sizcoz's Forum Posts

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    A problem we've always had is finding other ways to drive revenue. Asset store profit we make wouldn't cover even 1 employees salary/costs, and there are ~8 of us at the moment. It's a nice thing to have to help, but will never come close to our core product.

    Secondly, our strength is that we do mainly focus on our core product! Spending our time creating assets/templates etc to sell would ultimately take away from that. We'd rather just play to our strengths.

    Thats 8x 31K average programmer wages in the uk with 5-10 years experience , divided by 99 usd, You will have to have 2,505 subscriptions per year alone to cover the wages, thats not accounting for overheads !

    But I'm sure you have worked all that out

    Like I said earlier, I'm not judging on a product I know little about, the next few weeks will be interesting to say the least.

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    We've got a much bigger team now, (compared to when it was just me and Ash in our mums house all those years ago). We have an MD who takes a lot of administrative burden off me so I can work more on web development stuff and is helping grow the business, Laura doing social media and engaging with the community (we felt we needed to increase communication with the user base), Diego and Iain who are both full time developers working on Construct 3 with Ashley, and we currently have Paulo in house doing lots of graphical work, and Julien of course always being a huge help in the forum and with support emails No one is a dead weight, everyone is working very hard for Scirra and doing great work. A lot of it is behind the scenes, at least for a little longer.

    You have come a long way from working at Ma's house to purchasing a premises, paying staff wages, corporation tax etc, as long as your original passion, enthusiasm and commitment does not get watered down by the mechanics of business, I say well done, hat's off to you, it's encouraging to see a British success story.

    I'm sure you have a great product to entice us with, only time will tell.

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  • Hi i would like to achive this:

    when the player beat a special boss, a screenshot is taken from the app and then sended to an email, how can i achieve that?

    You can certainly send an html email with a picture embeded, I dont know about a screenshot from android, but you could send one from pc.

    I have a tutorial to send a basic email here

    To add a picture all you have to do is add an html element inside, the php, example below.


    $date=date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A');

    $msg ="<html>



    table {

    font-family: arial, sans-serif;

    border-collapse: collapse;

    width: 100%;


    td, th {

    border: 1px solid black;

    border-collapse: collapse;

    padding: 8px;


    th {background-color: DarkKhaki ;

    text-align: center;


    td {background-color: OliveDrab ;}

    td {color: white ;

    text-align: center;}





    <th>Picture sent on $date</th>


    <img src=\"\">



    //email information

    $to = '';

    $subject = "test1";

    $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";

    $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";

    $headers .= 'From: ' . "\r\n" .

    'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .

    'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();



    This only uses php mail, and no other plugin or mailer

    This is tested, and works, It might go in your junk mail, and takes a while to be received, good luck.

  • Anyone got ideas how to handle this:

    The platform behavior doesn't sync perfectly with moving platforms that are moved either manually or with a sine behavior.

    This works with jumping down to period 2 sine, with no jumping problems

    Which is probably fast enough for moving platforms

    Edit: forgot to say, lovely looking game.

  • I haven't been able to get my gun to use only a restricted field of view for targeting. For example there is an enemy behind the vehicle the gun is pinned to and once you pass this enemy the gun still continues to track to the rear which is not what I need. I tried various ways using the turret actions but still have the issue of it remaining pointing in the last position it fired from, I need the gun to return to the forward parked position as it was before it had line of sight to an enemy. A pretty simple setup just a vehicle with a pinned gun that can only traverse about 45 degrees maximum. I would use one both sides a left and right. Does anyone have any recommendation how to accomplish this knowing it can only turn 45 degrees and then back to 0 or forward. Everything works fine except this return to front. I tried the turret and then tried the line of sight actions still it does not return to the front.

    Better off in the 'how do I' section

    Anyway I hope this is something along the lines that you were looking for.

    Browser example

    Capx of example

  • Shameless bump, for any feedback.

    Cheers, and merry Xmas to all construct2'ers

  • +1 would be another asset.

  • TRAILER 1:

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    TRAILER 2:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    FREE: ... om.sn_demo

    COMPLETE: ... .snakebyte


    Nice, I've always liked snake.

  • I want to set and change a text object based on several different choices. Something like this:

    But, I want to have a lot more choices, say 100 for each blank. What would be a good way to go about doing this? I thought about using arrays but I don't know where to start.

    Thank you.

    Here is a Version using an Array, it should be easy to understand 3 Events 1 project file.

    The only advantage in using an array is that you can change the data on your server easily, as it is only a data file.

    I used this method for the levels in my game, to set the positions, width and size of the platforms e.t.c

    To edit the project file just double click it, it should open with notepad, then you can change the file data, just make sure if you change the size, to specify it in the file.

  • [quote:1dg5dc8p]


    I took a look at it and I think the problem is that the buttons don't have any z-order actions...

    If you could replace the button objects with sprites then you could rearrange the z-order, but I don't know if your CSS code will work with sprites.(I never used CSS in C2)

    Thanks for your reply,

    I can use Sprites, but that's a load of animations to do that, to achieve the same effect, that's achieved with one picture file only.

    In css the browser does all the work, so its fast, normally even on mobile.

    Form controls sit on top of the canvas, so the only way to z order is through css, but I cant work out how to implement this into construct2's expressions, in css there is a z-order command, but I cant get it working, maybe I need to attach a .css project file with javascipt?.

    Hope someone can give some guidance?


  • >

    > hmm, have a look at the capx, i wil send it to you, pm


    I didn't receive any pms...


  • >

    > > I'd appreciate a capx, yes.

    > >

    > > I don't know how you perform the flipping atm, but I'd just simply lerp (or qerp, whatever you prefer) the width to zero, spawn a new Sprite with the appropriate card face and width 0, destroy the cardback and then lerp back to the initial width.

    > >

    > > You could simply put that card on top of the z-order at any point of the lerps.

    > >


    > capx sent


    > Hope, it makes sense?, Z-order construct does not apply here .....!


    Try when you click on the card to set it's z order to top of layer/in front of the other cards:

    (Ex code) On left clicked on object "card" -> card - z order - move to top

    hmm, have a look at the capx, i wil send it to you, pm

  • I'd appreciate a capx, yes.

    I don't know how you perform the flipping atm, but I'd just simply lerp (or qerp, whatever you prefer) the width to zero, spawn a new Sprite with the appropriate card face and width 0, destroy the cardback and then lerp back to the initial width.

    You could simply put that card on top of the z-order at any point of the lerps.

    capx sent

    Hope, it makes sense?, Z-order construct does not apply here .....!

  • Ok

    Been thinking about a card game, I have sorted out how to flip the cards with css, but when I flip them the z-order needs to be reversed?, i will provide a capx, If anyone can seriously help?

    look at where I am at, you can pick any card, and they turn over, but then they keep thier z order (which is not what I want), so have a look and see if you can come up with a solution?

    Example here :

    So to recap, I want the picked card to be on top

    Probably only works in chrome at present

    Many thanks

  • Looking sweet

    did you do the boat floating on water with actual collision or is that boat position scripted?

    This is the basics of the code I wrote a long time ago, could do with optimising a little.

    Dont forget to leave a review on google play !!, be kind ---- cheers-----