sqiddster's Forum Posts

  • jayderyu any specific reason you used lerp()? Why not just simple deceleration value every tick?

    I see the thought behind that, though, it may just work! hmm...

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Go to Layout 2 in the Editor

    2. Edit something in Layout 2 if you wish - not necessary

    3. Go to Event Sheet 1

    4. Run the game

    Observed result:

    Layout 1 appears

    Expected result:

    Layout 2 should appear.

    Note that if the order of layouts 1 and 2 are changed in the Projects bar, the effect is reversed.

    Browsers affected:


    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • Whiteclaws that doesn't work as zero is just a 'special case' - plus, the game would register a reduced max speed if the stick happened to register a number while snapping back/being released slowly.

  • *bump*

  • Hey all,

    I just bought a wired Xbox 360 controller to try out with the Gamepad object. It works very well however I've run into a very interesting issue.

    I'm trying to get it working together with the platform behavior. The platform behavior is designed for keyboard / binary input - completely stopped or running as fast as possible. This presents some natural difficulties when adding a gamepad controller - of course, it's trivial to just set a threshold and turn the analog stick's proportional input into a binary input - however one sacrifices the fine-grained control that analog sticks provide.

    My first thought was to simply set the platformer's max speed to some factor of the analog stick's x-axis. This works well for the most part, however it completely breaks deceleration - releasing the analog stick brings the player to a jarring halt in mid-air as the max speed resets to zero.

    Does anyone have any ideas about fixing this?

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run towards the staircase

    Observed result:

    Player skips steps in a manner roughly equivalent to its speed.

    Expected result:

    A 2px high wall should stop the player. HOWEVER this would break a LOT of projects, and I'd suggest just giving the user more control over this aspect of the behavior.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • Hey all,

    Have a play of this quick project I put together.

    As you can see, it's just the platform project template (although I adjusted the character's max speed and acceleration) with platforms arranged in 'steps'. Each step is 1 pixel taller than the previous step.

    You may notice some peculiar behavior if you try to run up the steps. In my experience, with a running start, the player will always be stopped by the second-to-last step. You'll also notice that running into the staircase without a running start will eventually stop you short. As such, I'm guessing that the player's ability to 'jump steps' is tied to its x velocity.

    While this behavior may be useful for most games, I feel that direct control of 'step-hopping' ability could be useful in some instances. For example, A game I'm working on has lots of big, misshapen tiles that have to be lined up manually and as such there will be 'steps' around the perimeter of each tile where the lining-up isn't perfect.

    Does anyone agree that direct control of this behavior would be useful? Ashley is this really a coded part of the Platformer behavior, or just a weird side effect?

  • spongehammer that's really interesting, I didn't know Canvas could do that!

  • Do you want the game to generate these automatically? Doing this well is no easy feat for a beginner. Do you have previous programming knowledge? If not, I'd suggest you get more comfortable with the engine first.

    Generating the actual platforms shouldn't be too hard - but placement so they don't overlap, or appear too high/far to jump is a little trickier.

  • If you share the .capx file it will make it easier for us to find the problems.

  • 1. This is incorrect - C2 handles all of this for you. Delete as much as you like!

    2. Depends on the hardware, sprite size, memory, etc. There's no 'hard limit'.

  • OK

    Venivididormi yes, you are correct. The game array is not infinite, just very large. So eventually, the world will loop back on itself.

    yogert96 to be honest, going about dynamically editing terrain will depend on R0J0hound 's implementation of my algorithm. i forget exactly how it worked, but I think you may need to add another, larger array to store all the game tiles.

  • Rilem that looks awesome!

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  • Do you know how arrays work? Because that will be necessary to do something like this.

  • Really cool idea, although I feel dizzy :)