-gpu-blacklist and the fps counter.

    Thing is, when i removed the fps counter by deleting the code below, my game performance drops.

    <intelxdk:crosswalk xwalk-command-line="--show-fps-counter" />

    Why does having an fps counter give a performance boost? Is there a way to hide the fps counter or correctly disable to so i can retain the performance increase i get while the fps counter is not shown?

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  • broknecho alextro Thanks for the replies, really helped me out. Appriciate it

  • broknecho Thanks for the reply, but thats just got me confused

    How would i input this into my events?

  • I've got a block thats created every second, and have it randomise the Y position everytime it's created. I know how to randomise that block, i've got that working fine but i wanted so that when it randomises, it does it in sets of 50 pixels (hope that made sense).

    So if my layout height is 300, how do i get my created block Y position to appear randomly in either 0, 50, 100, 150 etc. rather than just any random number between 0,300?

    I hope I've worded this correctly so it's easy to understand what i'm asking, hope seomeone can help.


  • Zebbi No i didn't figure out what was causing the problem. I've given up on getting it to work for the time being so I've left it out. I'm still hoping that I'll get it to work eventually but it's difficult if you don't know what the cause of the issue is.

  • That seems to have worked. Thank you for your help

  • I have done that but it's not working correctly as the sprite doesn't pin on to the pipe correctly, it pins in the centre of the pipes rather than on top and bottom. This is the bit i'm having trouble with, getting the sprites in the correct position when created.

  • Well the sprite i wanted to pin has been cloned so there's two of them, so it's not 2 sprites as you're thinking.

    I did acknowledge that i changed it from 2 sprites to 1 and that i had my reasons for doing so. I wasn't doing it for memory issues or anything like that, so even if i had two sprites to pin on to one, it's not a big of a deal as your making it.

    Like everyone, we all need help on occasions, so it's helpful to see a thinly veiled insult towards what i'm trying to do from an experienced member of such a helpful community.

  • I'm creating a game similar to flappy bird and i've changed the way the pipes are created (it's one sprite rather than 2) as i wanted to try something different with the pipes. Thing is that now, there is no gap for the bird to go through as the gap counts as part of the pipe sprite when the bird collides into it.

    My thinking was to have another sprite (a 10x10 box shaped to the same size as the pipes for example) that would pin onto the pipe areas and if he bird collides with that box, then its game over and that way the gap will be there for the bird to go through.

    Problem is that i can't get the black box to pin onto the pipes, so i can't get it to work. The pin object doesn't seem to work on an created object.

    How do i get my box to pin on to the pipe at the same size, essentally overlapping the pipe with the black box ?

    I've attached a capx of the flappy bird clone where i've changed the pipes and added the black box.

    Any help would be appriciated, thanks.

  • I've got a small issue with my Admob ads, where the ads won't show up on the first layout until i've gone to another layout, if that makes sense.

    Basically, i've got layouts consisting of Splash Screen, Menu, Game & Game Over.

    On my Splash Screen i have it set to Preload Banner Ads on start of layout.

    On my Menu, i have On preload complete, show banner ad at bottom of screen.

    I've disabled ads on game by hiding ads, but i have set it so both banner and interstitial ads preload.

    On Game Over, it'll show ads on preload complete.

    The ads don't show up on my Menu when i start the game, but if i play the game and get to the game over screen, the ads show up just fine. Then if i go to my Menu, the ads are there where i want it to be.

    So the issue i'm having is that the ads aren't showing up on the Menu when i first start my game.

    Has anyone else had this issue or know how to fix it?


  • LittleStain Thank you, your solution worked. Seems so simple

    TechnoBeaver Thanks for replying, appriciate it.