skymen's Forum Posts

  • This is a followup to this forum thread:

    In there, Ashley said the following:

    Are you sure that there are not other approaches that could make an integrated 3D engine work, or new APIs that would smooth integration? It seems to me that it ought to be possible to basically import existing Construct objects in to a 3D engine

    I'm down to humor this because I'm trying to do this exact thing nowadays.

    For the past few months, at Dedra, we've been working on two 3D games made in C3 with the purpose of pushing the engine to its limits and see how far we can go. While so far it's gone well, we've already ran into multiple roadblocks that have made me question the legitimacy of this plan.

    So, I've started messing around with OGL initially and now with ThreeJS within C3. (OGL was chosen because it was very lightweight, but after working with it a lot, I figured I would need to build a large layer on top of it to get the results I wanted, which would make my fork just a poor version of ThreeJS)

    During my tests, I was doing the whole thing in JS and loading models from the asset manager to run benchmarks, but the plan has always been to try and create a 1:1 mapping of C3->ThreeJS since I'm pretty sure most of it can be done automatically.

    I'm glad that you seem to agree that this is a decent plan so let me list a few features that are currently needed to do make this possible:

    1- Getting texture data

    In C3, there is no legitimate way to get the texture data from anything without using undocumented features. I'm not just talking about sprites here. I would like to use:

    • Sprites
    • Tiled Background
    • 9 Patch
    • Text. This one is especially important. C3's Text BBCode system is way too useful to give up on, the alternative would require loading fonts manually, and doing text rendering using some other solution. I suppose I could use the IRendererText interface, draw to an invisible texture and show that, but that's extra work to recreate something that is already there.
    • Particles. NB: This one is far less important as a particle system would probably need to be rewritten in 3D and could pull texture from sprite. Also, I implemented Effekseer in C3 a few months ago, but that particle engine was designed for ThreeJS originally so most likely I'd use that for complex particle systems

    This feature would also be very useful for my Empty Shell addon. It currently uses an undocumented feature to get the texture from a sprite, but if this feature was done, I could make it work with any of these objects.

    2- Getting linked instance objects

    A few objects in C3 get their texture data from other places. This is the case for 3D Object which is the most important one by far.

    Particle also does that but as stated this is less important.

    Having that system be exposed in the new SDK would also allow me to port my Empty Shell addon, since it relies on a similar concept for texture linking.


    These two are by far the most important features because otherwise none of what you're proposing is possible without hacks, without jumping through massive hoops, or without just ignoring C3's editor entirely and storing everything as separate files.

    3- Mesh data

    I think we've already made a very solid point for this in this feature request.

    However, this is also very important for a C3->ThreeJS system because otherwise there is no way to port anything that uses mesh. For this we need all the data, so world position, but also local positions and UV data. Without all of it, it's not possible to do it.

    A big reason why this is very important is that mesh is the only way to do 3D rotations and skews in C3. Doing this in full Three requires storing a lot of data as numbers in instance variables which becomes cumbersome when meshes do the same thing but better.

    4- Extra notes for full support

    A few other far less important things required for this would be:

    - Support for Video in the scripting runtime (URL, current position etc)

    - Tilemap texture. This one would be far more situational.

    - DrawingCanvas texture. Unless I'm mistaken, it's not possible to get the canvas texture data from DrawingCanvas.

    - Spritefont. I personally don't use Spritefont, but it would help


    This would be quite a lot of work to do, and a lot of it would essentially be syncing the full state of C3 objects to 3D.

    I am personally down to explore this possibility, and if it works out well, I am planning on open sourcing a lot of my work so other people can give it a try as well.

    However, right now it's just not possible to do without reaching beyond what is allowed.

    Also, if I have to go the length of implementing a 3rd party 3D renderer and do all of this syncing work, it would only be fair if I got to use this engine to the full extent. However, right now, C3 lacks a lot of UX features that would also need to be worked around to have a decent workflow. Something as simple as placing 3D shapes with a 3D rotation is impossible and yet would be extremely useful in a proper 3D renderer. Do I need to store rotations as instance vars and keep hitting preview to see if I rotated my object correctly? I'm already doing this, but it's far from ideal.

