I have some trouble with the communication between an array and a list.
Basicly what I want is following:
Player creates a spell with following atributes: name, dmg, element
these are then saved within an array. X direction are the atributes / each new spell is inserted at the end of Y
for visual feedback (and spell selection) I want to have a list with one item per spell (Y element) displaying the corresponding atributes.
So I made an "updatespelllist" function wich is triggered when the array is edited.
until there everything works fine. when i update the list with fixed XY values it works.
BUT: I want the list to be updated in the following way:
for each "array.height" - List: add item with the text "array.at(0, loopindex) & array.at(1, loopindex) & array.at(2, loopindex)
wich should create an item with the text "name dmg element"
instead my gets created empty
Can anyone see where my logic doesnt work?
Greetings Henning