Sparsha's Forum Posts


    Update (03-May-21)

    • Changes Overview
      • Fixed Advanced Minify Errors
      • New Addition: Auto Load SDK- Reduces loading time.
      • New Addition: Timeout
      • New Example: Debugging
      • Updated Example: Handling Multiple Firebase Project (v3).c3p
      • (All other examples have also been updated to comply with Auto Load SDK)
    • Details

      Firebase SDK (7.0.0)-

      • New Property: "Auto Load SDK" . This will Start Loading SDK before Start of Game. This reduces loading time.
      • New Property: "Timeout" . Specifies a timeout after which, if Load Failed, retry Load SDK. If Auto Load SDK is enabled- SDK will retry Load automatically. If Auto Load SDK is disabled- Use condition On Timeout to detect load failure.
      • New Property: "Primary SDK Object" . Use only in case of Multiple Firebase Project Management. Otherwise, ignore this property. Follow Updated Example- Handling Multiple Firebase Project.c3p
      • New Condition: "On Load Success" . Triggers on SDK Load Success. Must be used even if Auto Load SDK is enabled. Follow Updated Examples.
      • New Condition: "On Timeout" . Triggers when SDK fails to load within the specified timeout.

      Firebase RD-Basic (6.0.0)-

      • Fixed Bugs: Trigger Conditions fixed.
      • Fixed Advanced Minify Errors.

      Firebase Auth-Basic (6.0.0)-

      • Fixed Advanced Minify Errors.

      Firebase CloudStorage (2.0.0)-

      • Fixed Advanced Minify Errors.

      Examples (03-May-21)-

      • New Example: "Debugging.c3p" . Shows how to Debug Firebase Projects.
      • Updated: "Handling Multiple Firebase Project (v3).c3p" . Changed to comply with the changes in the Firebase SDK Plugin.
      • Updated all examples to enable Auto Load SDK.

      Firebase Auth-Pro (3.0.0)-

      • Fixed Advanced Minify Errors.

      Firebase Auth-Pro Mobile (2.0.0)-

      • Fixed Advanced Minify Errors.

      Firebase RD-Pro (2.0.0)-

      • Fixed Advanced Minify Errors.
  • I think this will work:

    After Exporting, go to the root folder of your app.

    Here, keep your loadimage.png image file.

    The image should be as small as possible like 64*64 pixels or 128*128 pixels.

    Open and edit index.html with any text editor.

    Paste these lines just below <body> tag:

    <img src="loadimage.png" class="myloadingImage">
    	position: absolute;
     	top: 50%;
     	left: 50%;
     	transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    	z-index: -1;

    Refer to this image ->

  • Ribis Yep, it works on Mobile platforms.

  • Hi Tom, I released a plugin that allows Chat using Firebase Realtime Database:

    And I wanted to include a Demo for that. But the Construct Arcade says:

    What's Never Allowed?

    ✗ Chat rooms

    Is there any chance you would want whitelist my Demo?

    I would like to hear about any conditions if I would have to follow like auto-resetting Database every 24 hours or every hour?

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  • Firebase Realtime-Database PRO plugin Early Access available now!

    Includes Chat Template for C3.


    1. Firebase Realtime-Database PRO

    • Assign mini User Keys that can be copied and used to Tag users, send friend requests, etc.
    • Write & Read Presence- Get Online/Offline Status and last online timestamp of any user.
    • Advanced List management- querying and sorting
    • Write Server Timestamp
    • Remove Sync Listeners to save data usage

    With this you can Build:

    • Chat Rooms
    • Post & Reply System
    • Friend Management & Tag users
    • Show User Online/Offline Status

    2. Template

    • Global Chat Template (v2-alpha).c3p

    Note: This is an early release and more templates will be included soon

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Haha you got me. having to manage two stores sucks 😅, but I guess its more secure to use the Addon Store page only.


  • Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to know if the person contacting me has actually purchased my assets from the asset store?

  • Well, you can't hide that. What minify does is shortens the names of all variables and objects and removes unnecessary blank spaces and all, to shorten the size of the code. It does also obfuscates the code. But that doesn't affect Strings.

    If you use JavaScript, you can somehow make it difficult for the hacker/attacker to understand code by obfuscating it and by string manipulation (encoding/decoding) your strings and using fake codes. (That's what I do in my firebase plugins)

    But still that's not enough. That's where the Security Rules comes into play. And you can also restrict your Firebase project to allow Reads/Writes from a specific domain only domains from the Google Developers Console.

  • You have got some extra double-quotes " " which convert your integer to string.

    Make it like this: "{ ""score"": " & scoreVariable & "}"

    Have a look at your Database Console. This is what a Number VS String looks like. Notice the double-quotes " "

  • Make sure your score is an integer and not a string

  • Oops, forgot sorry, try this-

    		".write": "!data.exists() || (newData.child('score').val() > data.child('score').val())"

    Now this allows either if no data exists or if the new data > old data

  • Desktop app crashes (closes) when running a project with FileChooser object. Create an empty project, add FileChooser, run - instant crash..

    Anyone else have this problem?

    Nope, Working fine for me. Tried both Stable and Beta

  • Use the Security Rules to do that

    Something like this-

    		".write": "newData.child('score').val() > data.child('score').val()"

    Allow writes only when New Data Value is greater than Current Data Value.

    The dollar symbol "$" means a wildcard location.

    Read more about rules:

  • Haha thought so. Thanks anyways.

  • Just wondering, if I want my assets to be paid optionally as a donation, do you think it is allowed to post the Redeem Code Keys in the Asset Description?