Somebody's Forum Posts

  • "Every X ms" would certainly be affected by timescale.

  • Hey, lucid, amazing news, works like a charm now! Thanks - this should help with a future project quite a bit (if I ever get around to it, that is).

  • Thanks, I have been looking at all the suggestions and coming up with more of my own. Soon...

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Neat. Here's something I'm working on:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • The new "wire" certainly looks a lot better - is that a ribbon?

  • Jayjay - I tried that, didn't seem to work right.

    Animaniac - fantastic! Never even knew that option was there, d'oh. It works perfectly, although there are limitations (can't use it on panel objects - must be the same problem), but also it's great to be able to scale the occlusion effect by just changing one value.

    Here's my little test area for this. I'd say such an effect certainly helps the walls become more grounded and no extra work from the user!

  • Yes, right click on top of that box and pick "Use Expression" and you can enter RGB() values.

  • Hi all.

    This sure seems like a bug, let me paint the scene:

    We have an object, let's say a sprite:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    And then we have a panel object with a hotspot conveniently set to center:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    So we go ahead and place the panel to the same position as our object:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    So far so good:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Now we think - hey, it has a centre hotspot, so all we need to do is to resize it and set an angle and it will cover our object nicely:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    But what happens is this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Which is really quite bad. Is it bug, and if so, is it possible to fix it? That would REALLY help for certain things (in this case we were trying to do a bit of automated fake Ambient Occlusion).

  • Um, the platform behaviour has a "Set gravity direction" action that lets you set the gravity wherever you please?

  • Hi there.

    When you decide to do the right thing and buy C2, this is what greets you upon return:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Clearly not critical, but still the experience could be more pleasant...

  • Super well done, Yann! This is very handy, since so many of the effects are scattered all over the place. Hopefully more will pop up in replies as well, for the benefit of all the CC'ers.

  • QuaziGNRLnose: How was it difficult? Were the enemies just zooming past or something else? May help me find the bug if there is one.

    Phobos002: This is actually answered on the first page, have a look.

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  • Well, in that case just use two for cycles, one within the other for x and y to place your sprites. That way you can set the animations and whatever else you like.

    I recently used this to place 10240 sprites in a grid formation, no problem at all (except for a certain performance drop).

  • I must say this is totally Neatcake�

    And may come in handy in the future... Thanks, Yann.

  • For what it's worth I do believe Urled is Russian or from the general area and the terminology may mean something different than it does here. Not to say it isn't somewhat immature to just label games with non-gameplay related terms.