SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

  • Nice job. Simple yet effective, and also easily adaptible to triple jump and beyond... even other applications like for example, simulating a character lifting a heavy door where you have to bash the button over and over until it's at the top or else it drops to the grond and you have to start again... etc.


  • Nice plasma effect mate. I've made some weird and wonderful effects myself, all by complete accident. That tool is so.... strangely unpredictable!


  • If you wanted an icon other than the objects appearance, you could create another sprite, set it to invisible, and select it as the parameter in draw terrain. That way it will will only appear on the minimap.

    Yep! That is exactly what I did

    Now, to go see what deadeye made...


    Hey that's kinda neat... Sort of paralaxed... but not.


  • Ah right! I was thinking it would be something to do with sin etc.

    I'll investigate

    Hell no... Fancy math + me = LOLYEHRITE!

  • Dude how did you do those swurving missiles? I'm trying to make something similar...

    I just made an event

    +Missile is visible

    +Enemy is on screen

    • Missile rotate towards object XY at angle 10�

    That's about it

    Happy to share the CAP or make a quick example if you can't get it happening.


  • If I have understood this thread correctly...

    I don't see what all the fuss is about really... it's easy enough to just do something like:

    bomb hits ground => create bomb radius object (erase shader) => destroy bomb radius object

    You can make the "explosion" any shape you want easily, and it takes 2 seconds to make the event to handle every single "bomb" or "bullet" or whatever in the event of destructible terrain.


  • Well to be honest, I don't know lol. My monster PC lives at my friends house since I am there frequently, I get to use it more there than if it were at home. I will check it out next time I go to visit him, which will most likely be Friday night at this point. I'm guessing around 400+ fps?


  • Your title screen is already really awesome! However it is a little static and some objects fading in and out or moving around never hurts

    Yeah I already made (by complete accident) a cool plasma effect that I will put on the end of her gun arm. I was also thinking of having some homing missiles chase the mouse cursor around, and then when you click they will home in on the "target" and explode... so you might click "start game" for example and the missiles will smash into the "start game" and blow it up, then the game will start.

    I still like the effect you achieved with this screen... I can stare at it for hours!


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  • Nice one link! Cheers for that.

  • GG fellas. Will download later today when I get home

  • A workaround could possibly be to use invisible "detector" objects which are spawned relative to the number of "ramp" objects. The detector object would not need to be loaded from a file, it would be built into the runtime, therefore the collision mask would stay as "per-pixel". You could then tie the detector to the object being loaded from file using some simple events (detector.xy = object.xy).

    This was a trick I used to apply (when I used MMF2) to objects that I wanted to collide with other things using different effects etc. for whatever reason.


  • Cheers deadeye

    1. I get that same error on another PC I have as well... I have no idea what it is or what causes it, but yeah, the game still works anyway. The other 8 or so systems I have tried it on, it works fine. Weird :/

    2. I tried locking the angle, but then I get the same problem I had with trying to get her head to do the same thing.... she will only aim to the right no matter which way you face. It's like the angle is locked based on the original direction the sprite is facing or something like that. If you could throw together a real fast CAP file of something working where you can still move around at the same time I would be grateful beyond belief!

    3. I could easily change the arm to the other arm... never really thought about that acctually... it would certainly look less awkward when aiming to the rear. I tried making it so the character looked in the direction of the mouse (which would have simply turned her around when you aim "behind"), but then it starts rotating it on 360� even if I turn rotation off... and I have decided I want to stick with just plain left and right... so aiming at the mouse won't work, at least the way I am trying to get it to work. :/

    4. I have been meaning to adjust the speed of the missiles to make them faster. The play area will be much larger in the final game, so her fast movement speed won't make the level seem so small, but trust me when I say, you will NEED that speed once you see what is coming after you It's one of those things I haven't bothered to tweak even though it takes 2 seconds lol.

    Cheers heaps for the input... I will start trying to make adjustments to things, but I am hoping to work out the angle restriction thing, yet still be able to change directions as well. If you want I can always send you the CAP file so you can check out what I have done so far etc, or I can make a quick simple example and see if we can work it out. I'm seriously stuck on that, hense why I made due with another idea (which hasn't quite turned out just right).

    Thanks again mate!


  • So like, I heard Rich was making that online multiplayer plugin


  • So, I'm working on my game, and I have it set up to where it will load the tile-sets for maps externally. The problem arises when the images are loaded during run-time using the sprite's "Load animation from file" action. Whenever they are loaded like this, the collision mask remain unchanged, even when they are set to per-pixel. This poses problems when the loaded tile is a ramp, but the collision mask remains a square. Is this by design, or is this a bug that needs to be fixed? Thanks.

    I do believe you can change the collision mode during runtime as well... have you tried that, or did you try to change the item properties in the design view?

  • You could always make a psuedo motion blur effect... kind of like the Johnny Cage kick from the original Mortal Kombat game, where it basically shadows an image as it moves along. You could do this with a copy of your sprite that has the fade effect applied to it, and have your main sprite "spawn" the copied fade sprite as it moves along.

    I will be making something similar for my characters "dash" attack, so if you aren't sure what I am talking about, check my thread in the Creations section in the next few days... It is on my to-do list for the next few additions.