SnipG's Forum Posts

  • Touch->On any touch start : Browser->Request Fullscreen does not work, but - On tap "object" works just fine.

  • Today i tried to make remote preview and it did not work, from my end i saw him tring to connect for 5-10 sec then connection dropped, just like before TURN server. Could there be a way from my end or other, to see why the connection drop?

  • Does that even work like that?

    If i had to make games just because I want to make games! And someone else told me what to do I could not find any willpower to make them instead playing.

  • Finally got my game uploaded. It lacks a lot of fun elements, but at least something got done. ... 1496010544

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    I still think Construct 2/3 are pretty great. It was a hard decision for me to come and play with blocks. But still, Constuct 2/3 are just springboard into more serious game development. It shows you all the basic mechanic behind the games, while leaving out specific skill requirement in programming, so integrating into for example Unity would be much simpler. Were you already know how stuff should work, and only thing is to improve your programming. For me it still goes like this.

    Gamemaker -> unity/unreal/monogames or some other professional engine.

    Construct2 -> ^

    Godot -> ^

    Jumping from Construct 2 to Gamemaker/fusion, etc, after a year or two, seems to be bad progression.

    Well, you can use Construct 2 or other similar engine, you should know that you must build your projects around pros and cons of Game engine! And should not hope for some serious improvements.

    But I still I agree that Construct 2 and all other game engines should have the option to use almost entire engine freely with some neat limitations. When I was choosing which game engine to go with and Construct 2 had been yearly payment ~100 I would had hard decision, if there was no way to try it out for months with some small limitations. Picking Construct 2 is already like going to play Minecraft, while the game is wonderful and super cool, you still feel like playing with kids or are The Kid.

    As already Construct 2 user the 50/100 year deal is super nice, complying and cheap. But when I think about back in time, when I picked the game engine as hobby tool, would I pick it again? It would be much, much harder decision than one time payment ~75. As when people go Construct 2 -> unity. Then there aren't potential clients who will come into construct 2, like engine X -> construct 2. Where engine X is free and then to pay a little extra and intergate into C2, as it is almost already the lowest tier.

    I think limitations like: only 1-3 layout, 1 event sheet, fixed viewport/layout size, no groups, layers 1-3 max, some sprite limitation etc. Would serve newcomers much better. Then max 25/50 events.

    Or old timers can pay 50-100 to unlock C3 with some limitation to develop their hobby projects. And then they can buy extras 25-50. - each unlock certain c3 limitations. Or pay 3-5 year in 1 go, to unlock it so called"forever" as people and their taste are different. There should be something for everyone.

  • HI, i played around with your example i could not get draw call to skyrocket when changing frames. But then i tested it out in different browsers. Nw.js had 1-2% draw calls, chrome like ~4%, edge 7-8% and some real old version of Mozilla ~12%. You seem to be running Edge? maybe try other browsers and see if stuff changes. Update browser etc.

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    Here are some other successful payment option examples: ....

    Overall cost for thous engines is like 3x + higher. Construct 3 have rly cheap rent which let you test everything. Unity year is like 450 single seat vs 100 construct 3. Some use adobe producs, which cost more yearly then C3.

    Successful would be opensource Free About GM success, when beginners try it they pirate it(or bought it from humble bundle). Thous GM export prices are huge for hobbyist with legal product. And if Construct 3 makes again one-time payment lets say 75-100, and then starts selling official features/updates in market, you end up paying much more then yearly 100.-

  • Messed around with thous examples. It seems to be caused by 9-patch and sprintfront original huge size+webGL+your window current view. When WebGL effects added, then WebGL will be triggered on that ~1500x1000 size which somehow breaks objects rendering, if i downscale it 150x100 everything start to work fine. Same if i got layout 5000x5000 filled with sprites, if my current window view is on spot where there is no 9-patch/sprintfront everything works fine, but when i move in one of them, objects just disappear.

    But when i change some random 9-patch/spritefront setting everything start to work fine. It is like your project files loads, 9-patch/spritefront WebGL effect is forced to overflow your current box size(like it want to apply itself on whole (original size) area around your current 9-patch box but there isent anything so it gets buggy). As if you change some setting everything start work fine, as some values get refreshed.

    But! when i open thous examples, change 9-patch/spritefront settings and get them work, then without saving close project and open it again, everything works fine. But when i close project + construct 2 and open project, the bugged effect starts again, as some values somewhere get deleted when construct 2 is closed.

    My laptop is quit old and has - ... 698.0.html.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I added camera movement, which reduces blurry effect. Maybe you can work something out with it. ... jhFNkV6RHc

  • Buy yourself 144Hz monitor! It would help you, but not others who don`t have it (:

  • I tried to play around with solid objects , so both player can pass/collide same time. Poor attempt, but maybe this applied only to couple objects same time and only when needed with offset check, it could work? ... VN3NVFVZFE

  • I made really fast something, not sure if it helps. It has no real z ordering and very simple collision that fails alot(floor 1 collision gets even worse but you could improve it (: ), but i think you get the basic idea. ... 202TmlNazA

  • Still searching for a solution, my further tests all ended up bad.

    Would be awesome to have some experienced constructers working on this since Scirra doesn't work on Multiplayer.

    (Solution for multiple floors within an online multiplayer scenario where individual players are able to not bump into solid objects while the others don't due the fact that they are moving on a different floor

    Main issue being: Solid objects are only globaly set and can not be set individualy for each object.

    Won`t it possible to make custom pushout code for each so called "solid object" if player 2 is on floor 2 dont apply push, but player on floor 1 gets pushed out from objects.

    Maybe this video series help you. That guy makes simple custom physics, there are multiple episodes.

    Part 1 he makes simple dot to bounce , part 2 he compines and makes simple box with sticks adds physics and collision checks/push out. Maybe it gives you some ideas.

    Part 1:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Hi

    I was playing around with simple collision checks and performance. When i came across following strange thing:

    I had 800x500 window size with 1250x1250 layout size. I had 1 player sprite, bullet and around 200 wall sprite. I spawned bullets while a mouse button was down and checked bullet overlapping with wall sprites to destroy them. I had CPU usage up to 60%+ and a lot collison checks.

    But then i made window size 50x50, set layout scale 0.05. And did exact same thing i had almost 2-3 times better performance. So is there built in collision check range, which == window size . But is there anyway to set same collision check range/grid manually without setting small window size or adding events, as it seems to work nicely? Could not find any post about this.