Well, I wasn't expecting much more, honestly.
Won't you need pathfinding?
Yes, using Awesomium or Node-webkit as a wrapper. They're a little dodgy at the moment but give them time and they will work well.
boolean a good knowledge of trig can help you so much. It's amazing how often these concepts pop up. Even more advanced math (calculus concepts, exponential decay) can help on rare occasions.
I just want to see layer inheritance. Nothing like making a layer change across 50 levels to keep a man humble (and insane).
Change "on collision" to "is overlapping".
However, when he jumps, he won't move in midair. In that case, use
"every tick: simulate moving right."
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Every tick: Set Scroll X to ScrollX + SomeAmount * dt
Oh, I see - I suppose you mean if they are the same object type? Hmm.
I don't see how this would be difficult to program... it would be one of the simpler ones I should think! What exactly do you need advice about?
You'll want to look into masking. There's an example in the C2 examples folder which should help you.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I was wondering about this too. Not working out the math here, but it might be a natural side-effect of the y-axis pointing downwards instead of upwards.
Did you know it was to be included, or did you sort of just watch the video and your eyes popped out?
Kyatric wow, I am now embarrassed.
[walk of shame]
Sorry, Ashley <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
Awesome! Ashley can we get a comment on this promising technology?