    You have to realise that following this route means gradually moving the problem away from the runtime, and straigth into the editor, and given how little work has gone into exposing more editor SDK I frankly doubt we'll be allowed to create custom views any time soon to implement a 3D editor ourselves, let alone get all of the data I outlined above directly from the editor SDK.

    Scratch that! Let's say I write a brand new 3D editor completely separate from C3 that gets all its data directly from the project folder. I can't live reload anything in C3 (besides scripts in the scripts folder) so to preview my changes, I need to restart the C3 editor and THEN the preview.

    (all of this assumes it's a sensible idea to write my own 3D editor and use a 3rd party 3D renderer. That sounds far fetched, but I can think of a few theoretical good reasons to actually do that)

  • Hi Ashley, in the past few C3 releases you included 2 examples for custom drawing with canvases inbetween layers. This is pretty cool, and in fact it's something I've been experimenting with in the past, but I'm curious about something:

    Why do it this way rather than using C3's provided dynamic texture system? Dynamic textures can also take canvases as input, and with them I'd be able to integrate rendering with a lot more precision than with an extra canvas inbetween 2 layers.

    Also, using dynamic textures, I can place my custom drawing in the C3 world directly and have it automatically be affected by layout/layer positionning, the Z ordering, and the effects compositor.

    Is it that this method is more performant? If so, how much better is it?

    I'm curious to learn more about the rationale behind these. As I said, I've been experimenting with something like this recently to implement custom 3D in my games, and for my specific use case, both would actually work fine (with some minor caveats on both sides) so if you can explain, it would help me a lot.

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    Sometimes the addon developer responsible has left the community, and there's nobody left to help them.

    It's a real nightmare for us to deal with and is continually happening in the background, unbeknown to most addon developers, often including the addon developers responsible for the problem.

    I know I've already said this, but in case this ever happens due to one of my addons, please let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible, or at the very least provide a way out of using my addon for people affected.

    Also, Mikal mentionned it, but usually when there is demand, some addon devs take old unmaintained addons to update them so they work on newer versions of the software. This is happening at the moment with ProUI, it has happened in the past with Rex's addons, and nowadays we even have the Construct Open Collective specifically designed so the community can chip in to fund free and open source tools/addons for Construct.

    Anyway, I think it's very fair for addon devs and game devs with large projects and revenue on the line to be extremely upset by the situation, and especially for people to be skeptical regarding Scirra's ability to address said concerns swiftly. A lot of addon devs are currently watching how the situation evolves, because there is still quite a lot of uncertainty about what addons can and cannot be ported to V2 for the ones that fall vaguely on the edge.

    For my part, I am also delaying work on making C3IDE2 work with V2 because I am still unsure how much it will change in the following weeks.

    Anyway, I appreciate you taking the time to listen to feedback and wanting for the move to go as smooth as possible (as smooth as a large disruption can be) but for many of us, there is not much we can do besides wait and see how the situation evolves and how SDK v2 improves in the following weeks.

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    Exactly! Yet people is still thinking that r388 LTS is the solution. Ashley already stated LTS won't have support forever... eventually, our long term projects that uses undocumented features won't open.

    Astral Ascent is still being developped on r232 or a version near to that. They locked the version more than 3 years ago and it's still working out for them. An LTS would provide updates for NW.js, SDK updates for mobile, and necessary security fixes and this would give us even more time.

    So, with an LTS, you have 1 year until SDK v1 is deprecated, then that last stable gets supported for 18 to 24 months according to Ashley, then you can still keep using it for as long as you want. That's a minimum of 3 years where nothing will happen. If we assume Astral Ascent is a viable scenario (3 years working on an unsupported version with no issues) then you have 6 years ahead of you.

    What Ashley means, and has always meant with "stop supporting" means stop giving it updates in the latest versions of the software. Every single "unsupported" feature Construct 3 has ever had in the past are still perfectly accessible in older versions. Why would you assume they would feel the need to retroactively change more than 350 releases of the engine to nuke all traces of the old SDK? That makes zero sense.

