silvereon's Forum Posts

  • Hi folks

    I've tried searching for this but i cant seem to get a tutorial of how to get it working in C2.

    Is there a tutorial im not seeing? What i'm after is something that takes steps to detail what events are to be used (and if another layout is required/preferred for this) - and the google side of things (i got as far as making a new App listing draft and adding the IAP object to my project).

    What Im trying to accomplish is the disabling of admob when players purchase the In-App product on and Android App/device.

    I'm using XDK Crosswalk, built-in C2 IAP and Admob objects (apparently the IAP now works with xdk, just have to supply link to the plugin or something)

  • Its all good, I just ended up re-doing the enemy sprites to make it work. Gameplay before Graphics and all.

    Thanks anyway for the help!

  • Im trying to achieve a double barrier yes, but the barrier itself is smaller than the main enemy (hence why i have to disable the main enemy's collision as the barrier doesnt cover the whole thing).

    Think of it like the barriers attract the bullets so the enemy doesnt get hurt. If you look at the graphic i uploaded on my first post, pinned object 2 is the top layer which has to go first in order to break down the next barrier. But since the next barrier (pinned object 1) is not bigger than the main enemy, its collision doesnt cover the enemy. So what im trying to do is:

    1 - when pinned object 2 (green) is destroyed, enable pinned object 1's (grey-green) collision.

    2 - If pinned object 2 is not present (in relation to the main it was parented to) and pinned object 1 is destroyed (again, a check must be run to see if its associated with the parent its pinned to), enable (parent - blue) main's collision.


    I've set the enemies, barriers 1 and barriers 2 to their own families so when i call for families to be created, they're randomized. The main's start off with no barrier, then as time progresses the barrier 1 is spawned, and then after more time has passed - barrier 2 is added on top of all. Again, the barriers are layered and dont completely cover the main.

    [edit: even though i've got them being spawned randomly, i have different condition->events on each individual object and all the families working correctly too - as in each object can only be destroyed a certain way) I'll download your example (thank you both by the way for the help its very much appreciated) - and check them out. You're probably right and there's probably a better logic for this and my brain is just to sizzled to see it right now. If it still doesnt make sense, i'll try and get out a capx (the project is quite heavily into production and its in caproj format).
  • Had a read through of that. If I understand it right, if one of the objects in the container gets created, the other objects get created automatically? Is there a way to create containers dynamically? The scenario i have is that one object gets layered over the other over time so i cant have them all created right at the beginning.

  • Hi folks, I have a bit of a problem that I cant seem to find a solution to online.

    I have layered pinned objects (two of objects) parented to a larger object. I have the parent collision disabled. I also have the middle layer (pinned 1) collision disabled.

    The logic i'm trying to solve is (i've uploaded an example graphic): when bullet hits object pinned 2 (bullet path 1), I want the collision on pinned 1 to activate but keep main parent collision disabled. When second bullet (path 2) hits object pinned 1 - then I want main parent to have collisions activated.


    I've tried assigning uid's to each instance, then swapping the stored uid values around but it keeps ignoring collisions after the first object (pinned 2) is destroyed. I think i may have messed up the logic or lost track of what values are getting stored to where :S


  • yeh i found the problem - the keys i had were old and i forgot the pin to them. I re-installed new keys (after cleaning out old key installation) and it worked :)

    cheers :)

  • Hey guys, running into a bit of a problem trying to test out a pipeline for bb10 exports. I followed the scirra blog tutorial on exporting to bb10 but at the deploy part im getting:

    result::failure 881 required signatures missing (RDK, AUTHOR)

    i've tried googling but could find a relevant answer.

    Anything im missing?

  • thanks crain! same as bluephaze's solution which worked :)

  • Awesome! thanks for the help, that did it!

  • Hi folks - just need a little help here. I've gotten close to what I'm after but there seems to be a bit of a big in what i've done.

    I've gotten the random spawning of enemies happening and in my first test, i have the first single enemy run to the player within a certain range of the player's approach. When I've set up the random spawn events, only one enemy follows runs to the player and then all created instance copy the motion of the first enemy. Im probably not making sense here - so i've provided the messy capx (below).

    I've placed the enemy (one for now) in a family and set the events for that family.

    I need each created instance to run to the player, not just synchronise to the first instance (or whichever instance its actually working on). I tried pathfinding but i dont think i did it right.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Managed to sort it out. For anyone interested:

    created transparent collision sprite 'checkpoint'

    created transparent collision sprite 'Spawner'

    when character enters collision of checkpoint, move spawner to checkpoint position.

    You can then CTRL+Click/drag the checkpoint sprite across your level.

  • Dont know if this works for you guys, but i just had the same problem and i managed (only just now but its been there for a while) to solve it on my project. The order of actions apparently matter. I had a 'death' sprite get spawned on player destroy. That death sprite had a bullet behaviour - I did the spawn action first, then i needed to set off bullet speed and then give it the angle.

  • Maybe another easier way to do this?

  • Hi guys

    I've tried searching this but cant find an answer. Im trying to get my player to respawn at a last specific safe spot ie on a platform just before a fall to death. I thought about placing a transparent collision box with a bool variable set to trigger true once the player enters it, so if he falls, he should respawn to last true variable bool. Problem is, I dont think that would work since i dont know how to set all other instances' bool to false.

    Is that the wrong way to go about it?

  • Hey guys,

    sorry to bump an old thread, but it seemed close to what im after.

    I've made instances of a collision box in my scene - lets say I have two doors, from same object. When I add the text instance variable to the first door, the second door inherits that variable too. Am i doing something wrong? I really dont want to have to clone that object if I dont have to.

    Also when I rename the instance in the Properties panel, it renames for all instances with the same name (which leads me to think its changing the properties of the actual object and passing it to all instances). Is this the case? Is the only way to have instances independent from their source is to clone them in the Object Types folder?