spacedoubt's Forum Posts

  • From the manual:

    What containers do

    Placing objects in a container has the following effects:

    If one object in a container is created, every other object in its container is also automatically created.

    Isn't this what is happening?

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  • bump Ashley

  • Depends on what conflicts you mean? Files saved in beta won't open in older versions.

    Many of the examples exceed the free limits, you can still open them in free version, you just can't really do much with them.

  • I don't do much with physics, but could you do this by changing the gravity?

  • Naji this is a great idea! I think you should definitely add a regular review section to your site if for no other reason than the networking with other game devs that it would open you up to (meaning more people see your games, as well!) You scratch the community's back, they scratch yours.

  • maybe you could set the platform gravity really high EXCEPT for when you're jumping, so he falls so fast this can't happen?

    lowering the collisions peaks a possibility?

    it's not so much you want to disable falling, it's not directly the falling stopping you from jumping, it's just that your feet aren't on the ground. I don't know if that helps. I'll think on it some more...

  • If you set the text to floor(player.x) every tick, you can see that the player is in fact moving.. I'm curious why the blocks don't show that movement, though?

    EDIT: Oh! cause they're on the UI layer with parallax set to 0,0...

  • scrollto. either on the player and then as A0Nasser said. or use the system scroll to get to the point you want.

  • I have used several animation programs (not that I ever got real pro at it or anything), and for some reason, I could never quite wrap my head around using bones properly and so I mostly just avoided it. I just got Spriter a couple of days ago and within an hour of using it, I FINALLY understood how to use them. So awesome!

    waveform visualization, also so awesome!

    keep up the great work!

  • Sweet! Thanks!

  • rekjl Thanks! I've got so many projects just sitting at 100 events waiting to be finished..

    ah! if that is the case, then I apologize for my accidental impatience. heh.

  • So I finally got my C2 license and I'm one happy camper cause I also got spriter in a bundle! woohoo!!

    I just had to share. I closed C2 and I didn't have to wait 3 seconds. You have no idea how happy that made me (or maybe you do)..

    Tom It seems I did not get my little badge! I know it's petty, but if there's a way to fix that, I sure would be one happier camper!

  • Even though not all images will be on screen at once all those images/objects must be rendered, taking up memory .

    Gonna have to disagree on that point.

    From the Performance Tips section of the manual:

    Off-screen objects are not still rendered. Construct 2 does not issue draw calls for objects that do not appear in the window, and the GPU is also smart enough to know not to render any content that appears outside the window - even when a single image is only partially on-screen.

    mariogamer Also from the Performance Tips section:

    Number of layouts also is unlikely to have any effect other than the download size. The layout size also does not have any direct effect; larger layouts do not use more memory or require more processing, unless you use more objects.

  • jobel Thanks so much! Excellent Feedback!

    I realize now that I didn't make this very clear in the OP (will edit), but I was hoping people would just review a song or two at random and I could use the collective feedback to narrow down the amount of tracks as you suggest.

    Yeah, those last few tracks kind of "don't count" in my mind. Just some kinda fun stuff I made once. They won't be making the portfolio.

    and that last piece of advice is extremely helpful. In my mind, my ambient tracks are probably my best work, so I have a hard time realizing to just cut it back to 1.

    Thanks again for the great feedback, much appreciated!

  • You need to set layout 2 to use event sheet 1.