Squashed John's Forum Posts

  • Yeah sorry i'm pretty bad at explaining things, But that is exactly what i was after!!!!

    Thanks a lot

  • hey guys i'm having a bit of trouble figuring this out, hoping somneone can help

    I'm looking at making a sprite move from point A to point B.

    I will be having objects in an array move from different points by taking the distance and time and setting the sprite position by time left.

    For instance [Sprite 1] is going to be going from Point A to Point B (back and forth) i can work out the distance between them and divide that by the speed the sprite can move (variable) and then when i need to display the sprite image i can set its position from the time remaining from the array (which will be the only thing updated)

    So if viewing the 'graphical' layout it will set sprites position every tick from the time left stored in the array.

    Hope this makes sense and hope you guys can help.

    Thanks in advance ;)

    EDIT: the time it takes to travel will be updated by the array, so [every 1 second] subtract 1 from time left in array

    Edit2: so if i load layout while sprite is halfway through journey how would i set the X/Y co-ords

  • Looking to make an online marketplace where users can buy and sell between themselves.

    So if someone buys an item of the market the person selling it would recieve the in game currency.

    The game itself will be mostly offline it would be more 'tranactions' that should appear as and when they are done.

    For instance. user 1 has bought 100 coal from user 2 so user 2 has recieved 1000 credits for the sale of 1000 coal and the market listing is closed so others cannot buy the same item for the user it was sold from.

    Or is user 8 attacked user 5 they would get a notification or attack and credit loss etc...

    The game would have a lot of items and player stats which should be live(ish) and players should be able to check each others stats.

    Would be mostly text based.

    Is a mysql database what i'm looking for?

    Been using consructs for years and thought i'd try something new.

    I'm pretty useless at explaining things so hope that makes sense :)

  • Haha I do it all the time, realise the next day what I couldn't see for hours the night before xD

  • You have the last line of that set to rate of fire too, looks like it should be set to range

  • Kyatric : i've tried the different preview options and have the same problem with each,

    So i have a project open, i click 'debug' which opens the debug preview window, i copy the address and paste it into an incognito browser window and it sticks loading.

    This happens with both debug and the normal preview windows.

  • On start of layout: create object

    Have that in a global event sheet and include the event sheet on every layout

  • Any offers on how to open multiple preview windows?

    Seems to only open one up and if I try to copy/paste the link it just sticks loading.

    Remote preview is no good to me as it takes too long and cannot use debug

    Basically I want to have 2+ debug preview windows open like you can in C2.

    Also there is a thread about multiple preview windows in the 'FAQ' but the replies do not work

  • and event, double click the sprite and under physics go compare velocity and then in the dropdown box there you can set to overall velocity, or whatever you may need.

    Sorry I suck at explaning things

    1am on a Saturday night my brain is...'elsewhere' xD

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  • You could try setting it so it only applys the impulse if the sprite is moving below a certain speed,

    Something like..

    [ sprite.physics.overallvelocity < 100 ] Apply impulse 1 at X angle

  • ah yeah you need to add it to cache

    [photon: on join room] raise event 1 with car_select

    click that and under cache

    yours is set to donotcache it needs to be addtoroomcache

  • You can't change the angle of gravity with physics, other then setting world gravity for say 10 to -10 would do up and down but no left and right.

    This may help you though, it's setting impulse in the chose direction to simulate gravity.

    http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=805 ... 2220495075

  • In case you wanted the images.


  • Yeah man, just made it for you then

  • Hey man, try this,

    http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=028 ... 5309673895

    You'll have to put your own photon app id in before it will work <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">