Societyisbabylon's Forum Posts

  • I'm having trouble figuring this out. I have an enemy that is a bit . . Wonky to say the least.

    The setup is this: The player has a giant invisible sprite around him, and when the enemy touches this, the enemy stops (so far so good) When the enemy has stopped, I start a variable that waits 1 second, then decides whether to throw knife high, low, or not at all.

    I kind of got it working, but the enemy cycles through all his choices really fast, ending in a spectacle where he's just flailing about.

  • Having it so you cant change direction while in the air. I managed to find a solution to it by adding a couple of variable checks.

  • The idea is: Pressing w (jump button) when not pressing a or d (left and right buttons) you jump straight up, (no problem here) And while pressing a or d the instance variable for jumping is set to 1 or 2 (left and right jumping direction)

    So, if jump = 1 and D is pressed I want the player to jump forwards and if jump = 2 and a is pressed I want the player to jump backwards. This is what I can't get working. Any tips?

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  • I need to know how the code should look for this: I have an event, where I hold down the key "D" the idea is that here I set the effect parameters for the AdjustHSL effect. I entered +1 in the values as in my mind this correlates to "increase by 1 and see difference when you hold down the D key" but that is wrong, ofcourse.

  • Ahh, thank you. I understand how this is done now! You helped a lot!

  • I found myself facing a hurdle with one of my complex projects which I can't tackle in a good way.

    My problem is: I'm using multiple variables to check if conditions are fulfilled to execute specific actions.

    In this case the player has a "special attack" that is initiated by pressing "s" then "d" and finaly "b", no problem so far. My hurdle comes in that I need another variable to check if any other buttons are pushed so the variable that checks for the special attack input is reseted. This seems to complicate things too much for me, do you have any tips on making it easier to "think in multiple variable steps" or any other way of doing things like these?

  • Thank you for your input, guys. It was a major help. I got the effect going as I want it =)

  • I'm in a bit of a pickle, I did a character with a lot of animations, now I want to simulate being able to choose between different characters with palette swaps since I don't feel like painting manually.

    I had this idea, not sure if it's doable or not, so I'm brainstorming with you guys with what would be a possible solution.

    My current idea: The skin color being light gray, clothes being dark gray, then having some sort of event setup that handles colors with effects perhaps?

    Like, if I select "Bob" I get a blue outfit, if I choose Jimmy, I get a red outfit, etc.

    Your thoughts?

  • Thank you for all your help. I got it working now

  • Having some trouble figuring this one out, basically I want what Street Fighter has, double tap forwards or backwards to make the character hop forward or backwards to close in or get away from the opponent.

    I'm speculating that this would be a timer based event, like: "Forward is pressed, now a counter starts, if forward is pressed again within a time frame movement is changed"?

  • I'm having some issues with making a project fullscreen.

    I work with pretty small pixel graphics, the background is 117,49, how do I stretch it to fullscreen?

    My current setup is: Layout size: 117,49, margins : 800,600 (I tried setting margins to 117,49 as well)

    When I test it, the screen is tiny in the upper left corner with a big white area around it.

    I just don't get it.

  • Thank you =)

  • I'm trying to figure out how to have a sprite created, and then create a few copies of it to the right of it.

    In this case, brick blocks. I can't do it with tiled backgrounds since they need to be destructible when the player hits them from underneath, that I know how to do, though =) Or, can it be made with tiled backgrounds with math?

    The reason I don't place them manually is I'm experimenting with an endless running with a procedural generated level.

  • Thank you for taking your time to look at it, I appreciate it. I followed your advice and got it working.