SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

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  • [tube]QodrSfsboFk[/tube]


  • Very cool :D

    Thanks for sharing!


  • Purposefully and intentionally doing the wrong thing, is not OK. Others may do it without knowing. If you see something that is generally considered unaccepted practice, the solution is to report the problem not contribute to it.

    We have covered this in the past. Why do you return to this constantly?

    It is not your job to moderate, however it helps when you can inform the moderators of these things since we aren't all-seeing-all-knowing. Acting in an immature manner only compounds the problem. If you want to be mature about it, again... report the problem then move on. Stop threatening to add to it.


  • This is pretty cool man. Much nicer than the alpha.

    I wish there was a list of controls though... I discovered accidentally that the "F" keys resize the screen which is AWESOME, since now I can make it fill up my massive 28" monitor instead of having to squint at it. :)

    *Just dicveres the pdf in the zip file*

    Guess I'll go read that now. :)


  • Just bought my copy too.

    Off I go to die many many many many times. :)


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  • I will summon Rex now...

    up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, START.


  • Yes as Kyat said, "on touched" will trigger a single touch. If you want it to continue to be active as the player presses, you must use either "while in touch" or "is touching" commands.

    Hope this helps :)


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  • > Thanks to Shviller, I went and checked out:



    > This tool will be VERY HANDY for anyone doing WEBSITES in HTML5, especially using C2...

    Oh yes, anyone doing cross-platform web development should be definitely be using Modernizr to avoid plunging into browser hell.

    Browser sniffing is so 20th century <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Yes it's the first I had heard of it.

    This will be simply magnificent!


  • Thanks to Shviller, I went and checked out:

    This tool will be VERY HANDY for anyone doing WEBSITES in HTML5, especially using C2.

    It has a whole bunch of "tests" it performs in nano-seconds to see if the browser is capable of HTML5 or not.

    I simply added the .js file to my working directory, then added this code to my index.html file;


    <script src="modernizr.js"></script>

    <script>if (Modernizr.canvas) {

    // let's draw some shapes!

    } else {

    // no native canvas support available :(

         window.location = ""

         var msg = 'With a different browser you�ll get to see the WebGL experience here:   ';

       document.getElementById( '#notice' ).innerHTML = msg;




    I added it at the bottom, just above the </html> tag.

    Works like a charm!