    With his latest reactions, what's the real guarantee that he won't change his mind later on. This whole SDK v2 thing came from a simple question to access engine internals 2 months ago, which suprinsingly rushed Ashley to launch v2.

    This is false. The SDK v2 has not magically appeared in Ashley's mind 2 months ago. It was definitely the trigger for doing it, sure, but he has mentionned the idea several times in the past few years. Nothing Ashley is saying now is new, and he's always said it would happen at some point in the future.

    Again, I understand being annoyed and frustrated, but don't make up things to be mad at, and don't form facts from conjecture. This really just fuels more negativity, spreads misinformation which makes other people panic, and it makes discussing the issue harder for both addon devs and for Scirra.

    Past a certain point of noise and anger, Ashley will just close the gates of communications and nothing will have been achieved. This has happened in the past, and it's counter productive for absolutely everyone.

    If WebView2 becomes available on Mac and Linux - we won't get it. A new version of NWJS is released (which requires updated Steam plugin) - we won't get it. Scirra adds Switch export (haha, I know) - we won't get it. Google or Apple introduce some breaking change - we won't be able to export for mobile. And so on and so on.

    WebView2 and NW.js exports are fairly easy to do on your own. You can just download the releases from their websites, export to HTML and put your HTML in the correct folder. If push comes to shove, you can just keep exporting with your own stuff.

    NW.js export versions are not tied to editor releases and older versions should still be able to export to latest NW.js because the list gets fetched when you start an export.

    Steam plugin compatibility can be done on your own by replacing the prebuild files and you can get them here:

    For Google/Apple changes, if you mean SDK changes that would be tied to 3rd party addons (i.e. Chadori in this case) and not Scirra anyway. Agreed that this does make it harder for addon devs to keep supporting old versions, but in the absolute worst case, nothing prevents you from just opening Chadori's addon and making the changes you need to do in there. From experience digging in there, Chadori's code is pretty well put together, so even if you don't know a lot about addon dev or SDK dev, you should still be able to find your way around inside of it.

    For OS version changes, I am not very knowledgeable on mobile exports, but if you don't go through Scirra's server it should be doable to make your own thing. And I think the minimum supported version is a value to change in the app manifest? Anyway, this one I don't know for sure because I'm not a mobile dev, but everything else you can reasonably just keep doing it by digging in the right places.

    Is it slightly more painful? Sure. But it's also still doable AFAIK.

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    I can't go to the an older version of construct because sdk v1 will be totally retired

    No one has ever said anything about older versions ever becoming unaccessible.

    In fact, Ashley has seemed fairly keen on providing an LTS version to keep compatibility for the last stable that supports V1.

    if your worry is that you want to keep opening your projects in r388, you will still be able to do that, in the same way you can still open Construct 2 projects in C3 if you go back far enough in the releases

    I understand being mad at this, but I really want everyone here to be mad for the right reasons, so make sure you understand what's going on. Otherwise all you do is create noise that makes the communication muddier for everyone else.

    You are launching an Addon SDK v2 with an incomplete API and blaming plugin developers that we do not cooperate.

    The new SDK is not even out of beta and has had a single week of updates, so IMO it really does not count as "launched". Missing features and requests are being added to the feature request board. If you need a feature, add it there please.

    Once the SDK reaches stable in a few months, you will still have a full year to port the addons and request any missing features you might need. Sure, it's a pain to port the addons, but it's not like anyone is asked to start porting immediately. If the LTS does happen, this can buy everyone even more time before they absolutely have to update.

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    Wait? Shouldn't that be the minimum? How are you suppose to extend C3 in any meaningful way with an API that isn't even flexible enough to create its own existing features?

    I thought these discussions are about things like Skymen hacking in the ability to have different sampling modes on different layers. Things that currently aren't possible.

