Sparsha's Forum Posts

  • As the question stated:

    Will the objects in a container when created (except for the first one) always have consecutive UIDs?

  • Wow! Thank you . Thank you very much!!

    Well I knew this would be insecure.. But it doesn't matter for me. No one's gonna play my game.

  • Thank you very much nacra for your answer and for the link you provided. Well I was searching for this plugin but gave up thinking that this Firebase plugin had not been converted yet.

    Thank you very much again!! This link has all the plugins I used to use in Construct 2. :)

  • Pencil2D is not recommended for games.

    I use spriter which is very easy to learn and you can download the official spriter plugin which works with Construct projects. This has great features. Search online and you will find about those features.

    And for Krita I have never tried. It seems a good one. I will try once.

  • I didn't want to have my own server..

    I think it is possible with this.

    But I don't understand how to do and what to do..My programming knowledge is very low. I don't know how to integrate this with my construct 3 project.

    I don't understand most of the things advanced topics in Construct 3.

    Well these are out of my scope I s'pose.

  • I can get the values from spreadsheet to my game using Rex's CSV plugin with AJAX. But can I update this spreadsheet? Can I make necessary changes in the values in game (or add new member details) and upload that to spreadsheet?

    Or is it possible to save an array in JSON format directly to my google drive account and import it into the game?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can have thousands of objects on screen, it just depends on what they are doing.

    If they are all doing something complex then that will slow things down.

    If you are sending multiplayer commands one at a time then that would also slow things down.

    All this depends mostly on the individuals hardware.

    Okay, thank you for your answer.. I will keep that in mind :)

  • No. The memory is in ram, not on the screen.

    Additional instances add(slightly) up in cpu though.

    newt Thank you for your answer... I want to know more:

    If there are 800 instances of this object on the screen wont it reduce fps?

    Moreover can i make a multiplayer game working with this much instances? I mean 4 players each controlling 200 instances like in strategy games.. Thankyou.

  • Suppose I have a sprite which uses 2mb memory. If I need 100 instances of the object, will the game use 200mb memory?

    I tried copying several instances of the object on the game layout. But it doesn't seem to affect memory usage according to the game engine (in the Project Statistics window).

  • I want to make a minimap with which i can interact. When I click at a position on the minimap, the Player moves to that position on the layout. When i double click at a position, the window scrolls to that position.

    Currently I can interact with my minimap only when fullscreen in browser is turned off. When fullscreen in browser is set to Letterbox scale, it won't work. This is because for the interaction I used the action statement :

    Player set position to (Touch.AbsoluteX-Minimap.X)*40, (Touch.AbsoluteY-Minimap.Y)*40

    40 because Layout size is 40 times of Mininmap.

    I had followed this tutorial:

    But I need to have Letter box scale fullscreen. I need to have the game supported in any screen resolution. So Please help...

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  • Hey ,

    you need to store the UID of the picked building in a variable:

    Thank very much!! It works beautifully! This is the thing I was trying to do for hours! Thank you kriand.

    I learnt a new lesson!!

  • I read this in 2 ways so I’ll approach it in 2 ways:

    1) (the issue occurs on drag)

    A) Don’t use overlap until touch ends. This way when you’re dragging the menu it doesn’t meet your condition

    B) You can also use a timer with the overlap if you really want that touch involved (you can use your current logic to add to a timer for the instance. If that timer reaches a certain value you would change the animation)

    2) (the issue occurs on drop) You could try snapping your menu to the position to the house and use that as the trigger to the animation change (if menu x/y = house x/y change animation).

    Thank you very much for your reply!! I now know I was wrong...

    However I did not write all my events for this. (Well its my fault)

    Actually I want to do the following things:-

    1. Choose the nearest instance of Buildings to mouse (or to Menu_House).

    2. Then if Menu_House is overlapping Buildings change opacity of buildings to 50 and change animation.

    3. If Menu_House is dropped over Buildings change opacity to hundred and set global variable BUILD to 1

    4. Else Buildings change to its initial animation.

    1,2 & 3 are the problems.

    I want it to look like Construct 2 example of Pick Nearest to (Many instances of a man holding a sword or something), and when a sprite is dropped over them, set opacity of the Man to 100 forever.

    The problem is this won't work. Both instances change their opacity when I drop Menu sprite at the middle of two instances.

  • I want to drag and drop a sprite named Menu_House over instances of sprite named Buildings to change the animation frame of Buildings. This is like creating buildings in city builder or strategy games. Instead of spawning sprites, I want to do this because I want this to happen in specific positions. I want to create these buildings in game only in a specific position nearest to Mouse

    Conditon 1

    Menu_House|On DragDrop drop


    Buildings|Pick nearest to (Mouse.X,Mouse.Y)

      Actions for 1 Buildings|Set animation to "House" (play from beginning) Buildings|Set opacity to 50

    Conditon 2


      Actions for 2 Buildings|Set animation to "None" (play from beginning) Buildings|Set opacity to 100
    [ Key for Events: = Sprite


    These are the events... But they won't work properly. If two instances of Buildings (of width 200 pixels) are 200 pixels apart and I drag and drop Menu_House over at the middle of the two instances, both the instances change their animation and opacity. But I only want the nearest of them to do so. Please help me.

    Thank you in advance!!