Spritefont Deluxe — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!
<p>This product contains the plugin SpritefontDX and the behavior SpritefontDX+.</p><p>The new features of the plugin (compared to Spritefont+) are:</p><h3>1 - Parameters</h3><div class="deshr"></div>
- "None" wrapping mode
- Alignements now with a value from 0 to 100.
- "Clamp Alignement" that clamps alignement between 0 and 100.
<h3>2 - Actions</h3><div class="deshr"></div>
- Redraw
- Set [Horizontal/Vertical] Alignement
- Set Character position array: allows you to pass a C2Array in JSON format to control individual character position and angle
- Set clamp alignement
- Set wrapping
<h3>3 - Expressions</h3><div class="deshr"></div>
- CharPos: Returns the character position array
- HAlign: Returns the horizontal alignement
- VAlign: Returns the vertical alignement
- FullTextWidth: Returns the width of the text if it was drawn on a single line.
<h3>4 - Other</h3><div class="deshr"></div>
- Long words on word wrapping mode (aka words so long that they, alone, are wider than the object) now wrap by character. This only affects the concerned word.
<p>The behavior SpritefontDX+ ONLY works with SpritefontDX. Any use of it on any other Spritefont plugin may cause some bugs.</p><p>Its new features are:</p><h3>1 - Parameters</h3><div class="deshr"></div>
- Refresh Mode: If set on Auto, the behavior will take care of redrawing the text. If on Manual, you will need to use the plugin's Redraw Action.
- Refresh Rate: The number of frames the plugin should skip before redrawing. Aka, the text wil redraw every X frames.
<h3>2 - Actions</h3><div class="deshr"></div>
- Set Text: Allows you to set the text with tags that will be used to generate a character position array that will then be passed to the plugin for single character animation.
- Set Refresh Mode
- Set Refresh Rate
<h3>3 - Expressions</h3><div class="deshr"></div>
- TextToArray: Returns the generated array from the passed text containing tags
- TextToParsed: Returns the cleaned text from a text containing tags.
<h3>4 - Other</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>A huge part of this plugin lies in the fact that it supports per character positionning. All of this is explained in the 3rd demo. I recommend you try all 3 as they are a lot better than words at explaining stuff.</p>
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