    No, currently with SDK V1 here are the built-in addons that use undocumented features (and by that I don't mean easily replaceable ones, I mean the plugin is impossible without them or requires rewriting chunks of the engine):

    Plugins: 3D Camera, FlowchartController, ShadowLight, Sprite, Spritefont, Text, Tilemap, Timeline Controller, Drawing Canvas

    Behaviors: Bullet, Car, Custom, LOS, Persist, Solid

    Addons that use undocumented features for what I think are important features, but that can be worked around or removed for worse UX:

    Plugins: 3D Shape, 9 Patch, Particles, SVG, TiledBG, HTMLElement, Advanced Random

    Behaviors: 8 Direction, Move to, Physics, Platform, Tile Movement, Tween

    And here are ones that use undocumented features to provide slightly better UX (again, and said UX cannot be replicated) but otherwise fit perfectly inside V1:

    Plugins: LocalStorage, Audio

    Behaviors: Sine, Rotate, Orbit

    This list has been made by being reasonable on what counts as an undocumented feature, and what is just built in addons being better designed inside the engine.

    I am not making this list to ask Scirra to make addons using the SDK features because this is far from a viable option. I am just using these as an example of how low the bar is. When we say 3rd party addon devs have been asking for features we consider as basic, we do not mean "hacking in the ability to have different sampling modes on different layers". Not anywhere close.

    In fact, I asked that same exact question to Ashley 7 months ago.

    At the time, the answer boiled down to "don't make an addon then".

    For some addons, this can mean "use events", but for other addons, this means "don't make that at all"

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    I'm gonna give one last thought on this subject. I personally think there is a huge difference between this, and what happened when C3 released, or with C3runtime or the modules change. For one the modules change often implied very minor tweaks so it does not count IMO.

    For the two other cases, the changes were indeed drastic, but they also came with MASSIVE benefits. Everyone happily obliged despite the required effort specifically because there was no debate on whether the new thing was better than the old thing outside of minor technicalities.

    Did we lose a few features in the move each time that made some addons impossible to port? Yeah, sure. But in return we gained a lot more, and C3 has evolved way beyond what we were hoping at the time.

    My main worry with SDK v2 is not that it is a breaking change, far from it. It's that it's a breaking change, and so far I am unconvinced that it actually solves the issues it's trying to solve.

    I can definitely see a scenario where everything turns out fine, and it actually leads to better cooperation between Scirra and addon devs, and we end up with a much cleaner addon ecosystem overall, but this relies on significant effort and goodwill from both parties. I wanna thank Mikal and EMI INDO for leading that march, by suggesting improvements to SDK v2 and upgrading the tools we use to be compatible with V2 already.

    I personally don't have much time to contribute anything meaningful just yet as I'm busy with a billion other things, but I genuinely hope to see things move in a positive direction by the time I can.

    At least, this is a good time to demonstrate the significant value provided for free by the goodwill of the people in this community. Many people (and not only addon devs) are working hard in silence to make Construct a better engine and to make its community more welcoming, and often don't get a lot of recognition for it.

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    I guess you haven't had to deal with desperate customers begging you to fix their ruined project and been unable to help?

    I've been doing consulting work on Construct project for many many years. Dealing with panicked developers begging me to help them fix an issue that might kill their games is a thing I do fairly often.

    Also, as a 3rd party addon developer, this is also a thing I do, and I've had to deal with it most of the time for free and on my free time.

    Please, please, please please please please don't do that.

    Please understand I am not saying that to make you panick, I am just trying to explain that things often take the path of least resistance, and with the way v2 is currently designed, I believe that this is a possible outcome that might happen.

    Again, I will always do my best to cooperate, but I cannot tell you with a straight face that no other dev will ever attempt this.

    The downside of accessing engine internals is ruining customer's projects.

    Also, please take into consideration that often not doing these changes might also mean the end of the project as well. If the "good" alternative means rewriting large chunks of a game's system which might take months, then it's just not going to happen. These developers are always on tight deadlines, and often with publishers looming, or with player sentiment dwindling, which means that it's often perceived as just as bad.

    Also, most of the issues regarding possible long term failure in the long run can be addressed simply by asking the developer to stick to a single Construct 3 version. This is also why I've requested multiple times in the past to let addons access the current version number to be able to properly gate against long term failure.

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    Even then, the more I think about it the more I realise that the way addon SDK v2 is designed right now can only lead to more issues, or less addons.

