Sir's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • is there a playable demo to test? the demo in the store's website is off the air.

  • blackhornet I'm very grateful to you.

    I'm learning a lot here, thank you very much.

    I need to study more, but I'm very happy with what I'm doing.

    I clearly see my mistakes, thanks for the explanation

    And an extra thank you very much for capx

  • Does anyone have any suggestions or another idea on how to do this?

  • Thanks Striimix

  • have a chance to fix the capx link? ^^

  • there is a playable demo?

    There will be elements of survival?

    Caves and dungeons will have procedural generation?

    Anxious to explore this micro universe

  • My brother, how beautiful!

    This game is divine. More investment in it and it becomes a masterpiece.

    My congratulations

  • Hey Man, i tried and i like this a lot. (i'm not native speaking english, but i will try express me)

    I spend like +2h and conquered 50+ bases, found 3 bug and have some sugestions:


    -the number of base conquered change for 4 in the "boos fight" and in next sector change for normal

    -when you are a max ugrade, in the 3 first weapons when you click in de upgrade buttom, you gain the cost of the upgrade in money (the two types)

    -when you are in the menu upgrade and you click em menu buton in de corner, the graphics change likewise you activated and deactivated the tactical pause


    -make a speed upgradeble in the ship

    -make a guided missile for player and enemys

    -make small enemy, more fast

    -make the huge enemy more huge and more resistent, is easy defeat 4 at de same time with high upgrades

    -the order of de "money" in hud and in menu is not de same, make this confusing (the process to upgrade, collet money, and healing is confuse too)

    -put more them one node to trace a trajectory in de tatical pause (can be a upgrad)

    -make the "fog of war" more dark

    -in high level this game gets unbalanced (easy , you kill fast, but the enimes can kill you fast to if in groups)

    -make the "boss" huge one come with two fast and weak patrol ships with him

    I hated de fact of enemy can go outside screen em return healed [rs] and i cant use half speed pressing shift

    in general is a very good and optimizade game, the art is very beautiful, i like this, great work

  • Hi! Every one, i have some problem here (I not native speak English, so sorry for any error)

    I'm making a menu and translation system for my game, but two things are not working (my capx is in the final of post if you need look)

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question"> When I am with the 'language option' selected, I would like that when you press 'space' the idiom changes to the next one and when you reach the last one, you turn to the first. I try many possibilities, but nothing work, but for me make sense (in the capx there other functional possibility, with one key for every language <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad"> )

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question"> I have 3 json archives ('string.en', '', '') i load the json of selectioned language in a dictionary.

    In the json (load as dictonary) as the key and the value. For exemple, the key 'mastervol' in 'string.en' its value is 'Master Vol', in '' its value is 'Vol Mestre' and in '' its value is 'Vol Maestro'.

    I use for text in the menu a 'sprite font' called 'menu_select'. Every 'sprite font' is the same with a different instance caled 'opt'. For exemple 'menu_select' whit the text

    "Fullscreen" has 'opt' 'fullscreen' and 'menu_select' whit the text "Master Vol" has 'opt' 'mastervol'.

    I need when you change the language, the function 'update_text' pick the 'menu_select' with the instance 'opt' and change its text to the 'value' of the 'key' equal to the 'opt' instance of the same 'menu_select'. but my code don't work for this, but work for 'menu_stts' whith the instance 'opt'.

    There's two 'menu_stts', one for fullscreen on/off (whit instance 'opt' equal 'full_stts') and other for selected language (whit instance 'opt' equal 'lang_stts').

    When i set to change the text of 'menu_stts' and check the parameter is equal the 'opt' he change only one... but the same method not change in 'menu_select'

    Why i do worng? is possible pick a value off a key equal a instance and change the text for only the object that have this same instance?

    If someone can help me I will be very grateful, I am learning a lot here in the forum, i had read and read lots of articles, but none of them gave me that answer <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    CAPX ... .capx?dl=0

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  • Try losing the quotation marks in the parameter brackets - eg dictionary.Get(sprite.inst)

    Putting it in quotation marks will make it interpret that as a string

    I've been breaking my head for hours and I've researched and found nothing, I think I need to sleep

  • I calculate a function about volume and db :

    If db 0 = original volume, -10 is half, 10 is double ( but max is 0), then :

    Volume = 2 ^ ( db / 10 )

    db = 10 * log( Volume ) / log( 2 )

    Range of value:

    0 <= Volume <= 1;

    1 = original volume, 0 = silence.

    -Infinity ( or -60 for human ear ) <= db <= 0 ;

    0 = original volume, -Infinity or -60 = silence.

    And I made a little sample capx about fade in/out.

    Here is Sample : ... index.html

    And capx : ... sp=sharing

    not sure is it correct, but sounds good to me.

    If you cannot hear the sound please wait a second or refresh. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />


    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised" /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised" /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised" /> YOU ARE A MASTER OF SOUND <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" />

    thanks a lot

    I spent two days breaking my head for this and nothing (until now <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /> )

  • Hi! Can anybody help me?

    I need to use the text of an instance within a parameter.

    I have an 'sprite' with an 'instance' called "inst" and with the text "example" placed on it.

    I Need to call a function that has 'dictionary.Get("any text here")' but like 'dictionary.Get("Parameter(0)")' and the "any text here" or 'parameter' is the text of the 'image' 'instance'

    but I can not seem to put the 'instance' as text, if i put 'dictionary.Get("Parameter(0)")' or 'dictionary.Get("sprite.inst")' the function will search 'Parameter(0)' or 'image.inst' like text form instead 'example", the text in the instance.

    Anyone in good heart would have a solution to put an text of a instance in a parameter, like above?

  • Someone would have a link to this plugin?

  • 13 posts