Somebody's Forum Posts

  • I prefer the slanted view - at least in the current implementation it looks a lot neater and less cramped. Obviously that would make it tougher to make decent water - you'd probably need to add like a second layer that only barely moves and then a horizon layer that's static.

    If you manage to give the fish neat unique looks this could be a winner.

  • Well, sure I would, but need to find out the scroll speed and such first. I have more options at work, will test it tomorrow. It should be easy to implement. Thanks for the feedback so far, keep it coming (and share your creations ).

  • Here is the Capx

    Nope, doesn't work at all. I'm on Windows 8.1 and Chrome. So it's a bit hard to support something that doesn't work for me... Scrolling through there would be the most natural thing, but I have no idea why it doesn't.

  • I have uploaded a new version that has the centerline and also press V (for "Same Values") to pick same colored bits (very neat).

    I wish there was a way to overcome graphics card's limitations and always have the best quality for the parts.... Well, when the part kit is finalised I'll try making a smaller subset for smaller parts. Also the way C2 slaps them together on export isn't that great, I wish it just took my spritesheet and used that wholesale.

    Undo is quite hard... I'll probably figure it out, but for now... save often

  • Super!

    Scrolling with mouse when over the parts box would be great to.

    My mouse is already there

    You can bet I tried that - for some reason on all of my systems the scroll wheel doesn't react at all... Does it work for you (not in StuffGEN, but if you make a little test capx?).

    About the centerline, how about this?

  • In theory you just tap + a couple of times and can use G to be sure, but yeah, I can add something like that - going to do it now.

    Will add H to exit help as well.

  • Cool stuff, Per your request the grid now goes down to 4x4 pixels... also the shakey selection was a bit weird so I went ahead and implemented the really cool outline selection which looks great and works great and took some math to do. The main link has been updated with the new stuff.

    See it in action here:

    As you can see the new options are so neat, even the ugly tank became kinda cute: ... wTank.json

    Speaking of grids - easter egg - press G to toggle the overgrid (helps when a lot of objects cover up the action - you can see it in the gif, towards the end).

  • That might be tough as my system uses animation frames for each object, but different part "sets" are already possible (in fact I just implemented one of them) and are planned to be available.

    It would be cool to have some talented people create new sets - things like steampunk or, for example, insect-like parts. You could create some pretty crazy hybrid stuff. Then I could include that in a new version.

    Next version will have at least one new part set and some new color palettes.

    Keep those ideas coming!

  • Tried the game - it looks decent, seems like you spent a while designing the levels but, frankly, to me the controls are pretty terrible - well, most mobile games that aren't single tap or swipe tend to be. But in this case although the control system seems thought out and does the best it can (at least it's not a virtual pad), but it gets quite annoying quite quickly. The dash move worked maybe 1 time out of 5, then seemingly randomly set off when I was already on the bottom.

    I think it's a decent idea brought down by the awkward controls - if there was a way to swipe to dash, for example - so you would kinda tap,tap==>slide left to dash left - maybe that would work better.

    Also if I were you I would add drop shadows to the jumpable platforms - just a simple gradient would do - would make them stand out a little more on all that grey (I mean, they are visible, the art is nice, but it would look even better).

  • I'll think about it, might help people learn it quicker.

    My initial plan for it was to basically make sketches "ready for use" - as I have a good bunch of sketches of different tech and I was initially going to build everything in 3D and then render it out. This turned out being time consuming and cumbersome and, as is often the case, when building something separately changes in look and feel tend to crop up. So StuffGEN was built to help with that - you have an idea, either keep it in your head or better yet sketch it out:

    Well, this is cute, but no game asset, so I can just go into StuffGEN and create a clean, precise game-ready asset in a couple of minutes:

    It's a little rough because of graphics card shenanigans, but resize it to game size and it's good to go.

    And should I need to tweak something (make, for example, a 2nd ship with different weapons) it's easy as pie. Soon there should be a feature that lets you select all elements of the same color so changing color schemes will be a snap.

    Need an evil twin for our craft? POW!

  • If I was making a bat enemy I would just have a plain sprite, add a bullet behavior so it moves to one side, then a sine behavior so it floats up and down (as bats should). Then either spawn the guy as the player approaches or activate the bullet movement as the player approaches.

  • Thanks, Savvy001 - once you get the hang of it you can create some rather neat things, like my new avatar:

    And it should only get better.

    Another neat thing is - you make it, you save it - it's all just objects, splitting it into parts is a snap and you can use it with something like Spriter, for example.

  • Hi, all, thanks for the positive feedback and the amazing(really) frog Burvey

    So, Z ordering is tough, but I spent some time and got the next best thing in - iterating through your selection. It behaves a little different than in usual graphics apps, but is still quite useful: You click an object and if there are other objects under your click you can move through them with tab. To make the selected object more obvious they now jitter with excitement when picked (check out the Select all at the end):

    Also implemented a much more sensible deselection by simply clicking outside of an object. The top link has been updated, if you don't get these features hard refresh (Ctrl+F5... possibly a couple of times). Enjoy!

    Hopefully we get to see more objects soon.

  • Well, what is your browser then, what version? Perhaps you have some aggressive adblocker?

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  • And by 'try to open' you mean when you copy the public link (which you get by right clicking the file) into a browser or just double click it in the folder?