SNN135's Forum Posts

  • There are a couple of things that immediately stand out to me:

    1. That green grass or whatever it is along the bottom of the screen (in the front of the background) is incredibly distracting. I'd honestly just remove it.

    2. A couple of the plumes end up being impossible to get - specifically, this one cannot be obtained at quicker speeds.

    Not a bad start. Best of luck!

  • You have to actually edit the image if I recall (you can do it directly in C2's editor). Just color all of the letters white with the paint can/pencil/whatever tool.

  • Sure, you could do it like that. Have a variable for each eye color, and then you could do some thing like

    System: Blue = 1

    -> Set animation frame to <whatever number the blue frame is>

    You would set Blue (or whichever color you use) to 1 when the animation should play, and to 0 when it shouldn't.

  • Cage Looks really polished and graphically pleasant. Reminds me of some SNES-era top-down shooter. Nice work!

  • If you don't want to alter every single animation, you could create a separate sprite for the eyes that are pinned to the player. Have the eyes consist of three different frames (blue, purple, and red), and update them accordingly based on whatever value you're using.

    Someone else might be able to provide a better solution, but outside of adding different animations for every eye color, I can't think of an easier way to do it.

  • I would suggest making the projectiles come out of more than just one spot on the screen (they all appear to shoot up from about 100ish pixels from the left side). It's pretty easy to hold down the button on the top right corner of the game and get a fairly high score without even having to do anything.

  • Lovely graphics. I like the incredibly subtle black clouds you have going across the screen too - you can hardly notice them, yet they add a nice eerie effect to the area.

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  • It's a decent start. There are a few polishing issues you should sort out, most notably with the unevenness of the graphical placement (i.e. the coin spacing, the right platform's height compared to the left, etc). Have you considered enabling "Snap to Grid" in C2? Also, are you inserting your ground/other tiles as sprites, or are you using the tilemap? The latter might be more desirable than the former in this case.

    Best of luck!

  • 1. I've used pretty huge layouts (>5000x5000) and didn't notice any sort of issues. I imagine if you filled it to the brim with sprites and other objects to process that it would start becoming a hindrance, but otherwise I don't foresee any real issues.

    2. Each frame can have a different collision polygon.

    3. If you're referring to "every tick" actions, I generally try to put all of mine in the same place.

    4. Loader layouts

    5. I'm mediocre at best with JavaScript, so I'll let someone else answer this one.

  • Fervir: The animations is gorgeous, especially on the bats. Not sure if you've heard of Anodyne (indie Zelda-styled game), but it has a very similar feeling to that. Awesome.

  • Probably not the best way to do it, honestly. You'd be better off creating the additional objects (at the start of the layout) based on the difficulty, that way you can have everything on one layer.

    The only solution I can think of to the way you did it would be to use "Pick All" on every instance of that object, test if it is on a certain layer number/name, and then destroy it if it is.

  • I'd agree that the outlined ones look better on average, but as you said, it would be worth checking them on different background and at different sizes to confirm that.

  • For the tilting effect: have you considered using the "Sine" behavior with the "Angle" property? You can play with the "Magnitude" and "Period" values to get it working however you want it to.

  • I spend most of my spare time on it, or at the very least, something related to it (e.g. learning programming). Probably about 20ish hours a week, if I had to guess.

  • No, I don't think this would have anything to do with families. It should work without using them.

    Can you post a screenshot of the code in question (.capx would be preferred, but if you'd rather keep that private, a screenshot should suffice)?