splumsy's Forum Posts

  • You could use "for each enemy" or use a system pick action..

    It worked! Thanks!!

  • The system compare expression doesn't pick..

    All enemies with bullet-speed over 0 will react to the attached action, based on the direction of one of them..

    Ah! Thanks alot! I didn't think of that ..

    Do you have any suggestion on what I should do / use instead?

  • It's kind of hard to explain the problem. Hopefully I'll be able to explain it properly.

    The enemy sprite is supposed to change direction (mirrored, not mirrored) according to the enemy's angle of motion. I'm using the bullet behavior to compare the angle of motion.

    It's working good while i'm using one enemy object on the layout. But as soon as I create a new enemy, the new enemy sprite won't change direction independently. No matter which direction the new enemy object is moving, it will face the same direction as the first enemy object.

    What am I missing or doing wrong here?

    Been having similar problems before. And it frustrates me every time.

  • Problem Description

    Typo in System: "Is value type".

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Click on "Add event"
    • Then click on "System". In General, pick "Is value type".
    • Typo is shown in the description.

    Observed Result

    "The vlaue to check the type of".

    Expected Result

    "The value to check the type of".

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r200, 64-bit

  • Frame rate does feel a little bit smoother. But, the control movements on the player feels more stiff now. Had to adjust the control values a bit to make it "feel" right again. Pretty weird I must say.

  • Yes, that's exactly what it does...but if it's for small repeating sounds like foot steps, gun shots, etc. then you don't even notice it being shorter.

    Alternatively you can make multiple versions of the sound using some program of your choice, name them Sound_1, Sound_2, etc., then use "Play by name" and append a random integer variable to the end...The first method is much easier though if you just want to change the pitch and not use different samples.

    That's true! I'll have to give it a try.. I really don't want to make several sounds with varied pre-set pitch values. I think it's kind of a cheap solution, and also unnecessary.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can get more or less achieve this by setting the playback rate to something like 0.8 + random(0.4)

    Ah, thank you for the clarifying! But, doesn't that also affect the speed of the sound?

    Also, just found out about something called "Doppler factor" in Audio properties. Seem to be some sort of pitch controller. Unfortunately, it will affect all the sounds in the project.

  • A way to control the sounds pitch would have been really useful. Especially sounds that are used more often than others, like gunshots for example. It will quickly start to sound a bit static to listen to the exactly same tone over and over.

    Request / Suggestion:

    • Can set the sound to play at a RANDOM pitch value everytime it is being played.
    • Can set the sound to play at a STATIC pitch value everytime it is being played.
    • Can set a number value on how much the sound should pitch up and/or pitch down.
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  • The latest Chrome (40.0.2214.91 m) seem to have fixed the janking issue. I updated the browser and tested one of my games that previously wasn't playable in Chrome. I can confirm, that it now (finally) runs smoothly without any janking so far! At least for me.

    To update, click the top-right menu button, and then click on "About Google Chrome".

  • I'm working on a grid based fps.

  • West Guns gameplay preview gif:

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30640211/West%20Guns%20gif.gif" border="0" />

  • <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1269483_118293575028210_98007263_o.png" border="0" />

  • It seems that Chrome has a bug in v30:


    Ah, sorry. Missed that thread! Hope it will be fixed soon!

  • Hey!

    Running Windows 8 and I got a Personal license.

    I Installed the latest version of Construct 2. Everything work as it should. But when I preview my games in Chrome, the framerate is lower than on older versions. Before I installed the update it ran as fluid and smooth as it should.

    Previewing in Node-webkit is fast and working as it should, but usualy I test my games in Chrome because of faster startup. Maybe it's Chrome releated, but right after the installation of r146, the framerate was lower.

    This is not really a big issue. Just thought you want to know. Overall, the release is very stable. It used to crash a lot for me, but have not crashed a single time in r146.