[quote:8m9yrmod]Here's what I got going
My layout is 720 pixels tall. I also wanted movement speed to scale down with the PlayerAnimation size too, so the illusion wouldn't be broken
System: Every Tick
-Set scale to (1/2160)*(PlayerAnimations.Y + 1440)
-Set 8Direction Maximum Speed to (300/2160)*(PlayerAnimations.Y+1440)
I found out that if I increased the denominator to 3 times the size of my layout, and added the remainder back to the PlayerAnimations.Y, I could keep the Y(720) yielding a 1 scale, while having the Y(0) yield me a .6667 scale.
Thanks for posting. This is exactly what I am looking for. It gives me a 100% sized sprite at the bottom of the screen and not too tiny at the top.
The trouble is that I don't quite understand how you worked it out and I would really like to.
If you or anyone else could explain this in an artist friendly way I would very much appreciate it.