skymen's Forum Posts

  • GameeApp Hi! I'd really like to use the ghost and replay modes but I saw that they are not available here. I really think that using them would add a lot to the game I'm making so I'm asking if it's possible to add them. Or if you can't, do you allow me to modify the plugin in order to make them available?

  • Hello, Pantsu Champion

    Pretty much everything has been said in this thread.

    Construct 2 doesn't really encrypt files on export so you can extract them when they're being cached (in the case of a web game) or from the files in case of a desktop export.

    The protection is fairly basic, and code is much more protected than assets.

    Some games have suffered from this as we said. I'm thinking of The Next Penelope by Aurélien Regard (that you can find on steam) that had its assets stolen and reused in a commercial project.

    However, as Ashley said at some point, encrypting the assets doesn't prevent anyone from actually stealing them like in any other software as you can just grab them from the RAM or from the temporary files that are created.

    This thread is a year old and since then my own opinion changed on the subject. At the time I thought that we really needed encryption, but right now I don't think that a powerful encryption is really that mandatory. Primarily because 3rd party software can offer the same kind of service for free (or not) and that in the case of stolen assets which can happen anyway the copytight protection services are there to help, like in the case of The Next Penelope where the game was removed in under a few hours.

    When it comes to actual experiences, nobody ever stole any of my assets. Right now the only guy I'm sure had this happen to him is Aurélien Regard, but I recommend you try contacting developers from big Construct 2 games and ask them directly as this thread is pretty much dead and your chances of getting an answer here are pretty slim.

  • Heads up Waltuo andreyin the new version has been approved! It has both the new speed value and the capxs with no 3rd party plugins except mine.

    As always, feedback is appreciated .

  • GameeApp Hey. I'm not sure how I may use the controllers you're providing in the JS API. Or should I only use keyboard and mouse inputs?

    EDIT: NVM this was answered already.

  • Waltuo Ok I successfully added speed to the tags.

    You can now either use it like this

    <X/Y/A Mode Strength Speed>[/code:u01ylprm]
    For example:
    [code:u01ylprm]<X Wave 25 150>[/code:u01ylprm]
    Or you can remove the strength value and leave a space to use its default value, like this:
    [code:u01ylprm]<X/Y/A Mode  Speed>[/code:u01ylprm]
    For example:
    [code:u01ylprm]<X Wave  150>[/code:u01ylprm]
    Please note the two spaces between Wave and 150 as it is really important. If there is only one space, 150 will be passed in as a Strength value.
    I already updated the showcase to account for this change, so you can try it right here:
    This change will be available in the next update (aka as soon as Scirra accepts the update request on the store)
  • Waltuo I will try to add them for the next update.

    andreyin No indeed they are not necessary and I removed them. I'll put them in the next update.

    In the meantime here they are:!lxl3hJ7K!ZM-i48W_lCSQ ... YdRDaBBrT8!45UngYTB!tpdY7jxAml-p ... H_bXu8rxGE

    newt Indeed changing dt does indeed change the speed of the animation (except the Shake one as it's based on random, so you can't really have a "speed" for that). However I still think that being able to change speed case by case is better as timescale can sometimes work weirdly, and it's still a global value, so not that flexible.

  • Waltuo Hi,

    At the moment it is not possible, however I can add it in, but it would make using tags for animation a bit harder: You'd need to add another value to the tag containing the speed value. (aka <X Swing> becomes <X Swing 25 25>)

    I guess I could use a thing that makes it so the default value for strength is used.

    Or I can make it a global value that applies the same speed to everything.

    Tell me what you would like to have in more details and I'll try to add it in if you really need it.

  • GameeApp Are we allowed to submit more than one game? If yes what does it imply?

  • Is that 5mb limit important? It greatly limits the type and number of assets we can use. That means that most games with HD assets will not manage to get under that limit easily. It would probably get crushed with just a few backgrounds.

  • Hey all. I published a new plugin to the Scirra store about a month ago and I forgot to ever talk about it.

    Basically, when I published my Text Alignement plugin during the summer, I wanted to do the same for Spritefont too.


    But I also wanted to add a lot more features to it, including per character animation.

    This lead to lots of hours spent doing it and it was finally released at the beginning of 2018.

    You can try it out here:

    You can see a quick implementation of it here:

    You can learn how to use it here:

    You can get it here: ... eluxe-4093

    I appreciate any feedback, so if you like the product, find a bug or feel like something could be improved, please tell me, and I'll do my best to meet your demands.

  • Spritefont Deluxe — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This product contains the plugin SpritefontDX and the behavior SpritefontDX+.</p><p>The new features of the plugin (compared to Spritefont+) are:</p><h3>1 - Parameters</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • "None" wrapping mode
    • Alignements now with a value from 0 to 100.
    • "Clamp Alignement" that clamps alignement between 0 and 100.

    <h3>2 - Actions</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Redraw
    • Set [Horizontal/Vertical] Alignement
    • Set Character position array: allows you to pass a C2Array in JSON format to control individual character position and angle
    • Set clamp alignement
    • Set wrapping

    <h3>3 - Expressions</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • CharPos: Returns the character position array
    • HAlign: Returns the horizontal alignement
    • VAlign: Returns the vertical alignement
    • FullTextWidth: Returns the width of the text if it was drawn on a single line.

    <h3>4 - Other</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Long words on word wrapping mode (aka words so long that they, alone, are wider than the object) now wrap by character. This only affects the concerned word.

    <p>The behavior SpritefontDX+ ONLY works with SpritefontDX. Any use of it on any other Spritefont plugin may cause some bugs.</p><p>Its new features are:</p><h3>1 - Parameters</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Refresh Mode: If set on Auto, the behavior will take care of redrawing the text. If on Manual, you will need to use the plugin's Redraw Action.
    • Refresh Rate: The number of frames the plugin should skip before redrawing. Aka, the text wil redraw every X frames.

    <h3>2 - Actions</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Set Text: Allows you to set the text with tags that will be used to generate a character position array that will then be passed to the plugin for single character animation.
    • Set Refresh Mode
    • Set Refresh Rate

    <h3>3 - Expressions</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • TextToArray: Returns the generated array from the passed text containing tags
    • TextToParsed: Returns the cleaned text from a text containing tags.

    <h3>4 - Other</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>A huge part of this plugin lies in the fact that it supports per character positionning. All of this is explained in the 3rd demo. I recommend you try all 3 as they are a lot better than words at explaining stuff.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Spritefont Deluxe

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  • Hey all.

    I've been pretty silent recently because I didn't have much time to work on anything.

    But I'm back with a new plugin I've been working on for quite a while: Spritefont++

    Basically, here is what it does:

    The plugin is somewhat ready, still needs some bugfixing, and I'll make a behavior that adds a few optional features to make its use easier.

  • Hi, I'd like to report a bug.

    The converter won't port ACES to aces.json properly if a ";" is missing at some point.

    And as it works with or without the ";" (and in the template provided, the commented lines for ACES Params don't have any ";") there may be cases, like mine where part of the ACES in edittime.js lack said ";".

    AddStringParam("Tag", "Enter the tag to reference")
    AddExpression(6, ef_return_number, "Layer", "Movement", "Layer", "Returns the Layer of a tag");[/code:8af6cue3]
    For instance, this wouldn't let expressions convert properly.
    You may wanna take this into account for any next update you'll be doing.
  • I'll try to look into it

  • You're welcome! If you think I can add anything, feel free to tell me.