Somebody's Forum Posts

  • This is an awesome tool for beginner artists who want a consistent art style!

    I wonder... using your tool could you export a sprite and add it to the tool dynamically as a new object?

    Thanks for the kind words. The system is based on frames of an animation and the save system is based on that - so outside resources would either not show or break the loaded files. This could be added for quick temp shapes (which would be ignored when saving).

    If this were to take off in some way to justify the time I suspect there would be a way to make two different save files - one with just the data and another with data+images.

    Currently I'm working on getting to those objects below which is the biggest hurdle for smooth editing. After the base functions are done I might look into this option.

  • If it's non-interactive just add a downward movement of some sort, if not do something like - Every tick: Width = DesiredWidth * Sprite.Y/LowestYItCanGet <== This is then a ratio between the current position and total height. So, for example, if your layout is 640 tall and the car at 640 should be 256 pixels wide and currently it is at 320 or so you do something like: Every tick Width = 256 * Sprite.Y/640 - which will be equal to 0.5, so your car will be 128px wide.

  • Other than that I would make the instructions clearer, preferably with a simple illustration (say, of your little guy running through the waypoints) and a different color scheme - dark yellow on dark green is hard to read.

  • +1 for a rep - otherwise often these plugins disappear forever as their makers lose interest or hosting or clean their dropbox folders. It would a nice move from the Scirrians to support those who help expand their product.

  • Just do something like: Width < LargestSizeYouNeed ==> Width=Width+dt*128 <== adjust this for speed. Height = Width (if it's not square adjust this with a ratio).

  • I would like to chime in with setting an Angle for the 9-patch - that would really come in handy.

  • Well, we are looking at a 2D plane so it's going to work on the Y axis anyway. What you could do is add an instance variable, say SpawnY and then add a check when Sprite.Y is > SpawnY - you know it has hit ground and should explode/damage other things, etc.

    Than just make your projectile move in an arch by using whatever - bullet and rotate behaviour or bullet + subtracting from y every tick or just making the movement yourself.

  • The built-in particle system is quite limited - with sprites you can do all sorts of interesting things, such as scale them, rotate them, etc. This lets you make more realistic effects, such as billowing smoke, etc.

    I wish the built-in system was better, this has been brought up a couple of times, but I guess the thought is the same - "if you want better stuff just make it yourself" - as far as I know performance isn't really better or worse so might as well.

  • Ok, being in portrait mode seems to really confuse it and that mission briefing is quite small. Also it is really dark for a tablet. But ignoring that on the third try it actually behaved properly And I was able to move the guy and so on.

    Have you locked the orientation to landscape?

  • More variety is always better, especially since it's quite easy to change it up a bit in your game.

  • This is on chrome. 2nd time it was all dark and when I could tap it instantly showed retry. So something isn't right.

  • Well, lerp is like saying "move 1% of current values towards this value" so over time that 1% becomes smaller, so it moves ever slower.

    This makes a nice ease in or out effect,but as you see can lack precision.

    Also using 0.01 is a bad idea, you should use dt or a form of dt/5 or such.

    You could use a 3rd party "move to" behavior that can be found here, I hear it's neat.

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  • You say it works great on touch devices, but on my Samsung Note 12.2 it shows a black box over the middle of the screen and nothing happens when tapping.

  • I like how you posted ever better versions as the rendering went on

    Looking forward to seeing the finished game, good luck!

  • Hi, all!

    I have been working on a way to create either temp or actual usable sprites quickly. What if we could place preset parts onto a grid and quickly, using the keyboard manipulate them. Change their position, size, color, even angle. From this idea StuffGEN was born.

    You can see a video of it in action here - I built a system that shows what keys are being pressed and what mouse clicks are taking place so you can already learn the basics as you watch:

    Thanks to Burvey and TiAm some new features were added (such as opacity on number keys 1-0) and, certainly I need to thank R0J0hound for being mega-patient with all sorts of technical questions.

    From humble beginnings it has grown into something less humble - there are now 112 tiles to pick from, it can actually export a neat, clean transparent background PNG of only the sprite, you can even save and load object files that allow for returning to previous work AND merging of objects. You also get a neat help screen with instructions:

    Now it has reached the fourth inner generation and I'd like to open it to a wider audience to get some more feedback, so here it is: ... index.html

    Best approach is to Ctrl+Mouse Wheel zoom so it's of usable size - the exported image file will always be 512x512px for now. You can resize those inside the C2 editor or whereever.

    Known issues:

    Because of the way C2 works with layers currently one can only send a part to either the top or the bottom of the layer.

    There's no undo or redo - save often if you want to stay safe.

    Upon export some tiles gain unnecessary lines on their sides - guess it's a side effect of C2's image optimization.

    At least on my setup tiles that become smaller than a certain size (say, 64 pixels) on one side automatically become greatly reduced in their inner resolution and thus very pixellated.

    Selection is a bit unwieldy as it is, but I'm hoping to fix this in a future version.

    Future plans:

    Undo, perhaps Redo.

    Decent selection system, as expected from an editor (for now select with left clicks, deselect with X).

    Ability to change the canvas size as necessary.

    Tilesets (this has been made forward-compatible in the save system so, hopefully, the files should work in the future).

    Here are some ready-made objects to get you started: ... Robot.json ... rShip.json ... /Tank.json ... yborg.json

    This is the (ugly) ship I build in the demo video: ... /Ship.json

    Have fun and, please, share your creations, feedback with ideas for different tiles, features, etc. This won't be available forever so if it seems interesting please do give it a try.

    NOTE: There is a good chance that the tileset will change so please don't get too attached to your creations if you save them as JSON.