    In the future, when addon devs will inevitably reach the same problems we've faced with v1 (aka feature exists in C3 but is undocumented because arbitrary reasons, and Scirra doesn't want to add it because of other constraints) we will be left with only radical options.

    For example, I recently made a SetFOV addon that contains essentially 4 lines of code. These same 4 lines of code are now in C3, but at the time the only way to do that would have been to access runtime internals.

    For such an addon, the new way to do it according to the ideal design is to write my own camera system. However, the camera system in C3 is deeply tied to the layout system and the canvas renderer. So I need to rewrite those as well.

    So now, to be able to change the FOV of my game I am left with 3 options:

    - Beg scirra to add it

    - Do even more aggressive engine hacks

    - Write my own renderer

    None of these options are good. None of these options are workable.

    Let's take another example:

    In my addon Reset Variable, I access the class that manages the variables inside of C3's event sheet system. All variables (global, local, static) have an internal "reset value" function, but C3 only exposes an action to reset ALL global variables.

    There is no way to reset ONE variable, and there is no way to reset local variables (static or not). Which means the engine has a feature that exists, works and is just there, but does not use it at all, and does not want me to use it.

    With V2, I am left with the following choices:

    - replace the event variable class with my own class that gives me access, which is a BIG engine hack

    - write my own system that, every tick, tracks the value of event variables, stores initial states, and lets me set their values to the stored initial state. This would create a lot of issues related to state sync, because there is no way to be 100% sure the value I am currently holding is correct.

    - write my own variable system that is completely decorrelated from every other feature in C3.

    Again, none of these options are good, which means the only solution is to not make that addon.

    Now you might think "oh well its fairly easy to do this with events, just use another variable" however if you're doing this on a project with several hundreds of variables, there is no way in hell this will actually be feasible. And it's especially a bad idea knowing the feature is already there and works perfectly fine.

    One last example:

    In my addon LocalStorage Snapshot I am trying to solve an issue where a game has every system deeply integrated with LocalStorage and now needs to save and load everything to and from a file instead.

    What this addon does is use the undocumented features C3 has to get all the data currently saved to C3's localStorage system, package it all in a JSON string, and allows me to load that JSON string back into the system.

    The only way to do this with V2 would be to copy paste C3's localstorage system on both worker and domside and mess with the final indexedDB it saves to and pulls from, which might create conflicts. Also, if at any point in the future, C3's localstorage system changes, my addon explodes and creates issues whereas the first implementation has good chances to keep working, and even if it fails, it's very likely it's just a matter of changing what functions to call which is far easier to maintain that to rewrite the entire thing.

    These addons have all been made and published to solve very real problems people I've helped have encountered. The solutions are far from ideal, sure, but with addon SDK v2, the alternatives become far worse, and IMO, would lead to way bigger issues down the line.

    It reminds me of how back in the Construct 2 days people would copy paste addons, change 5 lines of code and republish them as "Text+" and that lead to issues whenever the main Text object would get a new feature because we'd now have 2 separate codebases to maintain.

    In Construct 3, this issue was largely avoided because the engine internals made it easy to do these simple changes while keeping the main code base the same, and while keeping the risks of failure relatively low. Losing access to this means the only alternative will be to go back to how things were done in C2 aka copy chunks of the engine into your addon just to be able to access one feature, or change one value.

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    I'm sure additional tools will be developed, just as they were for Construct 2, to assist with the conversion of plugins from the old to the new system.

    It sure would be nice! I wonder what ethereal entity makes these tools.

    In general, I agree with the concept that the SDK v2 will be better in the long run, but it is very dismissive to look at what I and many other devs have spent years working on being basically rendered useless and say "eh I'm sure it's gonna be fine :)"

    I do promise I will do my best to port my own addons, cooperate as much as I can with Scirra, and help write any tools that could help with porting, but also there are 282 addons that need to be ported right now, just counting the ones listed on Scirra's addon exchange page (so excluding the ones on github, on itch and the ones made in private) and last time it took us multiple years to port like 100 of them from C2 to C3.

