SoupOrWorm's Forum Posts

  • "Compare two values" doesn't pick instances and compares the distance only to the first enemy instance (with the lowest IID, which may not be the nearest)

    Use the Line of Sight behavior instead, it will pick the instances.


  • This is a bit hard to explain but I'll try my best. I am adding an enemy to my game that attacks when the player gets close to it, and it is easy to tell when any instance of the enemy is near the player (System - Compare 2 values - distance([Enemy].X, [Enemy].Y, [Player].X, [Player].Y) is <= to 1000), but the problem is that that makes it so if any instance of the enemy is near the player everu instance attacks, but I want it so only the one instance near the player attacks. Is there any way to do this?


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  • When copying and pasting tiles, use the built-in tilemap tools to ensure you’re copying the tiles correctly. Select the tiles using the "Rectangle Selection" tool in the Tilemap editor, then copy and paste them. Flipping tiles should work properly with these tools.

    Sorry for the late response.

    How do I copy paste them? Using control C and V after highlighting it doesnt do anything and trying to flip the brush with the selected area as the brush makes it dissapear.

  • If I try to select a part of the tilemap to copy and then try flipping it, it disappears. How do I make it not do that?

  • Put the wait in another sub event after the other one.

    Makes sense. Thanks for the response.

  • Title.


  • I never had to add any files or enable compatibility mode, linux64 export just works as is.

    Have you tried in Desktop mode? Which NWjs version are you using? Try 86.

    Also test by exporting a blank project without Steamworks or any other plugins.

    Thanks for the response, but it does the same thing in desktop mode and I am already using 86. Could anything else be making it fail?

  • Hi, I feel like the title is pretty self explainitory. The game works perfectly on win64, but I cant get it to run on the steam deck using linux64.

    I have put and in the "Files" section of the construct 3 project, and gave it the launch option of "linux64/[executable name]" in steamworks, but it still wont launch.

    Do I need to manually place and somewhere? Or am I missing something?

  • You can apply a constant force downward. Technically force=mass*acceleration so the gravity force for a specific object would be that. But the physics units are flawed in the behavior so a constant like 50 would work.

    Alternatively you could set the y velocity to self.physics.velocityY+500*dt which would just apply an acceleration directly

    Thanks for the response. I tried that and it works, but the problem with it is that the gravity 'speed' never increases, so it feels pretty floaty.

    I tried doing that but also multiplying/adding a variable that increases over time to it to make the gravity speed increase the longer you fall, but none of my solutions have really gotten the desired affect. Any ideas?

  • Hi, I'm tryna make the player have gravity in my game, but there is a problem: the world physics gravity is set to 0 because most of the game is underwater, and I cant just change the gravity because other objects use physics too.

    Right now I am using this but it is, for a lack of a better word, pretty cringe.

    Anyone know how to make this more realistic? Thanks.

  • Hey, a while ago I made *ahem stole* this script that detects a mouse button press even if it is a side button like FWD/BWD:

    // Import any other script files here, e.g.:
    // import * as myModule from "./mymodule.js";
    let r;
    runOnStartup(async runtime =>
    	// Code to run on the loading screen.
    	// Note layouts, objects etc. are not yet available.
    	runtime.addEventListener("beforeprojectstart", () => OnBeforeProjectStart(runtime));
    async function OnBeforeProjectStart(runtime)
    	// Code to run just before 'On start of layout' on
    	// the first layout. Loading has finished and initial
    	// instances are created and available to use here.
    	document.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {e.preventDefault(); mousedown(e.clientX, e.clientY, e.button)});
    	runtime.addEventListener("tick", () => Tick(runtime));
    function mousedown(x, y, button){
    	r.globalVars.mouseButtonNum = button;
    function Tick(runtime)

    Here is the very short events/vars nessesary:

    There are 2 major issues with this system that I need to fix:

    1. It only works if you press a diffrent mouse button before the one you are pressing (e.x. pressing RMB then LMB works, but if you press LMB twice it doesn't work the second consecutive time)

    2. There is no way to check if you are holding the button.

    If anybody knows how I can alter the code/events to fix those issues, please let me know.

  • This is possible with HTLM layers

    Worked, thanks!

  • I want a sprite with 70 opacity to be in front of a slider but it isnt. How do I make it?


  • Not sure about going with 1.05... The 1 in the formula should stay constant afaik and I don't know about the ramifications. Maybe it's fine?

    This formula will be somewhat different to the framerate dependent lerp and you should adjust the factor accordingly. Basically the higher the factor, the slower the speed.(As opposed to the other way around) I found I'm having to use very small values to make it snappy, like 0.000000001

    But the point is it's framerate independent so even if it's slower than it should be, it will be so across all framerates.

    Got it, thanks.

  • lerp(current, target, 1-factor^dt)

    Thanks for the response. I tried this and it is much faster, but still a bit slower than it should be. Maybe this is because of performance when testing it while it was framerate-dependent? Anyway, changing it to lerp(current, target, 1.05-factor^dt) works, so should I just use 1.05 for all of them? Or do I need to change it for each lerp() individually? Thanks.