How do I make a new object behave independently?

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  • It's kind of hard to explain the problem. Hopefully I'll be able to explain it properly.

    The enemy sprite is supposed to change direction (mirrored, not mirrored) according to the enemy's angle of motion. I'm using the bullet behavior to compare the angle of motion.

    It's working good while i'm using one enemy object on the layout. But as soon as I create a new enemy, the new enemy sprite won't change direction independently. No matter which direction the new enemy object is moving, it will face the same direction as the first enemy object.

    What am I missing or doing wrong here?

    Been having similar problems before. And it frustrates me every time.

  • The system compare expression doesn't pick..

    All enemies with bullet-speed over 0 will react to the attached action, based on the direction of one of them..

  • The system compare expression doesn't pick..

    All enemies with bullet-speed over 0 will react to the attached action, based on the direction of one of them..

    Ah! Thanks alot! I didn't think of that ..

    Do you have any suggestion on what I should do / use instead?

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  • You could use "for each enemy" or use a system pick action..

  • You could use "for each enemy" or use a system pick action..

    It worked! Thanks!!

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