    I used to maintain a database of what was and wasn't ported back in the day, and looking at the list there are a good amount of C2 addons that were never ported fully to C3 (with C3runtime)

  • Hi,

    does anyone have a good way to detect when the SOL is empty? Like I want to check when a given object type has 0 objects that fit into a filter. Right now I'm doing this, but I don't know if it's a good way to do it

    (The thought process being that if the SOL is empty, the condition will not run, and thus the else block will be true)

  • Hi,

    I feel this is a much better reply, and this is something I can perfectly align with.

    Again, I trust you with your expertise as you've repeatedly proven to make hard calls in good faith and I trust that you will abide by that once again.

    My main point during all of this was never to argue against what you feel is a move in the right direction, it's always been to convince you to be mindful of what you will hurt in the process. I am sure everyone here would love to help as time goes on to move towards a better designed SDK, so I just hope to see this move towards something that can still let us use the engine appropriately for our games.

    I just want to be able to keep using Construct for my games, that is all.

  • Again, I understand. But what am I supposed to do? Beg for features only for them to be added in 9 months on average?

    That's my entire point. There is no alternative.

    If C3 had a proper 3rd party addon versioning system like it does for vanilla addons, again that would not be as much of an issue. I could just make my addon for all the versions prior to the one that adds the feature in the future and all is well.

    But with both a restrictive SDK and a lack of versioning system, there is just nothing left.

  • The issue is not "not being able to customize the engine as much".

    The issue is the lack in alternatives.


    1) the documented API is not broad enough to cover every use case, especially for niche but very important features

    2) The ideas board is moving way too slowly to keep up with the needs of everyone, and there is no roadmap to even be able to tell in what vague direction Scirra is moving

    3) There is no proper channel of communication between Scirra and power users, so there is no way for us to help even if we wanted to.

    For years, this has left us with our only option being ignoring warnings and just using undocumented features.

    Let's take a simple example that has been hammered a few times in this conversation: my SetFOV addon. The addon is something like 6 lines long. C3 perfectly supports a variable FOV by virtue of it being editable in the editor. Changing it at runtime is as simple as updating the FOV value and updating the camera. This feature has been asked repeatedly pretty much ever since the 3D camera was released, yet it has still not been added by Scirra.

    In the future will we just be expected to sit down and possibly wait years for a feature so absolutely basic to be added, with no good way to even tell if it might be coming until it just appears one day?

    90% of my undocumented feature usage is for features you have partially exposed and so that I know you will absolutely maintain, but where the specific thing I need just isn't exposed for some reason. This is done with the knowledge that in the worst case scenario you might just rework the whole thing but you're not gonna remove it because the feature exists in the software (i.e. I know changing the FOV will not suddenly stop being possible because you completely overhauled the camera system, it will just need to be done differently)

  • Again, I understand your point and reasoning, but I frankly don't know how you can look at your userbase dead in the eye and say "this change you all unanimously find stupid is great for you actually".

    Maybe it will be in 2030 when the SDK v2 reaches a point of maturity where it's usable enough to make stuff with, but again the whole issue is we're all making games today not in 6 years. The scripting runtime came out years ago and it's arguably only reached "fairly usable" status this year. I have no reason to believe a complete rearchitecture of the SDK won't feel like 1000 steps backwards for the next 5 years.

    I still think a version range would be a good thing to do to neatly notify users that an addon might not be the right version installed btw, beyond all of this.

    + You say that people will be in development hell if they can't update due to a 3rd party addon but drastically changing the entire SDK structure sounds like the best way to make that happen on a large scale. Do you just expect people to port all of the addons to that new even more limited SDK for free?

    Hell, even if they wanted to, a lot of the most popular addons that have been commonly used for almost a decade at this point might straight up not be compatible.

    To me, this all sounds like the best way to create a mass exodus of users. Still, you seem dead set in doing things your way and there seems to be no words I can say that will convince you to listen, so all I can do is hope you keep your promise of actually doing your best to make that change be as non disruptive as possible for everyone. I will keep giving you the benefit of the doubt and trust your decisions, but you don't make it easy.